Page 68 of Safe in His Arms
“No buts.” His tone brooked no argument. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Climbing off her, he sauntered to the door, stopping to adjust himself, most likely when he thought she couldn’t see. Then he summoned the dogs, and petted them as they passed. Taking a bag from beneath the counter, he dropped a treat in front of each bed and watched fondly while they gobbled them up. Meanwhile, Megan’s ovaries sang with happiness. If he was like this with pets, how amazing would he be with actual babies? God, she didn’t think she could handle the sight of him with a tiny human. Her ovaries might explode.
He crossed to the bed, drew back the covers, climbed in, and she shuffled over to him. He switched off the light, then drew her tighter into his embrace, resting his forearm over her belly, his chest to her back. She could feel his heart thudding against her, and she counted the beats. She couldn’t recall a time she’d ever felt so at peace. And when a scrabbling sound interrupted the moment, and a wet nose touched her cheek, she laughed and let Pixie burrow into the bed with them.
For once, she felt truly content.
* * *
Megan woke Tione with a kiss.She touched her lips softly to his, and watched him come awake. When he gripped her hips and returned the kiss with more pressure, she knew he was fully conscious, even though his eyes didn’t open.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she said, drawing away and smiling in a way she hoped didn’t look half as goofy as it felt.
“Morena,” he murmured, his hand going to the back of her head to pull her in for another kiss. She snuggled closer, safe in the circle of his arms, and poured all of the feelings she wasn’t ready to voice into the kiss. Their tongues met lazily, slow and deep, as though they had nowhere else to be and nothing else to do, despite the fact that he would need to leave for the kitchen soon.
She buried her face in his broad chest and stayed there while he stroked her hair with one hand and held her with the other. Finally, his alarm blared, and he eased away and threw back the covers.
“Will I see you again this morning?” he asked as he yanked on a pair of jeans.
“I hope so,” she replied, enjoying the ripple of muscle as he shrugged into a black t-shirt. “I’m not sure what my family’s plans are, but they’ll definitely want breakfast.”
“Good.” He bent to drop a kiss on her forehead. “Wish I could stay.”
So did she. But he needed to work, and she had to sneak back to her room before her family rose and realized she was missing, although she doubted their first thought would be that she’d been doing the dirty with the tattooed hunk they’d met yesterday. Well, other than Mikayla. Her sister could read her like a book.
“I’ll see you soon.”
He vanished into the bathroom before heading out. When the door closed behind him, she flopped back against the pillows. Being bad felt so damn good. She rolled over and inhaled the scent of Tione that was imprinted on the sheets. Was she weird for doing so? Definitely. But there was something to be said for the way the man smelled. Maybe it was pheromones. She wasn’t scientifically-minded enough to know.
She stretched, then climbed out of bed, trying not to topple Pixie, who was perched on the edge. Tione had let the other dogs out when he left, and after she dressed, she grabbed a handful of doggy treats and tossed them on the lawn as she crossed it.
When she reached the foyer, she turned the handle as slowly as possible, wincing when the latch clicked. She let herself inside and padded barefoot down the hall. All of the bedroom doors were shut, bar one. Mikayla sat at the desk, tapping on her computer. As Megan passed, Mikayla gave her a conspiratorial wink.
Sisters. Had to love them.
Tione tookhis cock in his hand. It was hot and hard and heavy. He stroked it, his forehead resting on the bathroom wall in his cabin, and summoned the memory of Megan as she’d come apart under him last night, whimpering and writhing, so fucking sexy. He’d denied himself then, and it had been the right thing to do, but now he worked his hand over his length, imagining that she was on her knees in front of him.
A groan tore from his throat, and his hips pumped faster. In his fantasy, Megan licked the bulging head of his dick. She petted him like he was her plaything, lips and fingertips grazing him, bringing him closer to the edge. His other hand massaged his balls, and they drew up tight to his body. He squeezed his eyes shut, wishing more than anything that he’d open them and see her exactly as he’d pictured.
Another few strokes and he gritted his teeth, unable to hold back any longer. Just as well nothing had happened with her last night, or he wouldn’t have lasted more than two minutes. His hips jerked, pleasure concentrating at the base of his spine, then he grunted, and pulsed into his hand.
He stayed there for a few moments while he caught his breath. Then he wiped everything clean, tucked himself back into his underwear, washed his hands, and headed back to the lodge. He’d finished readying the breakfast service early, and had considered visiting Megan, but decided it was a better idea to get his rocks off so he wouldn’t overwhelm her the next time they were alone together. She was recovering from a difficult relationship, and she didn’t need a horny guy getting up in her grill. Besides, she’d probably be with herwhanau.
When he reached the dining hall, he found the Talbots clustered around a table, eating breakfast. He caught Megan’s eye and smiled, then felt his balls shrivel as her stepfather eyed him. He hoped the man couldn’t sense what he’d been up to. He hated to think of how that conversation would go.
Excuse me, young man, were you jerking off to fantasies of my daughter?
Yes, I was. Do you have a problem with that?
He must have looked guilty because the guy’s gaze sharpened. He tried to remember his name. Jack? James?Joe.
He started at the voice, searching for the source of it.
Megan’s sister, Mikayla, waved to him. “Grab some breakfast and join us. There’s plenty of room.”