Page 69 of Team Russian
“That so?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and looking mildly pleased with himself. “Want to come?”
“Not yet, I just had two orgasms,” I said, happily as I stretched out on the bed.
“Focus, Brooker, do you want to come with me to Tia’s presentation?” he asked, a smile on the edge of his lips.
I laughed. “Oh that, yes! I’d love to.”
“Really? You know it’s going to be a bunch of five to ten-year-old kids making a lot of noise, and putting on a performance that only family would endure?” he said, frowning in my direction.
“It’ll be fun,” I said, excited to be invited to a family event.
“Then get your butt into the shower. I’ll join you in a minute,” he said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back on the bed.
“What are you going to do?” I asked suspiciously.
“Watch you walk in,” he said, and there were signs of life in his lap again, so soon.
I selected a sundress with sandals to wear and then we swung by The Russian’s place so he could grab a clean change of clothes. I avoided going near the bedroom where he was changing, in case he got distracted. We headed off again and got to the school in plenty of time – I was still driving and would drop The Russian home afterward.
“Been meaning to tell you that I like your car, Brooker ... it’s a good size—I can fit in it—and it suits you,” The Russian said, admiring my white BMW Gran Coupé from the inside.
“Thank you, I think.” I wasn’t sure why he thought it suited me. “I love this car, I treated myself to it when I got my contract renewed. I figured I had a bit of security then.”
The Russian nodded. “After you had your home loan sorted?”
“Of course,” I said, “spoken like a man with a management degree.” He smirked at me, but looked approving as well. I pulled into a car park at the school hall that was a fair distance from the entrance, but clearly the elementary school concert pulled a crowd.
The Russian took my hand as we walked in and got lost amongst the crowd. School kids were running around, finding their families, showing off, doing normal kid things. However, it soon became obvious that we were being recognized. It was like a small whisper in the room, and the crowds parted as The Russian spotted his mother and we made our way towards her. Tia saw us and, with a squeal that would break glass, she ran over propelling herself at The Russian, who gave her a hug. Then she saw me and jumped up and down. So cute. I gave her a hug before she raced back to the stage to prepare. I heard her saying to her friends. “That’s my brother, he’s a Saints’ player.”
One little girl next to her said: “I saw his girlfriend on television.” Tia nodded. “She plays sport too and she’s a TV star.”
I chuckled and The Russian sighed. “They’d be more excited if you were a Disney princess and I was the prince.”
“Aren’t we?” I asked, looking a little disappointed.
We made our way towards his mother, Lana. She looked lovely – slim and sophisticated in a lemon dress with high strappy sandals.
“Carla, so good to see you,” she said.
“And you too Lana,” I said, as we exchanged cheek kisses.
“How did Dad get out of this?” The Russian growled.
“Work. But he did get to the last one,” Lana said. “And since you’re the boss at work, you’ll have to come up with a better excuse next year.”
The Russian made a humph sort of sound, but I think he would go to anything that Tia was starring in, he really did adore his little sister.
We found three seats and as I looked around, I couldn’t believe the people sneaking looks at us, especially the mothers sneaking looks at The Russian. A number of people came and went as they greeted Lana and The Russian, and met me.
I whispered to The Russian: “I think some of the cougars in the room are very upset you brought a date.”
The Russian put his arm around my shoulder. “That’s why I brought you, to protect me,” he joked.
Lana patted her son’s shoulder. “I’m so pleased you brought Carla. You are very lucky to have her, I hope you look after her.” She turned to me. “You’ll have to be patient with him Carla, he is a man.”
“He is that,” I said, agreeing and teasing The Russian.
“I hope he knows how lucky he is,” she said, smiling approvingly at both of us. “He can be moody though, and stubborn, but I’m sure you’ll work wonders with him.”
“I’m right here, Mom,” he said, shaking his head and pointing out the obvious.
Then the concert began and I felt like part of the family. The Russian held my hand the whole time ... bliss. But he was right – if I hadn’t been in love and just happy to be sitting in each other’s company, the ninety-minute concert would have been agony!