Page 50 of Safe in His Arms
“I mean it, Meg.” Her tone was firm, and Megan felt like a child being scolded. “I can hear the self-pity in your voice, but that’s not going to do anyone any good. Now, you said you needed my help. Do you want me to come and get you? Arrange to have charges filed against that nasty piece of work? Whatever you need, just ask.”
She balled her fists until her nails pricked her palms. The tiny jabs of pain kept her from traveling down a road of ‘what ifs.’ Rose was right. Dwelling on her poor decisions wouldn’t help anyone.
“Can you witness my affidavit and help me apply for a restraining order against him?”
“Yes, darling. I can absolutely do that.”
* * *
Tione jogged along the beach,three of his dogs harnessed to his waist and the salt spray stinging his nostrils. He nodded in greeting as he passed Sterling, who was unlocking the shed where Kat kept the surfboards. The dogs tugged him toward the path back to Sanctuary. Trevor’s ears flapped in the wind, Zee grinned widely, and Bella’s legs worked overtime to keep up. The combined effect of this was that his pace had increased significantly since he’d adopted them. There was no going slow when he was being pulled along by a two hundred and twenty pounds of dog.
As they crossed the parking lot, he unclipped them from the harness one by one. Trevor bounded around the side of the lodge, disappearing from view. He set Zee free, then Bella, and gratefully slowed to a walk. Trevor came trotting back into the parking lot.
He whistled. “Here, boy.”
To his surprise, Trevor didn’t race over, instead circling around and heading away. A moment later, he understood why. Trevor had been leading Megan to him. She rounded the corner and raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun. For the first time since he’d met her, she was wearing a skirt, her legs on display. They were pale, as though she didn’t spend much time outdoors, and slender.
Tione’s mouth went dry. God, she was beautiful.
She smiled, and he noticed the scab on her lip had healed. The only signs she’d been injured were the pinkness of new skin, and the cut at her temple. His heart pumped double time, and he hoped that if she noticed, she’d attribute it to the run he’d just returned from.
“You’ve finished your cupcakes?”
She stopped a few feet from him and bent to scratch behind Trevor’s ear. “I finished the cupcakes themselves. Haven’t iced them yet.” She blew kisses at his dog and didn’t look up. “I also talked to my mum.”
Pride surged through him. “What did she say?”
Straightening, she looked somewhere over his shoulder. He could tell she wasn’t comfortable discussing this, but she was making an effort, and he appreciated that.
“Naturally, she was upset, but it went well, considering.” She licked her lips and brought her eyes to his. They glowed amber brown in the sunlight. “The restraining order is under control.”
“Good.” He reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “We’re all so proud of what you’re doing.”
She nibbled on her lip, and he wanted to tell her to stop and let it heal properly. “I don’t understand why you and Kat are going to these lengths for me,” she said. “You hardly know me.”
“We know enough,” he replied. “You’re a good person, and we care about you.” He swallowed, his throat suddenly scratchy. “Icare about you.”
“I care about you, too, Tee.” She gave him the sweetest damn smile he’d ever seen. “Because of you, I have a chance to start over.”
“Yeah, well.” He shrugged, uncomfortable with the praise and not certain he deserved it. If she knew what had happened in his past, she might not be so willing to entrust herself to his care. In fact, if she knew what he’d done, she’d probably run from him just as eagerly as she was running from her ex. She’d be right to, too.
“Don’t be like that,” she said. “It’s true. I’m not just saying that to butter you up, but I am hoping you’ll do me a favor.”
He heaved the biggest sigh he could muster. “All right, what do you want from me?”
Her grin widened, and she stopped pestering her lip. “Will you take me into town? I, uh,” she shuffled from one foot to the other, a flush creeping up her cheeks, “I want to invite Faith and Brooke over to have cocktails and cupcakes for supper with Kat and I—if Kat has time.” She peeked up at him from beneath her lashes. “Is that super lame?”
His heart felt like it was expanding in his chest. Super adorable was more like it. He longed to drop a kiss on her nose, and tell her so, but settled for saying, “Having tasted your baking, I don’t think anyone would call it lame.” She still looked uncertain, so he continued, “They’ll love it.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
“No problem. I’ll whiz through the shower, then we can head out.”
They started toward the lodge.