Page 75 of Safe in His Arms
“What’s up?” Kat asked as she leaned on the doorframe.
“I’m checking out,” Megan said, hating the flash of concern that passed over her face. “It’s time for me to get back on my own two feet, but thank you so much for letting me stay here with you.”
Kat’s hand went to her chest. “It sounds like you’re telling me goodbye. Are you going back to Auckland?”
“No.” She exhaled, the tension leaking from her shoulders. She was never going back to Auckland. Not to live. She couldn’t be there without remembering things best forgotten. “You’ll see me around. I just need…” She trailed off, unsure how to finish the sentence. What did she need? Time? Space? A place to call her own? “I need to work out some things.”
Kat touched her arm, her fingers warm against Megan’s chill skin. “Is this about Tee? Did something happen?”
She shook her head, then kept shaking it, seemingly unable to stop.Get a grip, girl.
“It’s just time.”
Kat’s fingers traveled down her arm and slipped around her wrist, holding firm. “But it’s not safe out there.”
“We haven’t seen Charles for days, and the police would have let me know if he was around. He’s gone, Kat. And if he’s not, then I can handle myself. He won’t do anything stupid, because there are some things not even his parents can sweep under the carpet, and I’m not the timid girl he remembers. I’m not going anywhere with him. Not now, not ever.”
That, at least, she was certain of. Because finally, after all this time, her fury outweighed her fear. She’d been quiet for too long, and hiding from her past hadn’t helped. Tione had been right about one thing—she needed to start living again.
World, meet Megan Talbot, version 2.0.
She dropped her bag and hugged Kat tightly. Something about the other woman grounded and reassured her. She hoped they could stay friends. She didn’t have many, and the few she did were precious.
“I’ll see you around?” she asked, withdrawing. Kat’s eyes were glossy with emotion, and Megan had to battle not to yank her into another embrace.
“Too right, you will.” Kat kissed her cheek. “Be safe, beautiful. And buy a cell phone, so we can talk. I want to know you’re okay.”
Megan smiled tremulously. “I will. Bye, Kat.”
Then, before she could change her mind, she hauled the bag out of Sanctuary, loaded it into her car, and drove into town.
* * *
Megan drovethree full circles around the town center before she made up her mind about where to go. She parked a short distance from The Shack, jammed her fists into her eye sockets to hold back the tears for a while longer, then walked to the ice cream parlor. It was busy, with a line to the door, and she waited until the customers had all been served before approaching the counter. Faith took in her expression with a single glance.
“Aww, buttercup.” She came around and hugged her. Megan’s tear ducts threatened to go into overdrive, so she patted Faith on the back and extricated herself. “What do you need? Tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”
“Do you really mean that?”
Faith frowned. “Of course. Anything that’s in my power.”
Megan took a deep breath. “I need a place to stay.”
Faith’s frown deepened. “Did you leave the lodge?”
“Yes, but I’d rather not talk about that right now.” She couldn’t handle thinking about Tione for a while.
Faith nodded and moved closer, taking her hand and squeezing it. “You can stay at my place.” Her lips curved up. “On one condition.”
She struggled for breath. Couldn’t she just get a break with no strings attached? “What?”
“I want a dozen of your fabulous cupcakes to sell here every day.” Faith’s lips parted in a crooked grin, her teeth white against the red of her lips. “Consider it your rent.”
Megan relaxed. She’d been expecting… Well, she wasn’t sure exactly what she’d expected, but it hadn’t been that. “Absolutely.” She offered a hand. “Deal.”
Faith rolled her eyes and pulled her into a hug even tighter than the previous one. “No shaking hands. We seal our business deals with hugs around here. If you’re going to live with me, you might as well get used to the fact I’m a very hands-on person. Is that a problem for you?”
“Not at all.”