Page 59 of Team Russian
I pulled his erection free and then reluctantly pulled my nipples free of his mouth and hand. I slid down onto my knees and took him in my mouth. The Russian swore under his breath, bracing himself against the door and trying not to make a sound that could be heard over the stereo. My hair was up in a high ponytail, but that didn’t stop The Russian grabbing it and twisting it around his hand, moving with me as I moved up and down his penis. I swear he held his breath the whole time I worked him, and he tried to pull me away when he was just about to come but I didn’t let him. His whole body shuddered and he was completely in my control.
I finally released him and a very satisfied-looking Russian helped me up off my knees; I reached for a few tissues from the box on Eddie’s desk.
“I’d stay for lunch, but I’ve just eaten,” I teased, wiping my lips, and he smiled, his eyes still a bit hazy. He tucked himself away and then grabbed my butt and pulled me tight against him.
“Wow,” he said, “that’s ruined me for the rest of the day. Can we just curl up somewhere now?”
“I wish. But I’ve got to go write up what your coach said at the press conference.”
“Not before I see you arched over my desk,” he growled.
“You can do me another time,” I said, and started to do up my shirt.
“No way, Brooker, I’m taking you here and now.” He read my concern. “Relax, it’s totally private, I promise you.” He reached behind me, unzipped my skirt and lowered it for me, and I stepped out of it. He lifted my shirt and his expression said he appreciated my white lace panties. Then he reached up under my white shirt and pulled my panties down and completely off.
“Good look,” he said, taking in my white shirt and high heels. Then he headed straight into my phobia zone. He lowered me onto his desk and spread my legs apart – I was wide open to him.
“Russian!” I hissed, alarmed and turned on.
“Shh, relax, don’t think,” he said.
He pulled my hips towards him and with his thumbs he separated and pulled back the fleshy lips and his tongue went to work. I hadn’t showered or come off the beach, I was open in front of him and he was driving me wild. My nipples were still peeking out from my bra, my shirt was undone and now he moved a hand up to pull on my nipple as his tongue worked me down below and one finger slid into me.
I struggled not to groan loudly in ecstasy and I think I used every Saints’ name that I could remember from my Bible study days. I came in minutes, my body arching in pleasure and when I was spent, The Russian gently pulled me up and off his desk.
He tapped my butt. “You’re delicious, Brooker. You can put your clothes on now, you hussy,” he teased.
I smiled, a love drunk, super chilled out smile and pushed my nipples back into my bra. The Russian reached down for my lace panties and, leaning down, slipped them over my legs and pulled them up ... there was something very sexy about being dressed and undressed by The Russian. I reached for my skirt hanging on the back of the chair and slipped it on, tucking in my shirt. The Russian zipped me up at the back, even though I could do it myself. He turned me around, as I patted down my hair and he looked me over.
“You’d never know except for the glaze in your eyes and blush on your cheeks,” he said. He pulled me closer and we just hugged. It was so good just holding each other for a few moments, and then he pulled away.
“I think I got all the information I need,” I teased him as if I’d been doing an interview.
“If you need anything clarified ...” he said, with raised eyebrows.
“Oh, I’m sure I will.”
“Tonight?” he said. “Are you still coming over?”
“Do you really want me over before a match?” I asked, frowning at him. “I get it if you want to just have a night on your own to prepare.”
He moved the chair out of the way of the door as I powdered my nose and straightened up.
“Brooker, you keep me awake when you’re not with me, so if you stay the night, I might have a better chance of sleeping.”
I grinned at him. God, I loved that he’d said that.
“I’ll think of a way to exhaust you before bedtime,” I said, brightening.
“Oh I’m sure you will,” he said, and opened the door to walk me out. “I thought I’d cook up some pasta.”
“Sounds great. We’ve got three games to watch tonight,” I said.
He looked over at me surprised. “You want to watch them?”
I frowned. “Of course. You have to watch your opponents play and I need to watch them since I’m reporting on the Saints game tomorrow. So here’s my plan, tell me what you think ...” I said, lowering my voice, Lord knows we loved a plan – we were both methodical. “Dinner while watching the games, some sort of physical contact to ensure you are spent—I have plenty of ideas—then bed to sleep at a reasonable hour. Simple.”
He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss, even with the door open.
“Love the plan,” he said, his eyes genuinely looking happy and I think relieved. Did he think I’d want to watch a romance movie or something?
He walked me out and luckily Alice and Sasha were out to lunch, but Kay was there; she gave me a knowing smile and wave.
“Good to see you again, Kay,” I said, on departing.
“Yeah, she’s the best of the bunch,” The Russian said, with a wink in her direction. Kay blushed again. I wondered how many nights she had fantasized about The Russian being in her bed. Tonight, I’d be in his. Thank you, patron Saint of love, yet again!