Page 14 of If Only You Knew
Inappropriate, jackass.
He backed up a step. Why did he have to have this reaction to a woman he shouldn’t ever touch?
“Izzy is my daughter,” she spat. “Mine, and no one else’s. I’m the one who wanted her. I’m the one who raised her.” Her voice cracked. “I’m the one who loves her. So please, spare me any speeches about moral obligation and leave us alone.”
“No.” Her hands fisted at her sides and he eyed them warily, afraid she might pop him on the nose. “It’s easy for you to say we should be honest. You’ve got nothing to lose, but I have everything on the line.” Her chest rose and fell rapidly, her breath coming in pants. “I’m asking you as nicely as I can. Back off, Michael.”
He sighed, wishing she didn’t have to be so confrontational. He didn’t want to be her enemy. “I can’t.”
She nodded, lips pressed into a thin line. “Okay, then. Now we know where we stand. If you’ll excuse me, I need to go.”
Then, for the third time in as many days, she brushed him off and stalked out the door.
Chapter Six
Michael wasn’tsure what to make of Bex and her blonde companion watching him as he exercised at the gym the next day, but he found himself upping his weights, mopping his forehead with a towel, and parading like a peacock. He should be too old for posturing, but when the appreciative female gaze lingering on him belonged to Bex, it made the hours of hard work he put in to stay in shape worth it.
While he may not be easy to talk to or have a silver tongue like his brother, he knew he was decent to look at. After all, he had nothing to do other than work and exercise. He wasn’t in a relationship, didn’t really keep in touch with his family, only had a handful of friends, and wasn’t crafty or inclined toward team sports.
Did Bex like what she saw? He’d be lying if he didn’t admit—at least to himself—that he hoped she did. But mostly, he was relieved that it was impossible to get a hard-on when he was putting so much strain on his body, because he was addicted to the sight of Bex in yoga pants. He stole glances at her while he swapped from the bench press to free weights, hefting two dumbbells over his shoulders. She must work out between clients. He couldn’t figure out how else to explain her toned limbs, tight hips and flat belly. Not when she apparently painted, taught, and mothered on top of everything else. How did the woman have any free time in a day?
The blonde grinned at Bex, then shrugged into a weight vest and went to one of the treadmills. Bex kept an eye on her until she was in full swing, then looked his way. He caught her gaze, praying he didn’t look as starved for attention as he felt, and was strangely satisfied when a flush crept up her neck. She crinkled her nose, broke the eye contact and stalked away, her back stiff, ponytail swinging down its center.
He completed a set of shoulder presses and dropped the weights, swigging water from his bottle and keeping his eye on her as she collected a paintbrush from a cabinet and started mixing paints in front of a blank canvas. Her movements were quick and economical. She stood back to study the canvas, then deftly dipped the brush and stroked it over the surface, leaving a trail of bluish purple behind. Her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth as she concentrated, and suddenly, his arms felt empty. He wanted to come up behind her, wrap himself around her, and hold her while she created art.
Don’t be crazy.
She wasn’t for him, and he needed to remember that. She had a daughter, who was most likely his niece. Unfortunately, that didn’t prevent him from admiring the passion in how she wielded a paintbrush. He’d always appreciated her verve for everything she did, and it seemed that hadn’t changed.
But the most important thing of all had.
“Mr. Gleaming Musclesand Glutes of Steel keeps staring at you.”
Bex glanced away from her painting, accustomed to distractions by now. It was a hazard of combining two of her income streams, but also the only way she could actually manage to keep both afloat.
Brooke raised an eyebrow. “You said you guys went back. Is he an ex?”
Bex laughed. “No. But you’re not far off. I dated his brother.”
“Hmm.” Brooke cocked her head. “That guy definitely isn’t having brotherly thoughts about you.”
She resisted the urge to look over at him, having got enough of an eyeful of his amazing body earlier. “You think so?”
“Yeah.” Brooke nodded. “How long ago was it that you dated his brother? Maybe he’s decided it’s time to make a move.”
At this, she laughed again. Once upon a time, the idea wouldn’t have been preposterous, but now?
“He’s also my new boss,” she confided. “And he has a whole lot of family drama I’d just rather stay out of.”
“Oh, really?” Brooke looked intrigued.
Bex set down the paintbrush so she didn’t forget it was there and do any damage. “Nothing too interesting.” Unless you counted Izzy, which she’d prefer not to. “His brother is a politician. His father was too, and his mother has a boatload of ambition.”
“Sounds like an interesting set of in-laws.”