Page 83 of Safe in His Arms
Faith raised a quizzical brow. “What do you suppose he meant?”
Megan made herself shrug. “No idea.”
But she did know. At least, she thought she might. Tione used his old hacker skills to find her. The ones she’d condemned him for because of how he’d messed up in the past. But he’d used them to save her, even though hacking had resulted in what must be the worst experience of his life, and even though he’d clearly said he didn’t like the person he became when he did.
That wasn’t the act of a bad person, it was the move of a selfless man who cared for her. Even loved her, maybe.
Her stomach sank. She’d screwed up. He’d tried to push her away the moment she learned about his past, and she’d let him, but she should have stood her ground and asked more questions. He was a decent man, and she should have trusted her judgment when it came to him. After all, a lot of people had shady pasts, or periods of their life they weren’t proud of, but he wasn’t like that anymore. He was good to his core, and she needed to let him know that. He couldn’t keep carrying around the guilt.
“Yeah, cutie pie.”
“When they discharge me, can you take me to Sanctuary? There’s something I need to do.”
* * *
Tione kicked a soccer ball,picturing Charles Wentworth’s face, and sent it flying across the yard. Trevor, Bella and Zee raced after it, and Pixie ran behind them on shorter legs. Zee won the quarrel over the ball and brought it back, dropping it at his feet. He kicked it again, breathing heavily, his shoulders rising and falling. His struggle with Charles earlier should have worn him out, but instead he was jittery, as though he’d drunk ten coffees and washed them down with a Red Bull. He’d thought the cool evening breeze might help, but so far it hadn’t done the trick.
He whirled around, his breath catching in his chest when he saw Megan silhouetted against the foyer doorway. He took a step forward, then stopped himself. He wanted to run to her, take her in his arms and kiss her all over, but he didn’t want to hurt her, and he didn’t know where they stood. Did she blame him for not being there to protect her?
Bella nudged his foot, and he shooed her away.
“You’re here.” His voice was hoarse.
“So are you.” She traced the patches of lawn between the garden, making her way to him. She walked with a limp, and one arm curved protectively around her middle. His dogs—Pixie included—dropped the ball and raced over to greet her. She bent, wincing a little, and patted each in turn.
“Hi, sweethearts. It’s so good to see you.” Pixie jumped up, her paws landing on Megan’s knees, and she petted the Chihuahua affectionately. He watched her movements, marveling in the difference between their reaction to her now compared to when she’d first arrived, and wishing she’d touch him that same way. Finally, she straightened and addressed him. “You didn’t come with me.”
He swallowed, a lump working its way down his throat. “I had to give a statement, and I wasn’t even sure if you’d want me there.”
“I did.” She stopped in front of him, and his heart banged at the sight of her battered face. Her cheek was blue and purple, the wound on her temple taped shut, her eyes swollen as he’d noticed earlier. He didn’t realize he’d reached for her until his hand touched hers. He pulled away, but she twined her fingers firmly between his. “Thank you for saving me.”
He moistened his lips. The way she was looking at him… Did she know what he’d done?
“I wish I’d gotten there sooner. In fact, I wish I’d never left your side. That I’d kept you safe.”
“Tee.” His name was soft on her lips. He ached to hear her say it again. “I know what you had to do to find me, and I know how hard it must have been.”
Her statement was a scythe to his soul and a benediction, all at once. She knew, but she was still here. She wasn’t looking at him with revulsion, or shoving him away.
“I was crazy with worry,” he confessed. “I’m sorry I let him get his hands on you.” Misery tasted like iron in his mouth. “I’m sorry I let you down.”
“You didn’t let me down,” she murmured. “You were there for me when no one else was.”
He dropped to his knees, keeping his hands in hers. He’d stay on his knees forever if it kept Megan in his life. Fighting his feelings for her was futile. He’d been an idiot not to see the truth: he was already in love with her. He had been for a while now. There would never be anyone else for him, but he didn’t know if he could repair the damage he’d wrought on their relationship.
“I should have told you about my past,” he said, sitting back on his heels, holding her gaze and willing her to see the truth in his eyes. “You were too good to be true, and I guess I was scared that if I told you, you wouldn’t be able to see past it. I’m not the person I was back then, but I know how important trust is to you, and I should have come clean.” With the utmost care, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands hovering over the surface of her lower back, and rested his head on her stomach. “I hope you can be a better person than I am, and find it within yourself to forgive me.”
* * *
Emotion swelledin Megan’s chest, stronger than anything she’d ever experienced. She could scarcely grasp what was happening. This man—this wonderful, fierce, protective man—was on his knees for her. He was handling her as though she were the most precious thing he’d ever had the privilege of touching, and he’d embraced a part of himself he loathed because her safety meant more to him than his own.
“You’re a good person, Tee.” She could hear the passion dripping from her words, and hoped he could, too. “Everyone has made mistakes they’d rather others not know about.” She threaded her fingers through his hair and cradled his head against her belly, grateful for the painkillers she’d been given at the hospital, otherwise even touching like this would probably hurt. “Look at mine. They literally came back to beat the crap out of me.”
“It’s not the same.” His lips moved on her tank top, and heat skittered up her spine in response.