Page 14 of Team Russian
“ ... who can’t take a compliment,” he added after a minute.
I chuckled. “Sorry, I just got distracted by something you said.”
“What’s that?”
“Another time,” I suggested. “So, your suits, you can try them on and I’ll see if I can narrow it down to the one you should wear ... I’m a Libran though ... we’re known for being indecisive. Maybe you should ask Sasha or that other girl in your office, the pretty little one who is dating Tomás Carrera.”
“Alice,” he said.
I was watching to see what he thought of her, but he gave nothing away.
“Indecisive huh ... and what are these other interests?” he asked.
I told him about my job interview Monday and he was really pleased for me. That was a good sign, too ... he didn’t have any caveman notions that a woman’s place was supporting a man. I suspect being raised by a pack of females has helped a lot. Plus, he didn’t seem jealous or competitive which often happens to couples in similar careers ... or maybe he didn’t care enough about me to be competitive.
Then, I froze ... I heard the door open; Josh was home. This was going to be interesting – Josh was very effeminate, and The Russian was well, very alpha. I couldn’t bear it if he was rude to Josh or disliked him ... I couldn’t be with a man who wasn’t accepting; it was a deal breaker. I turned and looked through the glass sliding doors and waved to Josh. His eyes widened in surprise and then he gave me a thumbs-up which I hoped The Russian hadn’t seen. Josh came out to the balcony.
“Hi Carla,” he said, with a special smile in my direction. He offered his hand to The Russian to shake.
“Josh Turnbull,” he said. I held my breath, worried—I was scared for Josh and just as scared for myself—I didn’t want to have to stop liking The Russian.
The Russian stood to shake hands with Josh; he looked about two feet taller and wider.
“Alex Renwick,” he said. “I think I just ate your dinner.”
Josh laughed. “Lucky I’ve eaten and you’re welcome.”
“Great casserole,” The Russian declared, sitting down again. “If Carla ever raises your rent and you want out, look me up,” he said, with a sly glance in my direction. “I’ve got beach views.”
I hit his arm. “Don’t try and tempt my roomie away.”
The Russian smiled. “Just putting it out there,” he said.
“Good to have fall back options,” Josh agreed.
“Stop talking immediately you two,” I ordered them in fun. I breathed out. Thank the Lord ... The Russian was just getting better and better.
“Given Josh cooked and I set the table, surely you can make coffee at least? I’d offer to make it, but I don’t know your kitchen yet,” The Russian said, with a glance at his watch. “Then I’ll have to bolt.”
Yet, he said yet. OMG ... did that mean he was going to get to know my kitchen?
“Carla makes a terrible coffee,” Josh said, “but I’m about to brew a pot.”
“Hey!” I exclaimed, “it’s not that bad.”
“Can you cook anything?” The Russian turned to look at me. “Toast?”
“Toast is my specialty,” I said. We rose and grabbed plates, following Josh inside.
“It’s actually cereal,” Josh said. “She’s really good at pouring that from the box.”
The Russian laughed and returned to the balcony to get our glasses. I watched from the kitchen with Josh as The Russian went to the balcony edge to observe the view.
Josh’s eyes widened and he mouthed the word ‘divine’.
“I know,” I said.
“Sorry to crash, want me to leave?” he asked.