Page 82 of Pretend to Be Yours
Epilogue – Christmas
“Are you sure I’m welcome?” Charity asked as she and Faith made their way down the drive toward the Walker’s home.
“Totally and completely,” Faith assured her, flipping her hair over her shoulder and checking the gift wrap on her stack of presents once again. She’d brought something for each of the boys, a gift for Gabrielle, one for Shane’s parents, and two for Shane—one he could open in public, and another she’d give him later, when they were alone.
“I’d hate to intrude,” Charity continued. “This is a family Christmas after all.”
“Yes, and you’re family.” They reached the door, and Faith knocked. Beside her, she sensed Charity stiffen. Her sister hated being in the bay, but Faith had threatened to blow off her first Christmas with the Walkers if Charity didn’t turn up, because she couldn’t handle the thought of her sister passing the holiday alone.
“Faith!” Hunter cried as the door swung inward. He stopped short of flinging himself into her arms when he spotted Charity and hid behind Dylan instead.
“Merry Christmas, boys,” Faith said, handing them each a present. “This is my sister, Charity.”
“Hey,” Dylan said and pointed down the hall. “Everyone is through here.”
Hunter glanced over his shoulder as they entered, but he didn’t say a word.
“He’s shy,” Faith said. “Don’t take it personally.”
“I should have brought a present,” Charity muttered. “What kind of dimwit doesn’t bring a present to a Christmas with kids?”
“Mine can be from both of us.” They’d been over this. “And I promise, everyone will be nice.”
“Faith is here,” Dylan announced as they arrived in the living room, which had been decked out with a real tree in the corner, tinsel hanging from the ceiling, and lights around the walls.
“Hi, beautiful.” Shane came out of the kitchen, wearing a Santa Claus suit and a fake pot belly. He swooped Faith into his arms and dipped her low for a kiss. The touch of his lips stole her breath, and a sizzle ran through her from that tiny bit of contact.
When he let her go, she knew her cheeks were red. “You make Santa look good, sugar. Can I be one of your elves?”
He grinned devilishly and mouthed, “Later.” She shivered, having no doubt he meant it. Then he looked over at Charity and his smile broadened. “Great to see you.” He gave her a hug so quickly that no one other than Faith noticed the way Charity’s eyes widened. “Mum, Dad, this is Charity. Faith’s sister.”
“Lovely to meet you,” June said.
“Yeah, you too,” Charity replied, casting her eyes down.
Faith wished her sister would loosen up for long enough to enjoy herself. “Char, I’ll introduce you to Gabrielle. You’re going to love her.”
Once everyone had a drink and a snack, they gathered around the tree to open presents. The boys went first, taking turns to tear into gifts with the kind of enthusiasm reserved for youth.
When they’d finished, Shane called them to attention. “How’d you boys like to show Faith her gift?”
Faith frowned, confused. Hunter took her hand and urged her to get up. He buzzed with excitement. “Come on, come on.”
“Where are we going?” she asked as Dylan grabbed her other hand and tugged her down the hall. They stopped outside the bathroom, and Dylan went to the vanity and opened the second drawer from the top. It was empty.
“This is for you.”
“Excuse me?”
“But that’s not all.” Hunter yanked her sleeve and guided her into Shane’s bedroom, where Dylan opened the closet. Half of the rack had been cleared.
“And this.” Shane stepped forward and gestured to a small cabinet on the side of the bed. “This is yours too.”
Her mouth dropped open. “Wait, wait, wait. Hang on a minute. Are you...?”
“Move in with us,” Shane said, beaming from ear to ear.
“We wanna see you all the time,” Hunter added, apparently not wanting to be left out. “I want you to read me bedtime stories every night.”