Page 65 of Love Me
Not long later, I’m ready, and we head off for the evening. We pull the Aston Martin into the driveway and walk to Sarah’s front door. I hear music blaring and giggle to myself at the memories of what that usually means. I ring the doorbell. Even though I have a key, I don’t want to walk in, in case they’re occupied.
Chris eventually answers the door, wearing jeans, a black T-shirt, and a leather jacket. He looks amazing.
“Hey, man.” The guys knock their knuckles together.
I laugh at them—typical males. I continue down the hallway to Sarah who’s in the kitchen and lunge, catching her unaware as I grab her in a tight bear hug.
“Jeni, you’re kinda squishing me.”
I let her go as Aiden and Chris walk in.
“Where are we going for dinner?” Aiden asks.
Sarah looks at me and I at her. “Vinchenzo’s!” we both say in unison.
Chris groans audibly. “Do we really have to go to my work?”
“Yes,” we both gush.
“Whatever,” Chris mumbles, rolling his eyes in defeat.
“Aiden’s never been. We have to pop his Vinchenzo’s cherry.”
“Oh my God, Sarah,” I state while the guys laugh at her innuendo.
We make our way to Chris’ car, guys in the front, girls in the back. Chris turns over the ignition, and we start to drive to Vinchenzo’s.
We enter the small restaurant, and Chris walks over to the girl at the counter. We stand back and let him work his magic.
“This way, guys.” He leads us to a booth right at the back.
“Do you like working here?” Aiden asks.
“Guess I’d better say yes in case the boss is listening,” Chris jokes.
“Here you go, Chris.” The waitress hands him the menus while flirting with him.
“Thanks, Jess.” He takes the menus, and she saunters away.
“Who’s that, Chris?” Sarah asks, trying not to sound jealous, but the intent is definitely there.
“Who? Jess? Oh… no one. She’s new. I think she has a crush on me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about her?” Sarah asks.
Chris laughs, making Sarah glare at him, but then we go about ordering and eating.
After dinner’s served, which is amazing, the chef comes out. “Hey, Chris, bringing in your friends? That’s a good lad.”
“Tony, this is my girl, Sarah.”
Tony dips his head with a kind smile. “She’s pretty like you said. Way too good for a punk kid like you,” Tony jests, making us laugh.
“This is Jeni and Aiden.” Chris points to us.
I wave, and Aiden nods his head.
“You’re welcome anytime. Any friend of Chris’ is a friend of mine.” Tony chuckles, then walks off.