Page 81 of Two of a Kind
Hannah shrugged, and Drew was beginning to understand why Maisie would get so frustrated with the gesture. Hannah pointed to an envelope on the table, pushing it closer to Drew. “She left this. I have no idea what’s inside, but the envelope came from Dan King’s office.”
Drew’s insides went cold. There was only one thing that she could think of that came from a lawyer’s office. Divorce papers.
Had it really come to that?
Drew clutched the envelope with both hands but couldn’t make her fingers cooperate enough to open it. She was still sitting like that, Hannah staring at her like she’d lost her mind, when their dad entered.
“Morning,” he said with a yawn.
“Maisie’s gone,” Hannah said, her tone overflowing with reproach. “It’s Drew’s fault.”
“What’s this?” Drew’s dad frowned, joining them at the table without even bothering to pour his coffee first. That could only mean he thought the situation was as serious as Drew did. He pointed to the envelope, which was starting to bend at the corners from how tightly Drew was holding it. “That’s from Dan. Is it what I think?”
Drew swallowed hard, offering a slight shrug.
Hannah’s head swiveled to their dad. “What is it? What do you think?”
Drew shut her eyes tightly. “I reckon Maisie’s divorcing me.”
“What?” Hannah screeched. “You and Maisie are married?”
“What’s that?” Cord asked, his voice booming as he came into the kitchen. “You and Maisie are married? Congratulations!”
“No, Cord—” Drew began.
“Where is she?” Cord’s head turned one way and then the other, searching out the missing bride.
“She left. Only that’s not true.” Hannah pointed a finger at Drew. “You pushed her away.”
“Drew, is this true?” Cord asked, exchanging a look with Andy that reminded Drew of when she was a kid and she was about to get a spanking. If only life could be that simple now. She’d gladly submit to a whoopin’ if it meant Maisie would come home and all would be forgiven.
But that would never happen. Drew didn’t deserve to be forgiven.
“It’s true. I was terrible.” Drew hung her head, resisting the urge to bang it against the kitchen table. “She spent all that time on a marketing plan, and I accused her of trying to bankrupt me and conspiring with Jolene. I think I might’ve said something mean about her not having her college degree.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Hannah demanded, her lip quivering. “Why’d you do it, Drew? She made you happy, but you had to push her away. You push everyone away. Mom did such a number on you, and you can’t see it.”
“What do you mean?” Drew was taken aback. She couldn’t recall her sister ever speaking so forcefully to her before.
“Ever since she left, you don’t let anyone get close to you, even if you love them. You push even harder, and if you’re not careful, you’re going to end up like Bob. Dying all alone because no one was there to help pick you up off the floor in time.” Hannah’s eyes brimmed and Drew felt gutted. “For your information, Iamgoing to school in Texas if I can get in. I’ll get loans and work if I have to. I don’t want anything from you.”
Hannah ran out of the kitchen, right past Cord.
“Whoa, Hannah,” Cord said, “You okay?”
Hannah didn’t stop.
Cord stood in the kitchen, his eyes digging into Drew’s.
Drew couldn’t speak but nodded for Cord to go after her.
Alone at the table with her dad, Drew felt the sting of tears in her eyes. “I really fucked up, Dad.”
He nodded, staying quiet for a moment before saying, “You gonna open the envelope?”
“I guess I’d better.” Sniffling but managing to hold back the tears, Drew slid her finger along the envelope’s seal. “She’s probably demanding half of everything. I guess I don’t blame her. She earned it, putting up with me.”
“Why do you think I gave your mother what I did?” her dad asked quietly.