Page 63 of Pretend to Be Yours
As usual,Shane was the last to arrive at poker night because he’d had to wait for Faith to get to his place before he could leave the boys in her capable hands. Then, once she’d turned up, he’d been distracted by her kissable lips and drawn her into the laundry for a few stolen moments. Now that he’d finally made it, he dumped a bag of trail mix on the table and realized he’d left the vegetable sticks and hummus at home. Oh well. They’d make a nice snack for tomorrow.
“Good to see you, man.” Logan gripped his hand and slapped him on the back. “How are you doing?”
“I’m all right.” He’d be better if he’d stayed in the laundry with Faith all evening, but she’d insisted he spend time with his friends, knowing how much more human it made him feel.
“Just all right?” Jack asked. “I heard the local mums are up in arms because Faith had the audacity to steal you out from under them.”
“Oh ha-ha, very funny.”
“This time, he’s actually right,” Kyle said from his position at the end of the table. “The gossip at the library is that your ex turned up just as you’re finally moving on.” He grinned the dimpled smile that had women lining up for personal book recommendations in their lowest cut shirts. “According to the rumor mill, you’re winning in the battle of the exes because your new girlfriend is younger and everyone loves her.”
Shane groaned and dragged a hand through his hair. “Do people ever mind their own business?”
The Pride brothers exchanged glances.
“Nope,” Logan replied. “Especially not since Diana Monroe herself showed up in The Den and made a scene.”
Shane flopped into a chair and wasted no time accepting the beer Tione handed him. “I’m sorry.”
Logan shrugged. “Don’t be. It was actually good for business. The tourists loved her, and she was flaunting herself all over the place, if you know what I mean. There was no sneaking into the back corner to enjoy a wine in peace.”
“Of course not.” He scoffed at the thought. “She thrives in the spotlight.”
“Don’t worry. She didn’t win any friends among the locals.”
“Never thought she would.” People around here were too loyal for their affection to be bought by money or fame. Eager to change the subject, he said, “Where’s Sterling this week?”
“Out of town on business,” Tione replied. “What about Michael?”
“Doing a movie night with Bex and Izzy.” Shane grabbed a pretzel while Logan dealt cards. Bar snacks were another reason to love poker night. He didn’t feel like he had to model good eating habits for the boys. That said, he always brought a healthy option anyway, to ease his conscience. Jack and Kyle played the big and little blinds, and the game began.
“So,” Kyle said as they moved around the circle. “Faith.”
“What about her?” Shane asked.
“Did you know she and I went to high school together?”
“I thought she was older than you.”
Kyle nodded and adjusted his wire-framed glasses. “Only by a year. We didn’t have much to do with each other, but neither of us fit in very well. She had a hard time, and I don’t want to see her hurt.”
“Amen to that,” Logan added. “You’re one of my best mates, but if you screw her over, you’d better find a new watering hole.”
“Good thing I don’t plan on hurting her.” He glanced at his cards and pushed a chip forward. “Call. We still need to talk to the boys about our relationship, but provided we can pass that hurdle, I intend for this to be the last time I ever go through the whole dating thing.”
Tione grunted. “Keep it that way. She’s Megan’s best friend, and if Faith is unhappy, then Megan is unhappy.”
“No one is allowed to make Megan unhappy,” Jack said sotto voce. Everyone laughed. Well, everyone except Tione.
Shane thought back to something Kyle had said earlier. “I didn’t realize you didn’t enjoy school, Kyle.”
He shrugged. “It’s a long story. Let’s save it for another time.”
Faith lay on the sofa,wearing a soft robe that concealed the surprise beneath. Both boys were in bed, and it wasn’t unusual for her to make herself comfortable after they’d fallen asleep, so if they emerged, she doubted either of them would think anything of her attire. Their father, on the other hand….
Him, she had plans for.