Page 63 of If Only You Knew
“I can do it.”
They both stared at Wesley, taken aback by the offer.
“You just met her,” Bex hissed.
“Yeah, and?” He shrugged. “I want to spend more time with her.”
Faith’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure you two aren’t dating?”
“We’re not,” Bex snapped.
“Okay, just asking.”
Bex softened her tone. “Sorry.” To Wesley, she said, “I’m not trusting you with Izzy when you’ve spent all of half an hour with her. Don’t take it personally, I wouldn’t leave her with anyone after such a short time.”
He ran a hand through his hair, then licked at the cone before it dripped on the floor. “But I’m not just anyone. I’m her—”
“New friend,” Bex interrupted, spearing him with her eyes.
Meanwhile, Faith watched the exchange with interest. “I’ll get in touch about dates.”
“Thanks.” Bex turned on her heel, effectively ending the conversation. “Izzy, why don’t you show Wes your school playground?”
Izzy took Wesley’s hand again and started prattling on about her friends and teachers. While they were engaged, Bex mulled over the tidbit Wesley had almost let slip to Faith. She trusted her friend—mostly—but if anyone got word that a prime ministerial candidate had a secret love child, she and Izzy’s lives would change dramatically. What would people say? Especially when they discovered she was dating Wesley’s brother.
More importantly, did she care?
Chapter Twenty-Four
Michael cycleduntil his legs turned to jelly, then went to the gym and lifted weights until he couldn’t even hold up a goddamn fork. Still, he hadn’t worked off his stress. Back home, he sat on the floor of his shower, water pouring over him, and wondered why he was having such a hard time keeping his emotions under control. Was he jealous because Wesley and Bex shared a daughter? Or perhaps he was anxious because Wesley had wooed one of Michael’s girlfriends before, and he might just be able to do it again. Worse still, maybe he feared Izzy wouldn’t have room in her heart for both of them.
Bex isn’t the type to play games, he reminded himself.And Izzy has a big enough heart to encompass half of Haven Bay.
Regardless of that, images of the three of them together assailed him. He didn’t want to play second fiddle to Wesley. Not this time. And although the logical part of his brain knew he was being ridiculous—Wesley was Isobel’s father, after all—for once, his logical side didn’t win out. He needed to see them, and to reassure himself that all was well.
He stood and turned off the shower, then got out, toweled, and dressed. Then he went to his car and headed for the beach, where they’d decided to meet. He cruised past the pavilion at low speed, and when he didn’t see them, he continued along the coast until he reached the school, where he spotted Izzy scrambling up a set of ropes on the side of a fort. Michael’s gaze landed on Bex and Wesley, and his heart crashed to his feet. Wesley had an arm around Bex, his mouth near her ear as he spoke. They looked intimate. Cozy. Like they belonged together.
God, he wanted to be sick.
Was this how things would have been if Wesley and Bex had stayed together? Was this how it could be in the future if he stepped aside and let his brother get his way? His chest felt like it was cracking in two. He passed the school and pulled to the side of the road, where he rested his forehead on the steering wheel. Was it selfish to stand between Bex and her chance to have a proper relationship with Wesley? Should he let them be a family? Even if he fought for her, Wesley might win in the end—he usually did—and it would hurt more the longer things were drawn out. He knocked his head against the horn, trying to jar some sense into himself.
Crap, crap, crap. What was he supposed to do now?
Bex was pleasantly surprised.After her initial misgivings, the meeting with Wesley had gone better than expected. On top of that, she’d managed to get him alone for long enough to clarify that nothing romantic was ever going to happen between them again because she was seeing a considerate, attractive man, and wasn’t interested in anyone else. He’d reluctantly accepted her statement, given her a hug, and thanked her for raising such a great little girl.
But then Sunday brunch arrived, and Michael didn’t show. At first, she thought he was running late, but fifteen minutes after he usually came by, she received a text message from him.
Michael:Have to work, sorry. Can’t come by this morning.
Her heart sank. She’d been looking forward to seeing him. She knew he’d been nervous about her meeting with Wesley yesterday and she wanted to reassure him personally, but he’d been busy working yesterday evening too.
Bex:Will I see you later?
Michael:Maybe. I’ll keep you updated.
She stared at her phone in disappointment. It felt an awful lot like he was blowing her off.
The morning gave way to afternoon, and by the time evening arrived, she’d received a message that he was swamped and wouldn’t be able to visit. She went to bed alone, stared at the ceiling, and wondered how he’d come to mean so much to her in such a short time that she could miss him like he’d taken part of her heart with him. But then, she supposed she’d known him forever, even if their relationship was new. They’d always cared for each other. Now it was just on a different level.