Page 16 of If Only You Knew
Shane scoffed. “Not in the picture. Never has been. She doesn’t talk about him, but the guy must have been an idiot to let her go. And Izzy…” He shook his head. “She’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen. Who wouldn’t want to be part of her life?”
Exactly Michael’s thoughts, and that was why he was in such a dilemma. Wesley didn’t know he was a father, and like it or not, he deserved to be told. Besides, part of Michael worried that if he delayed telling Wesley, it wouldn’t be for noble reasons. It’d be because of his infatuation with Bex distorting his perception and twisting his motivations. He felt guilty enough because of the way he’d lusted after her years ago, without adding to the problem.
“By the way, Bex is a machine,” Shane added. “She gives Izzy enough love and devotion for two parents, so don’t ever suggest otherwise. Also, you missed one of her jobs. She teaches yoga at Sanctuary twice a week.” There was no mistaking the warning in Shane’s voice, mild as his tone may be. He was implying Michael shouldn’t say anything that might be construed as badmouthing Bex’s parenting skills. To his surprise, he liked that the other man had her back, and his certainty that he’d misjudged her in the past grew. He’d already ascertained that Shane Walker wasn’t the kind of guy to give praise lightly, so there must be more to Bex’s past actions than met the eye.
“What’s Sanctuary?” he asked.
“The lodge just out of town, if you follow Marine Parade as far to the east as it goes.”
“Yoga, huh?” Michael enjoyed yoga, and he wasn’t half bad at it. Maybe he should consider taking it up regularly. “Can anyone join?”
“I think there’s a charge for people who aren’t staying at the lodge, but yeah, they can.”
“What days are the class?”
Shane sighed. “Tuesdays and Thursdays, but look, I don’t want you hassling her.” He paused, then added, “Also, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell her you found out about it from me. She’s frightening when she’s mad.”
Michael already knew that, and he wouldn’t throw a potential new friend under the bus. “Of course.”
On Thursday,Bex breezed into the lodge with five minutes to spare. She used to be a morning person, but that was before she’d had a daughter and sleep became scarce. These days, it was a struggle to corral Izzy and make it to Sanctuary in time for the morning yoga session. Several guests were already assembled and waiting, and she greeted them, and Kat, with a smile.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
“Morena.” Kat kissed her cheek and bent to hug Izzy, who was as peppy as usual and bounced on her toes to meet her halfway. Unfortunately, Izzy seemed to have no problem getting enough sleep and always had way too much energy in the morning.
“I’m going to do downward dog,” Izzy said, drawing a laugh from Kat.
“I bet you are, sweetie. Are you going to show Sterling how it’s done?” She cast a cheeky glance at her boyfriend, who’d taken up yoga when he moved to Haven Bay and was improving in increments. It was slow progress, but luckily, the guy had patience. Bex thought of how difficult it had been for him to win over Kat, and mentally amended that toa lotof patience.
“Does he need help again?” Izzy asked, and Bex hid a grin.
“I always need help from you,” Sterling said as she carted a mat over and positioned it beside him.
“Okay, I’ll help. Mum says I’m real good at helping.”
“The best,” Bex emphasized, sending Sterling an apologetic look because he’d never had much to do with kids and she knew he still wasn’t quite sure how to handle Izzy. He shrugged one shoulder and smiled.
“Your playlist is queued up, and ready to go,” Kat told her, gesturing to the speaker on her desk.
“Thanks.” Bex carried her mat to the usual place in front of the doors that led to the garden. In summer, the glorious backdrop leant a sense of tranquility to the classes, but at present, all she could see through the windows was blackness. She surveyed her students. All ten of them. In addition to several guests she didn’t recognize, there were three members of the Bridge Club present. The Bridge Club consisted of retired residents of Haven Bay—many of whom lived at The Refuge, the local retirement village—and could be joined by invitation only.
The foyer door opened, and when she glanced up to see who’d arrived late, her heart skipped and her stomach clenched in panic.
What was he doing here, and how had he found out about the class? He had a yoga mat rolled under his arm, so it was clear what he’d come for. Slowly, the emotion churning in her gut morphed into hot anger. The bastard was trying to worm his way closer to Izzy. Well, screw him and his pretty blue eyes and his muscular shoulders. He wouldn’t succeed.
“Hi,” he said, with a huskiness in his voice that made her picture him shirtless and in bed. She blinked the image away and focused on a point behind his head. “Am I too late to join?”
“Not at all,” Kat said, failing to pick up on the tension between them. “Set up wherever you can find space. There’s a ten dollar fee for people who aren’t staying at the lodge, but we’ll sort that out later. I’m Katarina, and you?”
The welcome died on Kat’s lips, and she glanced from Michael to Bex, an apology in her eyes. Much as Bex wanted to rail at her, Kat couldn’t have known who he was, and besides, both women had businesses to run. He was a paying customer. They’d just have to take his money and keep him away from her daughter.
Catching Michael’s eyes, she glared, letting him know exactly what she thought of his tactics. He held her gaze mildly, then turned away, settling into a spot behind Izzy, where he’d have plenty of opportunity to see the resemblance between her and Wesley, if he looked for it. Izzy may take after her mother in large part, but the shape of her face was more Wesley than Bex, as were many of her expressions.
Feeling cornered, Bex started the music. If she delayed any longer, people would wonder why, and she’d done her best to shut down any gossip about her and Izzy years ago. She’d rather not open the gates to speculation.