Page 48 of Her Elemental Mates
“Flint, if you don’t mind. I would like to request just to eat with my mates alone for this morning. I’m still a little strung out from the long trek to get here on foot and then the battle.” Flint smiles gently at me and then gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“If that will make you happy, then that’s what will be done. As a side note, I have made arrangements for you to move to one of the bigger suites. It was my error to put you into that one. I accidentally named the wrong one last night because I just wanted to keep you closer to where my family was to protect you.” I see the sincerity in his eyes, and I graciously bow my head to him.
“I appreciate all of your efforts.” This is not the Flint that has shown nothing but jealousy. Nothing but disdain for anybody other than his heirs getting to meet me or be around me. This is a father taking care of someone who will potentially be family. This is a man taking care of a female that needs it. We continue down the stairs to breakfast and thankfully it’s a quiet event with just my mates and I. Hopefully the rest of the day goes just as smoothly.
We leave the private dining area and to wander the halls of the castle. Hollis and Sebastian, being the larger of the three mates, flank my sides. As Kaedyn walks proudly in front of me. He’s been here before and he’s decided that he will be the tour guide for the rest of our journey through the building. He’s pointing out different paintings and statues naming the people that they’re representative of giving me a history of the Fire Kingdom. They are a proud people, their wolves almost rival the size of mine, which I find to be quite interesting. I hear what sounds like combat coming from down the hall, and we cautiously approach.
Once reaching the end of the hallway, there seems to be an inside training arena in what used to be, I’m guessing, a ballroom that’s no longer used. Dozens of young males using all manners of weapons to practice and hone their skills. I would hazard a guess they range in age from twenty into their mid-thirties. One male in the group stands out to me. He’s easily over six feet and probably over two hundred and fifty pounds, probably closer to three hundred. His muscles aren’t fully defined, but his biceps are huge. His chest is broad and barreled. Scars litter his rib cage and abdomen from all the years of battle. His hair is braided back, and he shaved the sides of his head. He looks almost like what I would describe a Viking to look like. His hair color is a brilliant shade of red that I’ve never seen on someone before. Somewhere between a ruby and a garnet, I would have to say. His eyes are such a light brown. They look like the shifting sands in the desert. I’m in awe of the movement that this male is making. I can’t seem to peel my eyes away from him. In the background, I hear somebody mumbling. And then somebody else pulling on my arm trying to drag me away from the doors, but I just can’t leave.
I know who that person is to me. I know he is meant to be mine. Why him out of the other three I can recognize by sight is beyond me. Most times, females need touch to know who their mate is. It’s at that moment when I’m ready to pull away from the door that his gaze locks with mine. The intense fiery glow of his wolf’s eyes breaks through the sand color of his human eyes. His wolf rips free of his body and charges toward the door. Anyone else would be terrified seeing a three-hundred- almost four-hundred-pound animal charging at them. All I can do is smile as my three mates try pulling me away just as the wolf reaches the door. It stands up on its hind paws and places its front paws against the door. It pressed its snout against the glass as he turns his head to look through the window at me.
“I know who you are,” I say to the wolf. His red sable tricolor coat glints in the light. Making my insides turn to molten lava. My wolf wishes to break free, and I see the glow of my eyes radiating off the door. If a wolf could smirk, his wolf would be as it stares at me. He sits back down on the other side of the door, wagging his tail. All I can do is give him a nod and allow myself to be dragged away by my mates.
To sayBella had a strong reaction to watching the prince Egon train is an understatement. Much like myself, the male knew who she was for him. It was such a strong reaction that even his wolf ripped free of his body and charged across the gymnasium toward her. Watching her watch him was almost as erotic as watching the movements between Kaedyn and Hollis when they tend to her. Kaedyn leads us out of the castle and down the back patio then out into the garden area. There’s a small pond in the center of the rose garden and that’s where he’s decided to take us. From what I’ve learned, Bella does not do well being trapped indoors all the time. After all, she has spent the majority of her life living in the graveyard. Walking around in the wide open and when it became night she would shift to her animal and sleep in the wild. Like an animal usually does. But as much poise and grace as my mate has, it’s shocking to me to learn how poorly she was treated by her family. That thought by itself breaks my heart. How can anyone treat such a loving sweet female so horribly is beyond me.
Another regal female slowly approaches us. A crown upon her head, her flowing tresses appear to be like fire themselves as she moves across the grass. Bella catches the scent on the shifting wind and spins. That blue black gown of hers catching the air and flowing out almost like a massive shadow around her. Her long hair whipping back almost hitting Hollis makes me laugh a little. Kaedyn moves forward and does the introductions. Apparently, this is Kenna, King Flint’s wife and mate. The Queen of the Fire Court. Bella does a slight curtsy to her, the queen subjugates herself before Bella in return, knowing full well that as far as rank goes the one that rules the Shadow Court outranks the others. Kenna presses her forehead to Belladonna’s knuckles affirming her loyalty to the Shadow Court.
I’m in awe. Everything has been putting me in awe lately. I’ve seen my mate borderline feral, especially when we were attacked and then to watch her prim and proper at court. Is almost a complete one-eighty from the way that I’ve seen her previously. Bella assists Queen Kenna stand then Hollis and Kaedyn back away. King Flint is standing up on the back balcony of the patio that we had walked down. And the three of us decide to join him up there. A half dozen guards accompany the women as they walk hand in hand through the garden.
“This is a miracle to behold,” Flint says. As he motions to his mate and ours.
“What do you mean?” I just had to question him. My curiosity is getting the better of me.
“No one from the Shadow Court has ever come to the Fire Kingdom. The fact that Bella kept her word and said she would come here bodes well for the new ruling faction.” Arching a brow, I look at him.
“Unfortunately for me, I don’t know most of the court politics. I’m just an artisan lucky enough to be the queen’s mate.” I bow my head slightly to him and he smiles.
“Well, you wouldn’t know it by looking at her. Kenna was a seamstress. She came to the court while my father ruled to make a new gown for my mother. The seamstress that we had always used had passed away that previous winter. Her family came from a long line of seamstresses. They sent the youngest one to us, Kenna was eighteen when she arrived at the castle. Myself, I was twenty-two,” King Flint laments, as he remembers the day, fondly. A smile crosses his lips and makes his cheeks become full at the temples. The smile reaches his eyes as he replays the memory in his mind.
“The moment she stepped into the building my heart started to thunder in my chest and I sprinted down the stairs to her. I blew past my two older brothers to come up short right before her.” He glances down at the tattooed ring on his finger then back out across the garden.
“I watched her breath hitch, her mouth pop open and the golden glow of her wolf appeared in her eyes. Her fiery tresses seemed to ignite to me. Even though they physically didn’t. She was surrounded by a halo of orange and gold. As her wolf attempted to break free of her body, it’s not often that a female recognizes her mate by sight. But when they do, they technically are the strongest and the best suited for her. They are a literal perfect match.” Hearing those words fall from Flint’s lips makes my heart constrict. My lungs grow tight, and I feel like I can’t breathe. I look over at Hollis and Kaedyn. They seem to be in the same state that I am.
Flint looks at the three of us and his eyebrows case. “It’s happened?” he asks as he leans forward, reaching out, touching the three of us each in turn. Kaedyn just nods his head and lowers his eyes. Hollis looks away as a single tear rolls down his ebony complexion. And I just stand there with my mouth gaping. She found her perfect mate, the one that will eclipse even Kaedyn in the pack.
Since the other two mates seem to be mute, Flint turns to me. “Can you describe him for me?” He reaches out and takes both my hands anxious to hear who it was. I draw a deep breath and look over my shoulders back where Bella and Kenna are.
“He had the sides of his head shaved, his braided hair almost a ruby-garnet color.” I bite my bottom lip for a minute trying to remember all the details. “He had a lot of scars on him. He seemed like he was a warrior built for death and destruction. Huge compared to the other males in the gymnasium.” As I describe the male Flint’s eyes light up and a smile creeps across his lips.
“Go on, please, I implore you,” he says and gives my hands another squeeze.
“His eyes were almost sand, kind of like the desert. And the minute he looked up. I knew the second their gaze locked. His wolf ripped free of his body and charged across the gymnasium. He was like a red sable. His coat was tricolor and massive. His wolf is almost the size of Bella’s,” I say as enthusiastically as possible, the level of disbelief that I’m still dealing with is evident in my voice.
The minute he hears this, he drops my hands, and one goes up to cover his mouth. “Oh God,” he says looking around. “That’s my second son. I never thought he would take a mate. He’s more into causing death and destruction than dealing with anyone. I can only hope that Bella can change Egon’s way.” He glances down, looking at the black roses before us then up again.
“Oh no,” he says as he looks out at both of our mates and then back at me. “He was made perfect for her.” Furrowing my brows. I look at him and I’m not really sure what he means by that. I tilt my head slightly.
“I’m not sure what you mean? Can you explain?” Drawing out a deep breath. He looks from me to the other mates.
“You’ve gotta understand. Egon is like Bella. In almost every way.” His speech is hurried as he looks around as if being afraid of conjuring the male just by speaking his name. He exhales then begins. “He’s able to ignite things with just a thought. He has a gift similar to her pestilence. Which is a gift called cremate. And fire cannot touch him. It’s a gift called firewalking. It’s why when he discovered that he could fire walk, he chose to become an ironworker, a blacksmith to work in the pits to create swords and weapons for the kingdoms. His weapons are the most sought after since he’s able to handle them without the use of the tongues. He can literally hold burning coals in his hands and not get burned.” Stunned, I step back. I glance at the other two mates and they’re leaning against each other silently consoling each other. I’m not understanding why they’re consoling each other. But I guess they have their reasons.
Flint looks at the other two and then claps them on the back slightly. “Don’t look so glum, guys. A perfect mate rarely ever happens. Every fifty or so years there’s one pairing in the entire kingdom. And when I say kingdom, I mean all of the elements. It is a blessing your mate has found hers.” He glances down and away for a few moments, trying to formulate what to say next, and then turns back to look at us.
“When you bring the perfect mate into the fold. His mere existence will bring about a new strength to all of you that you have never known. Your powers will reach a little further. Your abilities a little stronger and they will last a little longer. Your wolves may grow in size, cause if you’ve noticed each time Bella takes a mate not only does your human form change, but your wolf too. Now that there’s three large wolves in the pack, Air and Water should increase in size as well.” He bids us good day and walks away, leaving us with that knowledge bomb. I didn’t think about it at first if my wolf had changed or not, I’m the newest in the bond. But it would make sense.