Page 90 of Two of a Kind
“I understand my word isn’t good enough on this subject, and I don’t know that there’s a way to get that trust back, especially since I didn’t trust you when I needed to.” There was a hitch in Drew’s voice, and Maisie felt certain, even though she still couldn’t see Drew’s face, that the woman was about to cry. Maisie wanted nothing more than to put her arms around Drew and soothe her hurt, but she remained where she was, listening. “I want you to know I renegotiated those water rights with Whetstone, like you brilliantly suggested.”
Maisie sucked in a breath. “I gave you two suggestions.” She found her heart hammering, the answer regarding the ranch she’d come to think of as home just as cherished as Drew’s admission of love. “Which option did you choose?”
“Well, in the end, I didn’t go the scorched earth route, if that’s what you’re wondering. Like it or not, times are changing, and I’m going to have to accept that eventually. I made a fair deal with Jolene, one that will allow the deal with her developer to go through while bringing in enough for me to pay off the debt on the ranch and pay Hannah’s way when she goes to Texas next year.”
A slow smile played across Maisie’s lips. “You’re letting Hannah apply?”
Drew snorted. “Not surelettingis the right word since she’s as stubborn as a moose, but I’m giving her my blessing, and I’m ensuring she won’t be saddled with student loan debt. Naturally, she’ll always have a job on the ranch if that’s what she wants when she’s a vet.”
Maisie’s heart leaped. “Sounds like things have worked out okay since I left.”
“Maybe some things.” Drew shrugged.
“Oh, no you don’t, Drew Campbell.” Maisie pointed her finger at Drew. “No shrugs. You use your words.”
“What do you want me to say?” Drew lifted her head, and Maisie could see it all in her eyes. There wasn’t anything left that needed to be said.
“So, all I have to do to graduate is accept this internship you’re offering me, turn in my final paper, present my findings, and that’s it?” Maisie stroked her chin, acting like she hadn’t already made up her mind. “There’s a problem, though.”
“There is?” Drew looked like her heart had jumped into her throat.
Rule number one of ranch life—never miss an opportunity for teasing. “I take pride in my work, and I wasn’t quite happy with a few parts of my proposal. I think I may need to come back to the ranch. You know, for more research.”
“Just for research?”
“Maybe not.” Maisie couldn’t take the worry on Drew’s face for another second. “There’s a lot of work to be done once the proposal’s finished. I’m thinking you’d need help to implement it all. Will there be growth opportunities once the internship’s finished?”
“That’s something to consider, sure.” A smile of understanding spread across Drew’s face. “How long do you reckon you’ll need to stay?”
“Darlin’,” Maisie drawled, perfectly mimicking Drew’s twang, “I’ve got no plans to leave ever again.”
“In that case,” Drew said, jumping to her feet, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a longtime.”
Maisie’s heart leaped as she was swept up from the chair and into Drew’s arms. Letting out a holler, Drew spun Maisie in a circle before putting her down gently on the ground.
“You do know what this means?”
“What?” There was trepidation in Drew’s voice.
“You have to tell my mom we’re married.”
“M-me?” Drew stuttered. “I told my family. Tag. You’re it.”
“Not fair but we’ll table this discussion for now. There’s something I’ve been wanting to do, too, since you walked back into my life,” Maisie whispered.
“Is there?” Drew’s eyes twinkled.
Without saying a word, Maisie raised up onto her toes, put her arms around Drew’s neck, and kissed her.
Drew stepped asideas a middle-aged woman made a beeline for the farmers market tent where the Lazy C Ranch’s ever-expanding product line was on display.
“There you are!” The woman waved to Drew’s father, who was seated behind the table and looking for all the world like a proud ruler overseeing his kingdom.
“Patty!” He offered the woman a broad smile in return, shocking Drew for the millionth time since they’d opened the ranch up to tourists. Who knew her father could remember names? Or smile? “What can I help you with? Maybe some local honey to take with you on the road?”
“As a matter of fact, that sounds wonderful. Richard and I are heading home tomorrow, but we wanted to stock up on some things before we go, and we also want to ask you about that new lodging you’re building on the ranch. When will that be ready? Is there a wait list?” Patty barely stopped to take a breath, her enthusiasm overflowing. “Richard loves to golf, and since we heard there’s a new course going in right next to you, that makes the Lazy C our top summer destination for next year!”