Page 124 of Love Me
The next day dawns, and the doctor comes in with Mom and Sarah, and Sarah has brought some clothes for me to wear home.
“How are you feeling, Jenifer? Ready to head home?” the doctor asks as I sit up in bed.
“Yep, sure am.”
“I have some numbers here for you should you need any counseling or group therapy to help with your recovery.” The doctor hands me the flyers.
“Thank you.”
“Other than that, everything’s normal. You’re standing and walking on your own, and you’re able to go to the bathroom and eat by yourself, so I think you’re ready. Relax and take it easy for the next few weeks. No work for two weeks. Here are your discharge papers and good luck.” She hands me more pieces of paper and walks out.
Mom and Sarah shift to my side, still with those concerned expressions on their faces. “How are you… really?” Sarah asks as Mom watches me closely.
“I’m okay, I think. I want to go home and talk things out with Aiden.”
Sarah pulls out a pair of jeans and a top, so I take off my gown and with help, pull on my clothes as quickly as I can. I go into the bathroom, and Sarah pulls my hair up into a ponytail while I check over my bruised face. It looks better than when I first saw it, but I’m still a train wreck.
Walking back out, Mom has gathered my things, and we’re ready to leave. With a deep breath, I try to mentally prepare myself as I know I’m going to see Aiden for the first time in four days.
Mom takes my hand, and we make our way toward the door, and to the left I see Aiden hunched over, sitting in the chair with his head in his hands.
“Aiden,” Mom announces, and he looks up. His eyes are full of pain and suffering, his face has a four-day growth, and he looks pale and thin. I wonder if he’s eaten in the last few days as he stands.
He reaches out to touch me, but then pulls his hand back just as quickly as he stares into my eyes. I can’t help but look away, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Even seeing the torment he’s going through, I just can’t seem to pull out of this funk enough to consider him and his feelings.
He exhales deeply as we all start to walk to the nurses’ station.
Sarah stands next to Aiden while I feel his eyes on me. Mom wraps her arm around my body while I’m discharged from the hospital, and then we make our way to the car.
“It’s good to see you, Miss Taylor.”
“Thanks, Mike,” I reply soberly, keeping my distance from him as well.
He opens the car door for me to get in.
I turn to Mom and Sarah, a tear forming in my swollen eyes as fear settles in for no apparent reason.
“You’ll be fine, honey. Aiden will take good care of you.” Mom hugs me gently.
I slowly ease myself into the car, this time sitting in the window seat and not in the middle next to Aiden like I normally would.
Aiden hugs Mom and Sarah, and they both smile at him supportively when he hops into the car.
Sitting as far away from him as I can possibly get, an air of disappointment flows over Aiden’s face when he looks at me. Without another word from Mike, he starts the car, and we head to the apartment.
Aiden watches me the entire ride home, but I keep staring out the window, not saying a word. The tension is so thick I could cut it with a knife. He places his hand on the seat between us, I think in hope I will take it, but instead, I shuffle closer to the window.
We arrive at the apartment, and I slowly ease out of the car and move away from Mike as quickly as I can.
He creases his brows at me. “Miss Taylor, are you all right?”
I nod and rush to the elevator, but it’s more of a shuffle, not even waiting for Aiden. He steps out of the car making his way over to me as I frantically push the button to call the elevator. Finally, the doors open, and I step in. Aiden hesitantly follows while Mike watches closely.
“It’s good to have you back, Miss Taylor.”
I nod in response and move sideways in the elevator away from Aiden as he continues his relentless staring at me.
“Stop it,” I whisper.