Page 38 of Love Me
“Hey, Jeni.”
“Hey, Chris.”
I let go of a swaying Sarah and Chris and take out my phone to message Aiden back.
Jenifer: Babay im noT eveen drinking anymoore3. Nope need to worries but I do mwiss yo.
I hit Send but don’t check my message before I send it. I go to put it away, but it vibrates almost instantly. I giggle and hiccup as I squint to read the message.
Aiden: That’s it! I’m getting on the next plane. See you soon.
My eyes open wide at the message, and then I squint to read it again.
He can’t be serious, can he? He’s not actually coming home because I’m wasted?
I look at Sarah and Chris, and they’re oblivious to the fact that Aiden’s coming home. Niall will be so pissed with me that he’s coming home early from a business trip because I can’t handle my liquor. I don’t know what to do.
A pair of hands wrap around from behind, resting on my tits and then squeezing them. My breasts are kind of tender at the moment which indicates I must be getting my period soon. I stand there in shock that someone is manhandling me, and for a minute, I do nothing, but then my brain kicks in, and I turn around to slap the guy across the face.
“Fuck off. I’m spoken for…” I squint and blink, then almost cry when I realize who it is. “Aiden?”
He rubs his cheek, and a wicked grin appears on his face.
“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” I blurt out in my drunken emotional state.
“I missed you, too.” He pulls me to him. “I thought I’d trick you by telling you I was coming back later than I actually was. That’s why I haven’t talked to you today because I was on a flight home. After Chris dropped you girls here, he came to the airport and picked me up. I wanted to surprise you. So, surprise!”
“Wait… so Sarah and Chris both knew you were coming home today?” I ask as they make their way over to us.
Aiden nods, and Chris chuckles at my expense. I lean into Aiden and hug him tightly, suddenly feeling very sober. “God, I missed you.”
“I missed you, too. Now kiss me.”
I lean up on my toes and kiss him with all the passion I can muster, which is a little hard considering the state I’m currently in.