Page 44 of Her Elemental Mates
Sebastian ponders what I just said. “It makes perfect sense. More than likely, King Mateo is gonna try to drive us from the kingdom. And it would be safer for all those involved to be gone as soon as possible.”
“Very true. Let’s get packing and get ourselves out of here.” No sooner do the words leave my lips when we see two of King Mateo’s guards approach us.
“My queen,” they say as one and drop to kneel before her. “We do not condone the actions of our king. But as his loyal subjects, we must obey his wishes,” they say, choosing their words wisely. “In this instance, we do not agree with him, so we have taken a chance and offer our services to you. We wish to escort you safely out of the kingdom before he does something stupid.” Bella weighs their words carefully and nods in agreement.
“I will accept your help and just know that I appreciate it and will never forget that you took a chance to help me.” As she says those words, she leans down and kisses both of their foreheads. “You will always have a place in the Shadow Court should you desire it.” With that, she’s officially made two unlikely allies.
As quickly asit had begun, it was over. I had my guys packed and ready to roll at a moment’s notice. Sebastian closes up shop and takes some of his favorite things with him so that way he can continue to create the beautiful works of art that he loves so much. I didn’t mean for his entire world to get flipped upside down as it did; but unfortunately, it’s the nature of the beast. So, in one sad instance, I know how much he’s giving up, but in another instance, I know how much more he’s going to gain.
As we head to the car, Kaedyn makes the call to Flint. He lets him know what’s going on and that we are leaving for his kingdom shortly. He alerts us to the fact that the Orcs, as well as the Fae, have been on the move at the edge of his kingdom for a while. He is sending out a legion of his finest warriors to meet us at the border, just in case there should be a problem. Judging by the distance and the time that it’s gonna take for us to travel to his kingdom, I know we’ll be reaching his area by dusk, which gives me the advantage. If I have to defend myself and my mates and I will fully be able to do so with prejudice. We load ourselves into the car; I’m the last one to get in. Part of me regrets this trip entirely. But if we hadn’t of made it, I wouldn’t have Sebastian with us. I watch him as he interacts with Hollis and Kaedyn. It does my heart good to know that following my gut instinct and not going through with a compatible mate was my best decision.
We pull out of the driveway of the castle, and I see King Mateo and his wife standing on the upper balcony flanked by their sons. Orwell looking more disappointed than anything else. Callan is still being a jerk and yelling at his brother about being weak. Rolling up the windows to drown out the sound of the yelling. This is exactly why Callan and I never would have worked. As far as I can tell, he barely has a heart in his chest. But what do I know? I didn’t want to wait to find out.
We continue down the long drive and I keep searching the area, making sure that nothing is amiss. We make it off the castle grounds and pull onto the main road heading toward the Fire Kingdom. The path itself is treacherous normally, but with the added difficulties we may face, I’m more concerned than usual. Concerned for the fact now I have three out of four mates with me and I can only hope that we make it to our final destination in one piece.
I worry about the simple fact that I have a feeling that even though Mateo claims to be a benevolent king. I believe he’s also vengeful and warmongering, whether he wants to admit it. Hollis notices my unease and rests his hand on my thigh, trying to bring me comfort as I stare out the window.
Sebastian sits across from me and stares at me, trying to figure out how to formulate the words to express his feelings at this moment. “I know I’m new to the group. I can tell you’re nervous and on edge,” he hesitantly utters the words and partially stutters through them. I know this isn’t easy for him to deal with.
Seeing Sebastian’s unease, I switch sides with Kaedyn and sit next to him and rest my hand on his knee. “It’s not that I’m on edge, or nervous. I’m concerned about everyone’s wellbeing.” I try to plan the fastest way to express my concern.
It will not be easy. So, it’s just easier to rip the Band-Aid off sometimes. “I don’t trust Mateo. I don’t trust his mate, and I surely do not trust his guard.” As the words escape my lips, I watch as Hollis and Kaedyn turn their full focus on me.
I know this is information that they didn’t have before. “When did this start?” Kaedyn’s been with me the longest, comparatively to the other two mates. I fiddle with the material of my dress. Trying to figure out the best way to say it?
“Basically, from the beginning,” I just blurt out the words.
Hollis chimes in. “From the beginning.” He repeats my words back to me, confirming what I just said, and I just simply nod.
“Yes, there was something off. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Until I met his sons.” Now I have everyone’s attention.
“What do you mean, something was off?” Kaedyn poses.
I lean back and reach over the seat and pull out the box that was delivered. “This isn’t the scent of either son.” Offering the box to Sebastian; he quirks a brow, puzzled. “How did they get my shirt? It’s my scent that drew you here.” I agree with him.
“When I was brought to visit you. They masked your scent somehow. I’m not sure how they did this.” He nods along, and I can see the anger igniting.
“So basically I was used,” Sebastian says as the canines of his wolf are bared. I understand exactly where he’s coming from because I feel used as well. Nodding, I sadly agree with him.
“They used you to get me to come to their kingdom. I’m not sure if the entire city was in on this farce.” Sebastian quickly accepts what I say with more grace and dignity than most of the royals that I’ve met previously. Simple nod and a full smile, he tries to change the subject almost immediately.
“I’m just glad that everything’s been set right and we don’t have to deal with them anymore. What do we know about the Fire Kingdom?” Kaedyn laughs, and I can’t help joining him.
“Flint is an egotistical asshole, so not much.” Sebastian just glances at me.
“Oh, another wonderful, warm individual.” Pointing at him, I laugh.
“Yes, exactly,” I say to him. Before leaning back against the chair.
“I was being sarcastic,” Sebastian says with a laugh and then just shakes his head. “Is anything ever going to be easy?”
I just start shaking my head no. “Sadly, that’s never gonna happen. You are considered a prince now, if I’m going to be perfectly honest with you.” His shocked look is mixed with confusion from my statement. I just shake my head and laugh a little.
“Okay, let’s do the simple math and back this up a little. I am the Queen of the Shadow Kingdom. I killed my father for betraying the covenant of not abusing a female and your mate.” His jaw drops with his eyebrows going to reach up into his hairline.