Page 51 of Her Elemental Mates
I didn’t teach Hollis how to do that. I didn’t even give him a clue how to do that. She forge welds the ends and then goes about dipping the entire rod into the magma. I wait on bated breath, hoping beyond hope that her idea works out for her. She put the proper additives on it so that way it would forge and burn hot for her. But I’m still concerned. After several moments, she pulls the block out and brings it over to the anvil and starts swinging a ten-pound hammer. The other females I know around her are only swinging one-to-three-pound hammers. Bella, the lightest built of them all, swings the biggest hammer out of all of them. Each hit of the hammer resonates in my very soul as I watch her fighting for her dominance in this game.
Every strike she draws the block out a little further until she has to go back to the magma to reheat it. Strike after strike, I see her masterpiece take shape. If I’m not mistaken, it looks like she’s making a scimitar. She keeps going, checking the blade and checking the length, making sure it’s still within the parameters that father had given all the females. What I think to be is too soon; she quenches the blade. Telltale flames lick up the blade itself, burning off the oil, and she stares at it. Probably the most sultry smile creeps across her crimson lips as she drags the file over the edge and it doesn’t catch. It glides effortlessly over the length of the metal, saying that it’s perfectly hardened. She checks the entire length of the blade and the back edge, making sure that it’s gonna withstand the strength test that we’re gonna put it through.
She goes a little out of order and heads over to the whetstones. Puts an edge on her blade and then polishes it to a mirror finish. I can see that she’s created a ladder pattern in the blade’s metal and it’s absolutely stunning. The amount of times that she twisted and refolded the metal gave her one of the more intricate patterns that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s even more impressive than some blades that I’ve made. My wolf is smug within me, proud of the mate he’s yet to claim. She heads over to the table where all the handle pieces sit. She chooses the horn from the elhorn. The elhorn horn is black and spiraled and it curves as it ages. She’s using part of the horn to be the hand guard that by itself it’s quite inventive. She fixes it to the end and then takes brass and wraps it around the natural spiral of the horn. She then uses one pick and melts the brass into the finger guard. She heats the brass up and it burns into the horn, seating itself permanently.
She sands and polishes where the hand is supposed to go so that it’s smooth. She leaves the spiral on the bottom side. Ah, I see what she did there. She’s using the spiral of the horn as a finger grip. My mate’s brilliant as she is beautiful. She walks over to the judgment table and looks up at us. Our eyes lock for a moment and I see the green in her eyes flare to life as her wolf peeks out at us. She presents the sword, holding it straight out in front of her so the flat of the blade was in her left hand and the grip on her right. She lays it up on the velvet, bows and then backs away. She’s the first of the females to finish and it takes several hours for everybody else to catch up. Bella curiously keeps looking at the position of the sun. In about an hour and a half to two hours, the last challenge begins. Just as I contemplate the time, father calls it’s the end of the competition. Several females are crying and cursing that they didn’t get to finish their blades. Out of the fifteen competing, only six presented their blades in time.
Father and my oldest brother go down to judge the blades. They brought ox skulls and the thigh bones of some of the larger draft horses that we have. They impact the blades against the bones and the skulls, watching to see if they chip or damage. They then hit them against other swords and shields to see if the edges hold true. They test every sword except for two; Bella’s and Helga’s as they were saved for last. Hayden picks up Bella’s sword and father picks up Helga’s. Helga has always had an eye on my brother, regardless of his announced betrothal, and he doesn’t want to be the one to judge her sword. He looks over at Bella’s and my breath catches in my throat.
I feel almost as if I can’t breathe as I watch him staring at her work of art. He moves over to the skulls and the bones, and he hits the sword against them as hard as he can. Not a single chip in the blade, no curls of the edges, not even a scratch. He then hits the sword against several of the broadswords that are standing at attention in the vice. He even has a guard draw his sword and they clash several times. You can hear the steel hitting steel sliding against each other. My brother stops and looks the blade over. Gives me a single nod, telling me that the blade is still 100 percent intact. He lays it down back on the velvet and then waits for my father to finish with Helga’s sword. With the last stroke against another sword, the pommel of her sword comes off, and that’s it. Her part of the competition is over.
My father and brother bow their heads together and start speaking and hushed voices, discussing what occurred during each of the swords being used. Helga’s sword is placed to the side, out of the way. They have eliminated her sword from the competition. It is no longer safe to use. They deliberate for what feels like forever. I watch Bella lean against the old oak tree, honestly looking like she couldn’t care less what’s going on. Either that or she already knows what the outcome is going to be and is confident in what she’s accomplished. I glance back and forth between her and her other mates. Kaedyn is stressed, Sebastian is pacing, and Hollis is watching my father and brother. He’s studying their movements, trying to figure out exactly what’s happening. I honestly can’t discern from their movements what they’re deciding. I know it’s narrowed down between Bella’s blade and possibly two others. The suspense is killing me.
My mother reaches out and places her hand between my shoulder blades and starts rubbing between them like she did when I was a little kid. “Be still, son. Everything will work out, I promise you.” Her hushed tone soothes me as she rests her head against the ball of my shoulder.
Bella perks up watching my mother lean against me. There’s a slight flare of green in her eyes for a moment and then it disappears. I see she doesn’t even like my mother touching me. I can’t blame her. I’m not really fond of it myself. I reach over and just kiss the top of my mother’s head and keep staring at my father and brother. I’m trying not to lose my temper ‘cause I think they’re honestly doing this on purpose to piss me off. The rail that I’m leaning on ignites under my hands and I can feel the flames lick up my forearms, burning the cloth away that covers them. Bella tilts her head to the side, watching me intently. I guess she didn’t believe that my ability could manifest without having other fire present. She looks over toward the cooler that’s under the tree with her. The lid opens of its own volition and inky blackness grabs a bottle of water out; the lid then shuts. She extends her hand out and reaches into the blackness and pulls out the bottle of water. She tips her head slightly toward me in somewhat of a bow. She raises her bottle and mouths the word cheers, then kicks back, drinking the entire bottle of water. She’s as cool as a cucumber, watching everything. I honestly don’t know how she does it. But then I remember what Kaedyn told me. This is the fourth set of trials that she’s been through. So far, she’s gone unrivaled. I can understand why. She literally just pulled a bottle of water out of thin air.
Watchingthe deliberation of the quality of the blades is almost as tedious as the creation of it. I know that the king and the prince are extending the trial and the testing just to irritate Egon. It’s kind of cruel if you think about it. I guess since he is the first to find his actual true mate, he kind of has it coming. I think Hayden’s jealous of his brother since he’s going to be stuck with a compatible mate unless he travels to the other provinces to find his fated mate. Unfortunately, as first in line, his parents are probably going to assist him with picking a female that would be conducive to producing the most solid heir for him. It’s really sad to think that he’s really not going to have a choice in a mate. I watch them all curiously. Egon’s temper rivals my own, which I find quite hysterical. As he flexes his fingers, he ignites the rail, and that is funny to me. Funny, in the sense that the look that his mother gives him is rather disapproving because he just destroyed part of their balcony. He has the common sense and decency to look a little sheepish afterward.
When he looks back at me, I can’t help but flaunt it just a little. I use the shadows underneath the tree to manipulate the cooler and get out a fresh bottle of water for myself. His eyes flare as he sees me bend the shadows and pull the bottle of water basically out of thin air. Wait till he sees the competitions later when we get to fight wolf on wolf to see who the strongest female is. Now they’re saying that we’re able to use our full power. But as the rules state, I must be a wolf at the time of battle. I feel sorry for the female that gets to go against me. She’s not gonna know what hit her. Most of the wolves here have never seen a wolf like me. Nor have any of them traveled to the Shadow Kingdom, where I was born and raised. This should be quite interesting to observe how they handle it.
Flint and his son finally come to a decision, and they have crowned me the winner for the second part of the competition. Theoretically, I can call it now and take Egon as my mate without question. But to be perfectly honest, I’d like to put some of these snobby bitches on their asses and let them see what an actual wolf can do. King Flint walks over toward me and lightly dips his head in my direction. “How would you like to proceed, Belladonna? Would you like to claim your mate now? Or continue on to the battles. Unless you die, there is no one even remotely close to your size and skill level,” he states confidently.
I look up at my mate and then back over to my bonded mates. “As much as I know, my men wouldn’t like to see me fight. Egon’s yet to witness it and I think it’s best to be honest in a relationship. He deserves to see what I can do. After all, I would like to be worthy.” I say worthily as haughtily as possible.
The other females are rolling their eyes because of my tone. I got just as snobby as they’ve all been since I’ve arrived. I’ve been looked down upon since the moment my paws hit the dirt in this kingdom. Little do they know what they’re dealing with. Flint announces that the trials will continue. They give us time to take a break and grab something to eat. I gorge myself on the meat that my mates have brought me. I eat every single scrap and morsel and then still swipe some off their plates as well. This will not be easy, nor will they will hand it to me. I will not make it so that any of these other females will walk away unscathed. They will learn what it’s like to deal with someone like me. It should be quite interesting overall.
We all finish eating rather quickly, and I wait for Flint to announce the beginning of the final round. My guys are getting antsy knowing that this battle is to the death. I’m not in the least bit concerned, and I keep reminding each of them I may use my powers to their full, unadulterated end. That there is nothing that will stop me at this point. I hug each of them and kiss them each passionately on the lips.
I watch Egon up on the balcony and I know it breaks protocol, but I can’t let him be left out. Moving through the shadows, I manifest on the back porch behind him and his parents. King Flint sees me and catches on to what I’m doing. He moves out of the way, giving me room to get to Egon. I step forward and call his name. “Egon.” He turns, suddenly shocked that I’m there. He glances back down to where I was previously and then over at me. Unsure of how I moved so quickly.
Laughing softly, I shrug my shoulders. “You’ll get used to it eventually,” I tell him and tilt my head to the side. Closing the distance between us, I touch his skin and move us through the shadows into the foyer of the castle.
“Where are we?” He searches our surroundings.
“We’re still in your house.” The words fall like silk from my lips as I stand up on my tippy toes, trying to reach his. He realizes what I’m trying to do and bends down, allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck. He stands up to his full height, taking me with him. His arms band around my waist, making me feel tiny as he holds me flush to him. I kiss his lips for the first time, and it tastes like Heaven. The deep rumble of his wolf only spurns mine on to hurry and get this farce of a competition over with. After several moments, he sets me back down. I stand on my feet, slightly wobbly and lightheaded. I feel like all the blood rushed to my head from kissing him. I smile looking at him and then grip his hands again and move his back to the patio where we’re supposed to be. We emerge from the shadows, and I stare at him just for a moment longer before pulling myself through the shadows again. I’m back at the old oak tree so that none would be the wiser where I’d just gone.
Only my mates know exactly what I did. Hell, Kaedyn suggested it. He figured it would calm Egon enough that he won’t lose his shit when he sees me fight. As they announced each match, they also stated whether powers are being used or if it’s just wolf on wolf. My match is the second one, so I only get to watch how the other she-wolves fight in the first one. Each she-wolf approaches the fight a little differently. None of them really want to unleash their powers because it’s fire on fire, because it would be pointless. That is until it’s my turn. The she-wolf sets its fur ablaze, and I stare at her. I’m guessing this is some sort of intimidation tactic she’s using. Rolling my eyes, I shift to my wolf allowing the shadows to embrace my midnight fur and then I do it. I pull on the life of everything around me, killing it all instantly. I watch what I call my death bloom, slowly spread out around me. I stop the circle mere feet away from the other she-wolf and she looks down, concerned. I see the brows on her wolf working furiously, trying to comprehend exactly what she’s seeing before her. I barely move myself through the shadows and out of the way when she sends a spire of fire at me, only to manifest mere feet away from where I had originally been standing.
When I return to stand before her, I send out a whip of shadow toward her, gripping her front paw, ripping it out from underneath her, sending her tumbling. I lash out several more times, ripping the fur right off her hide, making her bald along her right side. I growl deeply and I can feel the earth shake beneath my feet. This is a recent development, something I’ve never done before. And then I remember exactly the forewarning they gave me about taking the mates. As I gain and forge a strong bond with each mate, the more likely I am to gain some of their powers and abilities. I test this theory and I stomp my paw down hard on the earth and a rock spike shoots up, not even six inches in front of her face, barely missing her muzzle. I do it a second time, sending several more to shoot up in front of her, almost caging her in. She leaps up, going over the spikes. I whip my tail forward, sending a gust of wind to roll her off her feet. She recovers rather quickly, but stands there in shock. I just literally wielded three unique elements at once.
I send the spikes of rock and sand toward her since I have now figured out I can manipulate Hollis’s element. Thankful for the big guy’s contribution to this family. I shake the earth again, sending a crack heading toward her at a rapid speed. The Earth divides and pieces of the circle fall in upon itself. This time she doesn’t move fast enough and ends up falling down into the ravine I just created. Stalking slowly toward the ravine, I carefully cross the distance between us. Silently, my paws move across the sandy soil before I peek down into the blackness below. Her wolf is barely clawing onto the side, holding itself in place, whining and crying, begging to be saved. I howl to summon the others to me and when I finish; I have my three mates, plus Egon standing beside me.
No one sure how to get her out and before I can say anything, Kaedyn throws his shirt over my head and slips my arms through it. With as fast as I shifted earlier, he knows there’s a very good chance I destroyed my clothing. My wolf looks a little ridiculous with his shirt barely on me. Where the hell he got a triple XL shirt from, I have no idea. Taking the hint, I shift back to my human form. This gigantic shirt is a dress. I stare at it and then sniff it. It’s actually not his shirt, it’s Egon’s. My eyes drift over to him quickly, then down to the shirt and give him a wink. My way of thanking him for it.
“What are we gonna do? She’s trapped. How are we gonna get her back up here?” Flint rattles off these questions and I just shake my head and start laughing.
“It’s almost night. I’ve got this.” The words flow from my lips easily as I stand closer to the edge. Looking down into the ravine, I stare at the female. “Do not ignite your fur. I need the darkness to help you,” she whines, answering me.
Without hesitation, I summon the shadows from the pit below her. They amass beneath her body and encompass her large tawny-red wolf’s body. She panics and thrashes in the shadows. Flint reminds her again to stay calm and stay still as I lift her up out of the ravine. I’m not straining for once and it amazes me. It’s coming to me much easier than it has before. Once she’s free and clear of the ravine, I seal it using Hollis’s powers before he has the chance to even assist me with it. He looks at me, shocked and all I can do is smile back at him. I give him a single wink, then set the wolf down on the grass. She shifts back to her human form and lunges into my arms. Her naked body and curves press against me. I wrap my arms around her and give her a hug. Unexpectedly, she presses her lips to mine and kisses me passionately, running her fingers up into my hair. I’m shocked, to say the least. More so over the fact that I like it. Not the fact that it’s a female kissing me.
My mates whistle and that breaks whatever spell we’re under for the moment. She blushes furiously, then walks away uttering thanks under her breath. She stalks off through the crowd, shifts and runs off. Shaking my head slowly, I look back at my guys and start laughing. “We seriously need to have a conversation about what just happened.” My eyes search each one of them, locking our gaze for a moment, trying to express how dire the situation is. I used two of my three mate’s powers. I’m not sure how I did it, but I did and to be perfectly honest, it scares me and I find it concerning. Kaedyn is the only one with the presence of mind to bring his fingers to his lips in a shushing motion, and Sebastian agrees with him. I give them a slight nod of my head and that’s when Flint grabs my wrist and raises my hand above my head and pronounces me the winner of the trials. I breathe in a relieved breath and then smile over at Egon.
“I need a shower,” I announce to the crowd as I break away from everyone. “After that, I need to eat. And then you and I”—I walk up to Egon and press my index finger between his pecs—“need to get to know each other.” The words fall forcefully from my lips as I stare up at him. The fire ignites in his eyes, and the big guy full on belly laughs.