Page 23 of Her Elemental Mates
Kaedyn: Bella is glued to the window, watching everything go by. This is her second trip ever away from her homeland.
Hollis: Wow, sounds like they locked the princess in the proverbial tower.
Kaedyn: May as well have. Oh, btw she read the books already and said she’s set for the trials.
Hollis: Damn bro, can she get any more perfect?
Kaedyn: Doubtful, but I bet if it’s possible she’ll find a way.
Hollis: K, see you soon.
Staring at my messages again, butterflies flutter around inside my stomach at the prospect our mate is on her way here. Heading downstairs, I go straight over to the blacksmith’s shop on the palace grounds.
“My prince, what can I do for you today?” Godric puts down his hammer and walks around the anvil to shake my hand.
I pull him in for a bro hug. After all, I consider him a brother from another mother. “My potential mate is arriving here in about an hour. The females are required to craft something out of metal to present my parents to be judged on craftmanship.” He nods along, listening to me. “I would consider it a personal favor if you can give her a walk through on how everything works. Dad sent a book of customs with the envoy for her.”
Pacing the room, my anxiety is getting the better of me. “I hear ya, brother. I will teach your future mate everything she needs to know. After all, a level playing field is the best kind.” We shake hands again and I leave the shop, heading toward the stables.
One of the other trials is being able to do the horsemanship part. Basically, making the horse hit the marks during the program that’s decided on that day. I will offer my personal mount to Bella to use since he’s the calmest and best trained horse in the stables. “Prince Hollis, to what do I owe the favor?”
My skin crawls hearing Bernie call my name. That crazy she-wolf has been after my ass since she could walk. “Just checking on the mounts available in the stable. We will have an influx of females in the kingdom arriving to compete to marry one of my father’s sons.” I skirt the truth, still stating nothing but facts to not draw suspicion.
Bernie moves forward and runs her hand over my chest and gives my peck a squeeze. I slap her hand away and back up. “Don’t worry, handsome, I won’t let some invading bitch in heat take you from me. After all, Daddy dearest tossed my name in the hat.” Her tone drops and oozes with seduction.
“May the best she-wolf win,” I say before leaving the stables as if someone set my ass on fire. This is not a good turn of events. Racing across the grass, I catch Mother in her garden tending to the flowers that our kingdom is famous for.
“What’s wrong Hollis? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Mom says as she dusts her hands off.
“Did you know that Bernie’s name is in the running this year?” Mom visibly cringes at the news.
Shaking her head. “Are you freaking serious right now? How did that self-centered she-wolf get registered?” Mom seems just as distraught as I am over the news.
“No clue.” Running my hands down my face, I’m stressing that the town crazy is going to be in the competition with my actual possible fated mate.
“Just what we needed. You know she’s going to stack the deck in her favor for the equestrian events.” Mom paces the garden, then stops suddenly. “I know what I am going to do. We have a paddock full of unbroke horses. The challenge will be to force their will upon the beast and get it to obey.” Mom’s idea is brilliant and if she calls the audible at the time of the event, there’s no way Bernie can stack the deck.
“Hollis!” Duke, the head guard, calls my name from across the field.
Walking swiftly, Mom and I meet him in the middle. “The envoy just crossed over into our lands. Two more checkpoints, and they’ll be here.” He smiles, knowing that this is probably one of the most important meetings of my life.
“I’m heading to the tower to watch for her arrival.” I kiss Mom lightly on her cheek, then take off toward the castle. Taking two stairs at a time, I climb the stairs faster than I have in the past. Reaching the top, I discover my dad up there with the spotting scope, watching the horizon. “You beat me to it, old man.” Playfully, I slap Dad on the back and he stands laughing.
“Yeah, I did everything in order for her arrival?” Dad says with a sly smile. I know from this vantage point, he could see everywhere I went. It’s kind of a moot point to him asking what I did.
“All settled except for the fact Bernie is in the competition. You know she’s gunning for me.” Sighing, I shrug my shoulders.
“Sadly, her father found a loophole that let her enter. Being one of the original bloodlines, they have to be offered a spot.” Dad’s tone is nothing short of remorseful. “Trust me, after this event, that rule is going to be changed immediately.” I give my dad a terse nod, then move past him to look through the spotting scope.
Cresting the horizon, I can see the first car in the envoy. I’m not sure what’s more exciting, the fact she’s here or that I won’t be alone anymore. Having a mate versus having a fling are two different things. One completes you, the other scratches an itch.
As each car crests the hill, my heart rate accelerates. The third car bears the royal flags from both the Air Wolves and the Shadow Court. I already know I’m not permitted to meet her right away. Dinner will be the first formal meeting and that’s not for another two hours. Two hours of hell waiting to be in her presence. What feels like forever, the cars finally make it into the circle out in front of the castle. Anxiously, I wait to see her exit the car. I swear if time moves any slower, I’ll be ready for retirement before that car door opens.
I glance back over to my father and I notice he’s gone and clearly waiting downstairs with Mom. Looking over the edge of the castle, my heart is in my throat as the car door opens. First out is Kaedyn, and he reaches back into the car. A pale lithe hand extends out and takes his. Flowing ebony tresses move of their own volition as she steps out into the sunlight. Her skin is as pure as ivory and appears flawless from this great height. She approaches my parents and drops in a deep curtsey before them. As she lowers herself, Kaedyn sets an ornate crown upon the top of her head. My parents immediately drop into curtseys before her and take her hands, pressing her knuckles against their foreheads in submission.
Never in all my years have I ever witnessed my parents submit to anyone. Our wolves are the largest out of all the packs. We bow to no one. When Mom stands, she rushes forward and hugs Belladonna. Bella hesitates for several seconds, then hugs Mom back just as tightly. Both women spin in a circle, hugging onto each other as their laughter carries up to me. Next thing I know, my phone buzzes. Dad texted in the family chat that Bella would like to show everyone her wolf before tomorrow’s hunt. It goes against standard protocol, but there must be a reason for it.
Rushing down the stairs, I hip check my brother Ash along the way. “Whoa! Where’s the fire, big brother?”