Page 9 of Trust Me
“Jeni… Jeni… Jen… c’mon, get in!”
My reverie abruptly ends. Sweat beads on my forehead, and I’m quite out of breath.
Sarah honks the horn. “Hurry up!”
I jump from the bench and walk over to Sarah’s red Ford Fiesta, wiping my hand across my brow as I slide into her car. “It’s hot today,” I say breathlessly.
Sarah looks at me and turns on the air conditioning. “Spill. What are you all hot and bothered about?”
I take in a deep breath as the cool, fresh air fills the car, then laugh. “Jesus, Sarah, you should’ve seen him. He was pretty much the perfect male.”
“Is he better looking than Chris?”
“Oh, you have no idea. I was practically panting.”
Sarah smirks and puts on her blinker, pulling into the traffic. We continue to talk, then Sarah starts singing along to Billie Eilish as we pull into the driveway. When the song’s over, she turns off the ignition and looks at me. “Look, be nice to Chris. I really like this guy, so be good. And go out with Mr. Eye Candy when he calls you. Get yourself out there again. It’s time, Jeni. Don’t spend your life being scared guys are all the same and you’ll end up with another Jason… shit… sorry, ‘He Who Shall Not Be Named.’ There are some decent ones out there, and you don’t have to look hard to find them.” Sarah smiles her big, bright smile at me. She can see through me so easily.
Chris strides up to the car and opens Sarah’s car door, making Sarah grin. “See? There are some nice ones.” I hop out of the car and half-smile at Chris.
“Hey,” Sarah gushes before smacking Chris with a passionate kiss.
Opening my eyes widely, I look away as they embrace in their steamy lip-lock.
“Hey, baby,” Chris chimes.
I try to walk past without them seeing me to no avail.
“I bought you some milk, and I’m cooking dinner tonight as an apology. Forgive me for stealing the last of your milk?” Chris states, grinning like the Cheshire cat.
“Depends on how good your cooking is,” I reply cheekily.
“Challenge accepted.”
Sarah smiles like I’ve made her proud. Leaving the happy new couple to cuddle outside, I open the front door and walk into the house. To the left is the master bedroom—Sarah’s room, of course. I step down the hallway and put my keys and handbag on the buffet, continuing into the open-plan kitchen-dining-living room and walk to my bedroom, which is off to the left. I change into yoga pants and a soft, gray Ramones T-shirt, minus coffee stains, then lie on my bed, thinking about today’s events.
Maybe I could start dating again.
I mean, I’m only twenty-six.
I guess Sarah’s words are true—not every guy is like Jason. Surely, they’re not all controlling, scumbag cheaters and liars? I pick up my phone to call my mom when a message comes through from an unknown number.
Unknown: Jeni, this is Aiden O’Connell. Thought I’d send you my number so you have it for the insurance claim if you need it. See you Friday, Aiden.
My heart thuds against my chest wall as I sit straight up on the bed, elated at the sight of his name. I read and re-read it multiple times wondering if he’s talking about Friday for dinner or Friday to pick up the car. I sit on the edge of the bed, puzzled, trying to decipher the message.
“Dinner’s ready,” Sarah announces while knocking on my door. She notices my confusion, so she walks in. “You okay?”
I sit still staring at my phone. “I got a text from him.”
Sarah shrieks with excitement, jumping on my bed next to me. “What’s it say?” I shrug. “Hmm… guess it’s not a good text then?” she asks.
I shrug again and hand the phone to her so she can read it. She looks at me questionably and reads the message. Her face lights up. “‘See you Friday.’ That means the date is on, right?” I shrug once more, feeling disheartened. “Oh, stop fucking shrugging and talk to me.”
I sigh. “It’s either to see me on Friday for the date or… to see me when he picks up his car.”
“Hmm… maybe we need a guy’s perspective on this one,” Sarah announces. And before I get a chance to say no, she’s yelling at the top of her lungs, “Hey, Chris, come tell us what this text means.”
“Sure, I’ll be right there,” he replies, yelling through what I can only guess is food in his mouth, making him sound nearly unintelligible.