Page 16 of Her Elemental Mates
It was painful to watch Bella be subjected to a battle she didn’t believe in. Until the night she carried me wounded back to the castle, I did not put it into perspective how much larger her wolf was. The beast is a monster made of flesh, a nightmare on four paws. It’s no wonder why the ancient pack masters didn’t want the species interbreeding. Her Shadow Wolf and Death Wolf background practically bring about the resurrection of a Dire Wolf.
Bella is clearly toying with Ellen, probably at war with herself over having to kill the other female. Watching my mate throw the other wolf around like it is a rag doll is concerning. My wolf maybe has another hundred and fifty pounds on Ellen’s wolf. Unfortunately, Air and Water Wolves are the lightest built wolves in the five packs. Until now, the Shadow Wolves were not much larger than we are. Fire ranks as the next largest, and earth is the largest. I would love to see Bella stand next to an Earth Wolf their sizes may be closer than any of the others.
Shadow Wolves have been called demons since the beginning of time because of how they look in battle. If I didn’t know my sweet mate was under that midnight fur, I would be terrified of her. Just as that thought crosses my mind, she vanishes from sight with Ellen’s head in her mouth. I suspect she is going to appear somewhere nearby. Quickly I move several things around and open the one umbrella on the patio and create a dark corner.
No sooner than I created the dark corner, everyone turns and stares into the darkness. The white fur of Ellen’s severed head is the first thing we see as Bella’s wolf emerges from the darkness. I swear her beast has grown in size. Its back is even with my hips and it’s insane to me. She prowls past me, barely lifting an eyebrow in my direction as she heads directly to Flint. Her last several steps, she shifts from wolf to woman and holds Ellen’s head in her hand.
Bella shoves the severed head against Flints chest and the glow from her eyes bathes Flint in its eerie green light. “You ever encourage the death of a female at my hands again…” She dramatically pauses and tilts her head to the side, looking into his eyes. “I will give you nightmares for the rest of your life.” She turns and walks away.
Flint drops the head and grips Bella’s shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. “Don’t you dare threaten me and turn your back on me!” Flint yells in Bella’s face.
Bella laughs in his face and shakes her head. “Is that all you’ve got?” Bella furrows her brows, looking at him. “Mom wasn’t the only one abused in that house. You don’t scare me.” She huffs out a laugh. “There’s not much left that can…” Before Flint can open his mouth, Bella vanishes from his grip. Then I notice it. The way he was standing, he had part of her covered in his shadow.
“The Shadow Court really sounds like a house of horrors. It makes me wonder exactly how much Bella and Corvina had to endure with Grimshaw.” My father ponders the situation as he adjusts his robes.
“There was a lot that we endured,” Bella says as she steps out of the shadow again and leans on the rail near me. “They punished me for not being born a son by being isolated in the graveyard. Left to suffer alone for the rest of my existence.” Bella looks down at the ground and the glow fades from her eyes.
Seizing my moment, I move forward and grip her bare hands and smile at her. “You’ll never be alone again.” Bella smiles back and nods at me.
“You two must finish the ceremony, then the banquet, then seal the bond,” my mom tells us. Mom always had a way of putting things into perspective.
“Which court do you wish to visit next after mine?” I smile, looking at Bella, who is still shooting a death glare at Flint.
A mischievous smile creeps over Bella’s lips as she slowly turns to look up at me. “Gee… maybe water should be next?” Flint almost chokes on his drink after hearing Bella. “Or perhaps earth would give me a good foundation?” Bella pushes off the railing and drapes an arm over my shoulder. Flint is practically sputtering; hearing Bella name every kingdom other than his.
“Fire can keep you warm and I have three sons for you to choose from.” Flint smiles broadly, proud of the fact he has so many heirs.
“Did everyone bring the scent boxes like they were supposed to?” Bella raises a brow, looking at the three kings. A chorus of yesses is murmured and Bella smiles. “Good, before the banquet tonight, please bring the boxes to the war room and leave them there. I will decide where I go next by scent.”
Bella moves to stand before me and kisses my cheek. “Let’s finish what we started and get the show on the road.” She plants a second kiss close to my mouth and before I can react, she’s moved away and links arms with my mom and sister and off they go.
Ari and Laniwalk with me in silence back to my quarters to prepare for the last part of the ceremony. “It’s impossible to do this last part, especially since you’re not an Air Wolf.” Ari looks over at me, concerned.
I laugh and pull out two sets of wireless earphones. “Go give this pair to your brother for me. We have a plan.” Lani looks over at me with a knowing smile and waves Ari off.
“I shouldn’t allow technology into this. But with as much interference from some kings that will remain nameless, I see nothing,” Queen Lani says as she walks over to the minibar and pours us both a mixed drink.
“We appreciate it. Thank you.” Smiling, I accept the drink from her, then walk over to my closet and start picking out the second robe for the evening. Flipping through the closet, I can’t decide what I want to wear.
“Bella!” Ari comes screaming back into the room like someone set her ass on fire.
Stepping out of the closet, I arch an eyebrow looking at her. “Yes?”
“Kaedyn said to match the fletching’s. Whatever that means.” Shrugging her shoulders, she looks from her mother to me, trying to decipher what her brother meant.
“That makes life easy,” I say with a smile before knocking the last of my drink back. I waggle my eyebrows and find the crimson and black robes and put them on, tying my belt correctly. Stepping back out again, I can’t stop smiling. I’m one step closer to being allowed to be with my mate.
“You look so beautiful Bella.” Lani says before coming over to help me braid my hair properly.
I decide to do something out of the ordinary for me and I turn around and hug Lani. “Thanks Mom.” I smile as happy tears attempt to bubble over. Meanwhile, Lani is bawling like a little kid, hugging me like her favorite teddy bear.
Gently, I run my fingers through her long tresses and attempt to soothe her. A gentle knock sounds at the door and Ari runs to answer it. King Coro enters, and he looks saddened. “Belladonna…”
I release his wife and turn to face him, tilting my head to the side as I study him. His posture screams defeat. His fidgeting fingers tell me he has something else to throw at me. “What have they done that you are concerned about telling me?”