Page 22 of Team Russian
The Russian opened the car door for me and I slid into his silver Mercedes sedan, well it felt like I slid in my slinky dress. He leaned down and tucked my skirt in ... so gentlemanly. As I waited for him to join me, I inspected his car. Very luxurious, very big and the back was half-full of sports gear – at least it wasn’t smelly. He slid into the driver’s seat looking so gorgeous it took everything in my control not to throw myself at him. The fact that I was so nervous and was a bit rooted to the spot helped. He turned on the ignition and then, before belting up he turned side-on to look at me.
“You okay?” he asked.
I nodded. “Sure. Why?”
“I thought tonight might be a bit hard on you ... the end of a very impressive era,” he said, gently.
“Thank you,” I said. Tears welled in my eyes and I blinked them away, turning away from The Russian so he didn’t see. He was right but I hadn’t allowed myself to go there. I lost myself in the excitement and euphoria of going with The Russian and not the reality that tonight was my swansong event.
He squeezed my hand, kissed it and released it as I heard him turn to belt up. For a big guy, he was hugely sensitive. I pulled myself together. The Russian started the car and we headed off.
“Big car,” I said.
“Yeah, well, I hate those small cars that you have to fold yourself up to get into,” he said. “Plus, I ferry my sisters around a bit so I want them to be safe. Nikki thinks I’m an on call taxi service, Ana did too until she got her license thankfully.”
“Has she got a car?” I asked, remembering my first car bought on my first basketball salary which hadn’t been much.
“I bought her one just to get her off my back.”
“Aren’t you the sweetest brother?” I grinned at him, knowing full well a new car wouldn’t make a dent in one month of his contract fee. “I’m surprised Nikki’s not hitting you up for driving lessons.”
“Oh that’s started but I’m not sure I have the patience,” he said.
“You come across as a very patient, methodical type,” I said, studying him.
“I am with things I can control. Nikki driving is not one of them unless I get dual controls.”
I didn’t realize I was biting my lip and tapping my fingers until The Russian’s hand wrapped around mine.
“You’re nervous? What time is this speech?” he asked.
I drew a short breath and looked at him. “To be honest, I’m nervous with you.” I didn’t know why I’d said it ... I’m a reverend’s daughter and I guess Dad had always pushed me to be honest about my feelings.
“Of course you are, I’m gorgeous,” he said.
I wasn’t expecting that and laughed out loud. He gave me a grin.
We traveled on the roads I knew like the back of my hand to the Suns’ grounds where the Ball would be held in the VIP club area. Five hundred tickets had been sold so it was going to be a big night, plus there would be dancing.
“You know as well as speeches, there’s going to be a fund-raising auction and dancing tonight?” I warned him.
“I assumed as much. I’ve been to a few club Ball nights and Best & Fairest Award ceremonies in my time.”
“Won any?”
“Two,” he said. “One for the Saints and one for my first club when I first went pro.”
“Bravo you!” I grinned at him.
“And you’ve won four,” he said.
“Good job, stats man.”
He grinned. God he was beautiful. Even his expensive watch looked gorgeous on his wrist, somewhere between where the white cuff of his crisp shirt finished and his beautiful hand began.
“Do you dance?” I asked, pushing my luck.