Page 1 of Her Elemental Mates
Shadow Garden
Silent steps carry me through the valley of death. The earth is cool beneath my bare feet as I move through the graves of the fallen. Soft moss silences my steps as I drift between monuments. They have named me as The Head Guardian of the Dead. The dark gifts given to me by my birthright makes my existence frightening to the villagers. The packs have referred me to as the Dark Princess or laughably the resurrection of Hel.
Unlike my twin, I received the more deadly attributes of our mixed species. A smirk plays upon my black lips as I consider how ridiculous this situation is. My brother is next in line to rule all five packs; I’m the deadlier threat. I’m sure my parents call it an heir and a spare, especially since I’m female.Lucky me…
Sarcastic laughter escapes my lips as I finish my nightly rounds of the packs’ shared graveyard. Being what I am, I keep myself where I can do no harm. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the offensive paper my father handed me this morning. The parchment crinkles as I unroll it yet again. It’s an official royal notice of betrothal from the royal family. My heart sinks as I read it for what feels like the millionth time. Eligible unmated royals, and those born of noble bloodlines, are required to take part. I want to tear the paper to shreds or even turn it to ash in my hands. Either would be preferable to having to take a mate that I don’t want.
Why can I not be allowed to find my true mate? Are they that afraid that I may one day be happy and free of the graveyard?
The question rings in my head as I stare at the night sky. The darkness of the sky reflecting the darkness that seems to have eclipsed my heart. I’m stronger than both my brother and father; that’s the real reason I’m being denied a choice. Once we find our true mate, our natural-born powers are amplified. Daddy dearest doesn’t want me to become death personified because he’s frightened of what I could do. The misogyny is so thick it almost chokes me.
I finish my rounds earlier than usual, so I decide to take the slate path back to the center of the valley. I know each of the gravestones like the back of my hand. Everyone’s names are emblazoned in my memory from now until Valhalla comes. As I get closer to my destination, the pink flowers from the weeping cherry tree drift toward me in the wind. The delicate fragrance of the blossoms always makes me smile. The scent from my favorite tree makes my soul sing with happiness and peace. I use the back of my hands to brush the hanging limbs to the side so I can see the brass bench hidden behind them. Dusting off the cedar slats, I take a seat in the center. My wolf and I settle almost immediately as we sit on our favorite bench in the center of the graveyard. I wiggle as I get comfortable, then lean my head back against the cold rail. The wind blows the branches apart slightly so I can see the spires above the ancient Cypress trees. Sometimes, it feels like the spires of the castle mock me, and they want to remind me of my station in life and the cards that they have dealt me.
As second born, I will not be allowed to remain on pack lands when I come of age. If my father has his way, he will marry me off to the first suitable male to get me out of the castle. My slightly older twin has always been the precious one; Daddy’s favorite child, despite being the least similar. I feel that when Daddy looks in my eyes; he sees his own reflection. The combination of his and mother’s darkness is neatly wrapped in one package. Just to spite them, I’ll be the best luna my mate’s pack has ever seen.
I’ll be fierce and protective of my new territory and family.
“Bella? Bella?”
The dulcet tone of my best friend’s voice fills my ears. My wolf and I perk up hearing our best friend, and as I call her, my sister. Ari’s one of the few beings not terrified of my bloodline. She is one of the sweetest women I know and she makes me smile no matter how down I am.
“I’m here Ari!”Standing quickly, I rush over and wrap her in my arms, holding her tight to my chest. “I missed you Ari! How long are you here?” I kiss her cheek lovingly, refusing to let her go just yet.
“I’m here at least a week, though perhaps longer, because of the betrothal notices.” Ari pulls a paper out of her bag and shows it to me.It is very similar to the one I received and stare at it with just as much disdain as I did my own.
Begrudgingly, I wave mine at her. “Aren’t we blessed? We get to check out the eligible males together.” I smirk playfully as I cup her cheek. “I have faith that you will find your mate. Me? No, I’m doomed to walk alone in the shadows of death.” Sighing, I pull away and force myself to smile as I motion to the graveyard beyond the willow tree.
“Don’t say that, Bella! We’ll find our mates together. Gaia provides for all her children. Have faith.” Ari’s smile is genuine and infectious as she looks up at me.
She grabs my hand and starts dragging me out of the graveyard, my safe place. We head back through town along the cobblestone road that leads to the palace. The stores that line the road are bustling with activity, sales tables line the sidewalk with all kinds of wares.
As we continue down the road, Ari goes on about her brothers. Kaedyn is taking part in the war games, much like my brother is. The war games are just as antiquated as the forced betrothals. The princes battle to the point of forcing submission on their opponent instead of striking a killing blow. Amun, the middle child, has been conscripted to submit to the betrothal order and, like myself, he’s not thrilled about the mandatory participation. Ari continues on about the other princes and their siblings. She always feels the need to fill my head with all the royal gossip. In some sick sense, she just wants me to feel like I’m part of the world since I live in the catacombs beneath the graveyard.
“You know Bella, staying as isolated as you are is not good for you and your wolf. We are pack animals for a reason sweetheart, you need to run with the others.” Ari’s concern is clear. Her eyes lower to hide the welling of tears that she wipes away. She’s always chastising me for my self-imposed isolation. “Besides, how in the world do you expect to find your true mate if you never leave the graveyard?” Sadly, she makes a valid point.
“I don’t think they should burden somebody with a she-wolf like me.” I shake my head and lower my eyes, looking away from her as we walk. She is only trying to look out for me, and she means the best. Thankfully, she goes back to her original conversation and drops the part about me needing a mate. We laugh about what some of the conscripted siblings are doing to get themselves out of the betrothal process. Some of the second heirs are trying to join the military full time to get out of it. Others have started to date men just to seem unworthy of the females being offered. Sadly for them, their plans backfired when some females found that aspect appealing.
I roll my eyes at some of the news and can’t help but laugh. “So, are you suggesting, Ari that we act like we’re dating to get out of this nonsense?” I laugh so hard tears roll down my cheeks. Holding my sides, I just know that my black eyeliner is running, and odds are I look like a raccoon.
“Oh, gosh no! My adoptive parents would pluck my wolf bald!” She screams as her hands fly up to cover her mouth. The acrid scent of anxiety rolls off her, and I rub my nose.
I can’t help but laugh at Ari’s reaction. Quickly, I link my arm with hers, and we finish our journey to the castle. I swear every time I go home, I feel as though my mother must add several stairs to the front staircase. It’s ornate and overdone, and the damn thing seems to go on forever. Hell, if they remake that boxing movie, Rocky, they could use these damn stairs instead of the ones in the original movie. The guards, in their regal uniforms, stand stationed at the ornate metal front doors. They open them wide and bow deep as Ari and I pass. Upon entering, my mother’s obsession with the baroque period becomes painfully obvious. The overstated archways with vivid colors make my eyes hurt. Don’t get me started on how the different textures are paired; I will admit though, some of them work. Tapestries are being switched out in the main corridors leading to the banquet hall. Speaking of the banquet hall, two large fierce-looking gold wolves decorate the large oak door. Pressing my hands to the door, it opens easily, revealing my mother directing the decorating team.
“Mother? I’m guessing father is inviting the eligible males here for me to meet?”Mother spins to face us, and it is almost like gazing into a mirror. Like me, my mother has long black hair and gray eyes. But, unlike me. Her eyes do not retain the unearthly glow of her wolf. “Sweet one! Ari! Yes, I am preparing for the arrival of the heirs.” Mother’s smile is brilliant. She’s so excited about the arrival of the potential mates that she’s kicked the decorating team into high gear. Her excitement is almost nauseating, and I’m not sure if she’s more excited to be a grandmother or to get rid of me. To be honest, I think it changes by the day and the hour.
An audible sigh escapes my lips as I drop my gaze from my mother to stare at the floor in front of me. The tile intricately placed in a mosaic of our family crest. It depicts two enormous wolves; some argue that it’s Fenrir the Norse Wolf, others try to claim that it’s Cerberus’ descendant with only one head. Either way, after joining both packs into one, we were then known as the gatekeepers of death. Each pack has their own predominant element that they are the guardian of.
The Fire Wolves are the second most powerful pack; they can wield and manipulate anything and everything to do with fire. Their talents in this element lead them to the blacksmith and ironworker trades. Any job that requires the use of fire, including welding, for instance. As funny as it’s going to sound, their temperament is just as fiery as their element, and they have red hair in various shades to boot. My brother calls his friend a ginger wolf, a soulless creature perfectly safe from me as a joke.
The Earth Wolves have the third most powerful pack; they have the closest contact with what we call mana. They are very skilled in anything made by the earth. Some of them are talented masons, woodworkers and millers. I would have to say they are probably the most diverse pack out of all of us. So many different job opportunities for their pack. I’m almost jealous. The males of the Earth Pack tend to be built quite large and muscular since most of their work, just like the Fire Pack, is physical labor. They are built like some of the power lifters we watch during the strength competitions the packs hold in the spring for fun.
The Air Wolves are on the light side, not only in color but also in build. They are the fourth strongest of the packs and have some unique abilities. Anytime there’s a massive storm, Air Wolves are called in to quell its rage. The Air Wolves are some shade of blond, similar to a surfer look. Their jobs are as unique as they are. They are skilled artisans and musicians, as well as military-grade archers. Apparently, according to Queen Lani, archery is an art form in itself. Ari comes from the Air Pack, and she is also an archer. She demonstrated not too long ago how ornate the archery display can be. They make it almost into a dance in order to impress their potential mates. I guess I’m a step up then because Ari has been teaching me to shoot and the traditional archery protocols for as long as I can remember. She says it’s more just in case one of her brothers becomes my mate. I stifle a soft laugh, trying not to think about the possibility of marrying into my best friend’s family. Seriously, I can think of worse things at this point.
The last pack the Water Wolves. Physically, they are the weakest out of the five packs. Now the Water Wolves and the Fire Wolves don’t get along at all. I’m half expecting them to go to war at any point over something stupid, a female that used the two princes and almost started a war. Like the Air Wolves, the Water Wolves are a light to medium build and also in the blond surfer category. I have to say, though they have beautiful properties. The Water Wolves live on their main pack lands in one of the most scenic coves' ocean-side. They oversee the handling of all international overseas shipments, but there are also doctors and healers. They hire a lot of the Earth and Fire Wolves to help at the docks when the larger shipments come in.