Page 24 of Team Russian
Chapter 9
We hadn’t gotten a few feet away from The Russian’s car when the media circus began.
“Russian, Carla, over here,” a photographer called out and then more and more requests to look this way or that. It was lucky we came early because it took us close to fifteen minutes to make it to the door. We both blinked to clear the bulbs from our eyes and then once inside it was magical – we were inundated with my teammates and their partners wanting to say hello, telling me they missed me and wanting to meet The Russian, too, of course, especially the guys so they could talk sports.
We didn’t have much time to catch up with everyone before the announcement came to find our tables. Aimee waved me over, we were on the same table as she was. I don’t know how she had pulled that off because usually the marketing team made sure every table had a Suns player on it and we were all well circulated; she must have had some dirt on Maria our Marketing Manager. On the way to our table, I stopped to introduce The Russian to my other best friend, Steffi, and her boyfriend Wilson. We promised to catch up with them later.
Aimee rose and gave me a hug and then shook hands with the Russian, who was to sit between the two of us. I could see him studying her with her exotic looks – a Jamaican mom and Swedish father make for a beautiful mix. Plus, they were eye to eye in height ... I bet that didn’t happen much for either of them. Just as I thought that, The Russian confirmed it.
“Wow, I don’t meet many people that can look me in the eye,” he said, giving her one of his sexy smiles. I was so busy showing him off I was prepared to lose a few of those smiles to close friends. Aimee’s cousin leaned over and shook hands.
“Roy,” he said introducing himself.
“Roy’s very upset you’re here Alex,” Aimee said to The Russian, “he was hoping to meet a single Carla.”
Roy nodded. “But lovely to meet you regardless.”
I was holding my breath, dreading The Russian’s response ... that ‘we weren’t officially partners’, or ‘you go for it Roy’ but something else wonderful happened ... I think he growled. I can’t be sure but he stiffened and made this guttural sort of noise that I think only I heard, like a territorial lion. So sexy.
“Good to meet you Roy, and yeah sorry but Brooker’s out of action, to use a sporting term.”
“Lucky there’s other single Suns,” I said, sweetly. I wasn’t used to attracting the interest of two men – hell, my last date that I had brought to the Ball hadn’t even been interested in me, but let’s not go there again. It was so exciting to be with a man who made me feel protected and feminine and desirable. Even if it was just for one night, it was worth it ... worth any potential pain, I think.
The meal was being served and straight after I would have to make my speech; then there would be the chance to socialize and dance, followed by dessert. After that the club would announce the results of the silent auction—it was where all our sponsors donated big prizes for free and any money made went back to the club—it was one of our biggest fundraising events, especially since a lot of our wealthy sponsors were with us that night and often spent up after a few drinks.
The Russian and Aimee were chatting about the benefits of having parents from different cultures and where they could go on their respective passports, while I was running through my speech in my head. Then the meal appeared and was alternated for every second person, which was often the case in set menus, and they placed an entree of scallops with shrimp, served with noodles and what looked like a light soy dressing in front of me. The waiter put a chickpea, zucchini and ricotta green salad in front of The Russian. Sasha had warned me not to get between The Russian and his food; he was a big boy who needed to eat and I knew the green salad was not going to excite him ... besides, I wanted it.
“Swap?” I asked him.
I barely got the word out before he’d happily agreed and swapped our plates. Guess he was keen on that idea. I didn’t even have to ask him when the main course arrived; I swapped the steak placed in front of me for the chicken dish placed in front of The Russian.
“You know me so well already,” he said.
“What I really want to know is how you get to the coffee van first,” I said. “I probably should have asked you that before I swapped plates.”
The Russian narrowed his eyes at me and gave me a cheeky grin. He leaned closer. “Tell Sasha she’s going to have to work harder to get that information,” he said, as if it was some sort of girl conspiracy.
“I’m just starting,” I said. “I thought I’d open with the obvious question in case you coughed up the answer, but I’m not a journalist for nothing. I will find out.”
He scoffed. “My sources are loyal, and I won’t be spilling. But I look forward to the interrogation.”
I gave him a smile and then I had time to dart to the ladies and make sure my nose wasn’t shiny and I didn’t have spinach on my teeth before my speech. As I came out of the cubicle, Lia, one of my Suns’ teammates was there washing her hands.
“He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?” she said.
“Who?” I asked, which just went to show my head had moved to speech phase.
“Your date!” she almost squealed.
“Isn’t he?” I said, nodding enthusiastically. “I know most guys look good in a tux but talk about taking my breath away.”
“Not fair to the others,” Lia agreed.
We stopped talking for a moment while we both touched up our lipstick.
“Love your dress Lia, you look gorgeous,” I said, admiring her black shimmy cocktail dress.
“You too, that is a classic,” she admired Sasha’s work. We heard the sound of the master of ceremonies, Jenna, and we hurried out back to our seats with a promise to catch up later.