Page 52 of Team Russian
Chapter 17
Just after sunrise we rose, got into our gym gear and The Russian grabbed a protein shake from the fridge for after our workout. I declined the offer.
“I’m going to need to keep my strength up,” he said, with a mischievous look in my direction. “By the time I work your ass off in the gym, then swim and seduce you ... it’s a long time until we eat.”
“A man must eat,” I agreed, “especially a big man,” I said, with a glance down to his gym shorts.
He shook his head at me again. “Yep, you’re trouble, Brooker. I might have to have a word with your father. See if it’s not too late to save you.”
“I think he’ll recognize that you’re the one corrupting me,” I said, narrowing my eyes at him. What a cheek, again!
We hit the gym and no one there cared who we were or what we were doing. That’s what I loved about Archer’s Gym – it was a serious gym. We worked out in rhythm. I was doing less weight but a good number of repetitions and The Russian was doing more weight, more repetition. I tried to match him for reps but came nowhere near him. Then I went to do the rowing machine for a bit while he did a few other weight combinations. I don’t bother with the running machine unless I’m injured and want a soft impact run; I prefer to run outside and enjoy the fresh air.
I finished and looked over at The Russian and he gave me a nod that he was done too. I headed to the girl showers, but not before he called me back.
“Nice workout,” he said, tapping my butt. He was glowing all over with sweat, and looked lean and taut – I swear I could have bounced off him ... hmm, weird thought, must try it.
“Thanks,” I said back to him. “You too, although I thought you slacked off a bit on the chin-ups,” I said, just to rile him.
“Did you now,” he growled.
“I think you owe me ten in private,” I suggested.
“My chin has plans for later ... it’s going to be seeing new sights,” he said, with a suggestive glance to my lower region. “I want you to know that as sweaty as you are now, I’d love to do you right here on the gym floor.”
I must have looked slightly alarmed because he added. “Not that I would ... not into exhibition sex.”
I breathed out. “Phew, I thought you were going to go all caveman then and throw me to the ground.”
He moved sharply toward me as if it was a good idea and I stepped back – no point tempting a growling, turned on lion ... there, anyway.
“I thought we’d give the showers a miss and go straight into the ocean,” he said. “If you can drive home with me sweaty.”
“Brilliant idea,” I said. One of my pet loves was to swim straight after a run ... the cold water hitting the tired and worked out muscles, so cleansing.
We grabbed our bags and returned to the car. I followed The Russian’s lead and spread my towel over the seat before getting into his Merc. The Russian opened the sun window as we drove and in a matter of minutes, we drove into his garage. We didn’t even go into the house, we stripped off in the garage, put on our swim gear and took the towels from our bags. The Russian never took his eyes off me while I self-consciously put on my two-piece gold swimsuit. I was surprised he managed to get his swimming trunks over the resulting erection – lucky he was wearing boardshorts ... a sexy pair that sat very nicely on his hips.
I could only imagine what his ex wore to the beach ... I didn’t know where that thought had come from, but I somehow felt conscious all the time of following in her shoes. I didn’t have to imagine too hard what she wore, I had seen photos of her skimpy beach outfits, that is, when she wasn’t swimming topless. My two-piece bikini swimsuit was more modest ... it had fabric covering most of the important parts.
The Russian moved to the driveway and waited as I grabbed my towel and followed. I wrapped it around my waist.
“I was enjoying that view,” he complained and I gave him a look that said ‘hold that thought’! He grinned, and pressed the buzzer to put his garage door down. Like an old married couple, he gave the keys to me and I stuck them in my beach bag and then he took my hand and we walked across the lawn and down onto the sand. Our first beach trip together!
It was only about nine o’clock and the beach was still uncrowded, mainly being used by boardies, joggers and early swimmers. We were both sweaty from our workout and the first impact of the water on skin was wonderful – cold but wonderful. The Russian took to the water like a dolphin, with powerful movements, while I dodged the waves and swam gently in the shallows. Then he strode through the waves towards me; I watched his muscles clench as he did that, thank God I was in cold water or I might have combusted.
The Russian pulled me against his wet chest and gave me a long kiss. I loved that he had no hang-ups about being affectionate or showing it; I wondered if being in a predominantly female household had helped with being in touch with his emotions.
“How good is this?” I asked, after I had detached myself from his lips to draw breath.
“So good,” he said. “You’re a bit cold there, Brooker or am I just turning you on?” he said noticing my very stand-uppy nipples.
I think I blushed and he laughed, pushing me against him. “Don’t worry, it’s mutual,” he said as his hard erection defied the normal outcome of cool water shrinkage.
“I want to sunbake a little and dry off,” I said, glancing towards our towels on the beach and then down at my chest.
“Yeah, I’d like to see that too” he agreed. “I’m going to swim for a few more minutes. I’ll see you out there.”
I gave him a kiss and headed out, turning back once to see him standing there, arms folded in waist deep water as he watched me walk out. He grinned and turned to dive back under a wave. So fucking gorgeous.