Page 12 of Safe in His Arms
“I’m Tione,” he said, squeezing a little harder than required. “Are you here to check in?”
The guy’s eyebrows flew up at his abrupt tone. Tione wasn’t in hospitality for his social skills. “Seeley James. Is there somewhere private we can talk?”
“What’s this about?”
Seeley James cleared his throat, then checked his gaudy gold watch. “I think it would be best if we took this elsewhere.”
Tione wanted to refuse. Something about the guy rubbed him the wrong way, but guests were watching curiously and he didn’t want to start any gossip, so he strode briskly past him, indicating for him to follow, and led him to Kat’s office. Seeley sank into the chair on the visitor’s side of Kat’s desk, but Tione remained standing. He wasn’t going to be walked over by a guy with a designer watch who’d dismissed him with a glance. Instead, he waited for the other man to talk.
“I’m a member of law enforcement,” he finally said, leaning back in the chair, splaying his legs wide, apparently unconcerned by his height disadvantage. “I’m looking for a woman named Megan Talbot.”
If he was law enforcement, why hadn’t he shown a badge, or identified himself? Tione didn’t trust him one iota. “Never heard of her.”
“She might be traveling under an alias. She’s blonde and brown-eyed, about five-four, slim, twenty-seven years old.” His thin lips twisted. “Pretty.”
Tione’s heart gave a jolt. The age and physical characteristics fitted Hope to a tee—and he’d suspected from the start that she’d been running from someone—but despite that, something about this guy didn’t ring true.
“Here, I have a photograph.” He reached into the front pocket of his suit jacket, extracted a picture and smoothed a thumb over the glossy side before passing it over. The woman in the photo was Hope, no doubt about it. She wore a pink evening dress, and a man in a tuxedo had his arm around her. He peered at the photograph more closely. Though her lips were curved in a smile, it didn’t reach her eyes, and she was leaning away from her partner, as though she didn’t like him touching her.
He wanted to scrunch the photograph in his fist and toss it in the bin. His instincts told him that the man in the picture was responsible for how badly Hope—Megan, he corrected himself—had been injured when she’d turned up in their backyard. He didn’t give in to the impulse though, because that would have told Seeley the picture meant something to him.
He forced himself to shrug. “Never seen her. Remind me why you’re looking for her.”
Seeley’s steely blue eyes glinted, and the set of his face reminded Tione of a bulldog. “She’s wanted for questioning.”
“In relation to what?”
“I can’t share the details of an ongoing investigation.”
“So, she’s a criminal?”
Seeley reclaimed the photograph and slipped it into his pocket. “I didn’t say that.”
Yeah, there was a lot he wasn’t saying.
“What agency do you work for?”
Getting to his feet, Seeley rolled his shoulders. Something in his back clicked loudly enough for Tione to hear it, and the motion emphasized a bulge at his hip. A gun? But why would he be armed? Firearms were rarely used by New Zealand law enforcement.
“Look,” he said, straightening. “All you need to know is that we’re searching for Megan Talbot, and she’s potentially dangerous. Call me at this number if you see her.” He dug a business card out of his pants pocket and handed it over. All it had was a name and a number. No department logo or job title. Not very official.
And Seeley honestly expected him to believe that Hope—Megan—was dangerous? Not a chance in hell. He was full of shit.
Yeah, maybe she was wrapped up in something dodgy, and she’d definitely lied. But the woman was as harmless as a bunny.
“Sorry, man, I really can’t help you. I haven’t seen Megan Talbot, I hadn’t heard her name before you said it, and I have no idea who she is. Or whoyouare, for that matter.”
“Thanks for your time.” What Seeley James’s eyes said was,Fuck you. “Seeing as you haven’t seen nothing, and don’t know nothing, you won’t mind if I take a look around.”
“Do you have a warrant?”
“No, but I can get one.”
“You do that. Until then, I can’t let you intrude on our guests’ privacy. It would be unethical of me.”
Seeley’s cheeks were beet red, but he huffed out a gust of air and inclined his head. “I understand.”
The angry gleam in his eyes said he understood very well, and that Tione better watch his back.