Page 17 of Pretend to Be Yours
He rolled onto his side, holding the phone to one ear, and Tinkerbell puffed her fur up in response, then rearranged herself into the crook of his body. “He was late to Bex’s after school today, and as soon as we got home, he called his mother.”
“Is that unusual?”
“Not in and of itself,” he admitted. “But he just feels... off. He’s usually a level-headed kid, but he’s worked up about something.”
“Hmm.” Faith was quiet for a few seconds. “I think I can ease your mind on one count. He dropped by The Shack after school. That’s probably why he was late to Bex’s.”
Shane’s heart lightened. His son had gone for ice cream, that was all. Suddenly, he felt silly for worrying. “That’s a relief. Thanks for letting me know.” He sighed into the phone. “I suppose you think I’m a helicopter dad?”
“Not at all.” She came through louder than she’d probably intended, and he had to lift the phone away from his ear. “I think you’re a wonderful dad, and those little boys are lucky to have you.”
Her words warmed him from the inside out. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” She yawned. “Sorry, it’s been a big day.”
Guilt weighed down on him. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have called.”
She laughed breathily. “It’s no bother. I like talking to you.”
He was certain he wasn’t supposed to feel quite so pleased to hear that. It was also surprisingly nice to know she was there for him to talk to, if he needed. It had been a long time since someone had been there for him in that way.
“Seriously, Faith. Thank you. Goodnight.”
“Dream of pleasant things.”