Page 35 of Safe in His Arms
“Now, now, Mavis. Don’t go getting overwrought,” the other woman said, giving Megan a cheery smile. She was short, with plump cheeks stained by blush, and mischievous eyes. “Hi dearie, I’m Betty. And yes, I know I look just like Betty White.”
Megan’s mouth dropped open. “I didn’t say—”
“Of course you didn’t,” Mavis muttered. “But everyone thinks it, and it’s plain to see why. What’s your name, girl?”
She blinked, startled by the difference between the two women, and wary of their motivation. What interest could they possibly have in her? Her mind whirled with possibilities, and she backed up, her breath coming in short pants.
This had been a bad idea. She never should have let Tione talk her into coming. She should have stayed at Sanctuary where she knew she was safe.
“W-Why do you ask?”
“Because we’re interested,” the one called Mavis said. “Is that a crime?”
“Mavis,” Betty chided, scowling at her friend. “You have the tact of a seagull.” She turned back to Megan. “You don’t have to tell us your name, dear, although wewillfind out. What we really want to know,” she lowered her voice, “is whether you’re a new transplant, or just passing through.”
“Oh, I’m not…” She trailed off, glancing from one woman to the other, her heart battering against her ribcage as she realized they’d cornered her against the chiller. Other customers were eyeing them with interest, which was the last thing she needed. She just wanted to buy her ingredients and get out. Was that too much to ask?
“I don’t know if I’m staying,” she finished. “Excuse me, I have shopping to do.”
She started to move, but Mavis blocked her, spindly arms crossed over her chest. She was taller than Megan had initially thought.
“Are you dating Tione Kingi?” she demanded. “We saw you together, and you seemed close. It’s about time someone scooped that boy up.”
“I’m not dating Tione.” She tried to step around them again.
“Where are you from?” Mavis asked, following her into another aisle.
Megan gritted her teeth. Did the old ladies never give up? “Around.” She packed several bags of icing sugar and one of fondant into her basket. “It’s sweet that you care about Tione, but I really have nothing to do with him other than the fact I’m staying at Sanctuary.”
“He doesn’t usually bother getting to know the guests,” Betty said, puffing as she tried to keep up.
“We share a love of cooking.” She grabbed a couple of tubes of food dye and vanilla paste.
“There’s something else going on here.” This statement came from Mavis. “And who is that man who’s been showing your picture around town?”
Megan stopped dead in her tracks. “What?”
Rounding on her, Mavis poked a finger into her chest. “You’re up to something, and we want to know what.”
Her throat closed over, and she struggled to draw a decent breath. The room seemed to spin around her. “Someone has been asking about me?”
“A sweaty fellow in a suit,” Betty said as she caught up. “Mid-fifties. Balding.”
The floor seemed to tilt, and the aisle closed in around her. “Seeley.”
They frowned, and Betty reached out a hand to steady her. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
Her knees weakened. She could hear a rasping sound and realized it was her.
“I need to… sit down.” Grabbing a shelf, she lowered herself to the ground and dropped the basket beside her.
“Now you’ve done it,” Betty muttered.
“Me?” Mavis’s voice was muffled, like she was speaking through a layer of fabric. “This was all you.”
Then their voices faded away and all she could hear was her own pulse thundering in her ears. Boxes of cocoa swam before her eyes, their edges blurring. She drew her knees to her chest and hugged them, unsure how long she stayed that way. The next thing she knew, Tione’s dark eyes were looking into hers, his warm hand on her shoulder.
“Megan.” Her name echoed around her, like she was in an empty underground cavern. “Just breathe.” He was rubbing her back, and she could hear his concern. “It’s all right. Mavis and Betty got carried away, but you’re fine. They’re gossips, that’s all.” He shot a glare over his shoulder. “You’re safe, I promise.”