Page 77 of Pretend to Be Yours
Dylan wiped his eyes on the heel of his hands. “But you’re going to go get her, right?”
Shane nodded. “I’m going to try. But first, we need to talk to your grandparents. Do you think you’re up for that?”
Dylan scrambled to his feet. “Yeah, okay.”
They found June, Dennis, and Gabby talking quietly in the kitchen.
“Diana left,” Gabby said when she saw them coming. “I saw her off the property myself.”
Relief made him weak in the knees. At least that was one mess he didn’t have to deal with. “Thanks, Gabs. And thank you for what you did out there. I appreciate it.”
She scoffed. “I just said what I’ve been dying to for a fucking long time.” She glanced at Dylan. “Excuse my French, Dyl.”
“Would you care to explain what that was about?” Dennis asked. “We got the gist of it, but we’d like the full story.”
“CliffsNotes version? Faith’s parents were in town for her cousin’s wedding recently, and they tried to set her up with some guy she didn’t know because her ex was going to be there, and they didn’t want her to feel vulnerable. She didn’t like being set up, so we pretended to be an item to make everyone back off. I recently learned that the ex was someone she’d dated in secret during high school, and then he dumped her for another girl but kept intimate photos of her on his phone, and when his new girlfriend found them, he claimed Faith had sent them because she was desperate to be noticed. The girlfriend shared them with some of the girls in their year, and they bullied her for it.”
June covered her mouth with a hand. “How awful. That poor girl.”
“How did Diana find out?” Gabby asked. “What kind of bitch uses another woman’s pain for her own gain? Sorry, Dyl, I know it’s your mum we’re talking about.”
“I don’t care,” he spat. “I’m the one who told her that Dad was only pretending to be with Faith for the wedding. I didn’t know she’d do something like this.”
“We know you didn’t.” June wrapped an arm around him and drew him to her side.
“Well, son,” Dennis said, having taken all of this on board more smoothly than anyone would have expected. “You’d better hurry after your girl, or you might be too late.”
Shane nodded and did just that.