Page 6 of Her Elemental Mates
All I can do is nod and walk out of the room as my mom and sister motion for me to leave. Standing in the doorway, I look back at my sleeping mate. My wolf whines, wanting nothing more than to remain at her side. “Can I shift and stay? Is it permitted to remain as my wolf and watch over her?”
My eyes lock with my mom’s and I hope the look I’m giving her conveys the pain that I’m in. I’m torn between duty and following tradition, and my wolf longing for its mate. It’s not a fun position to be in currently.
Mom’s eyes move from mine, then over to Belladonna, then back to me again. A slight nod is given, and she motions to the rug next to the bed. “No closer than the edge of this rug. Thank the Goddess that even if she touches your fur, she won’t know what you are to her.” A wicked smirk crosses mom’s lips as she heads toward the door. “I’ll break the news to your father. I get to wrangle the giant baby.” Mother waves over her shoulder as she walks out the door.
Ari giggles to herself as she moves her belongings out of the way. “Dad was praying to the Goddess that Bella would be yours or Amun’s mate.” A broad, proud smile crosses her lips as she moves to the container that was dropped off while I was speaking to our mom. Ari pops the top and pulls out the most beautiful, intricate bow I have ever seen. Reverently, she hands the bow to me with the string. I string the bow and draw back. Our draw lengths are almost the same. Upon accepting a mate, you are supposed to gift your mate with your bow. I think about the bow I own and frown. It’s nowhere near the quality of hers. Tomorrow my newest project will be to carve a bow that will make Bella proud to use it.
Apparently, I missed something on Bella’s bow because Ari takes it quickly out of my hands and flips it bottom side up. There, about four inches above the loop notch, is a hand painted white wolf. My jaw drops in shock as I stare at the details, she put into it. Disbelief crosses my face as I look between my sister and the wolf on Bella’s bow. “Yeah, big brother, it looks exactly like your wolf.” Ari takes the bow and places it back in its tube and seals it up. “Better shift before she wakes up. Dad would have a fit if he knew you were in here with her as a human.”
I nod my head slightly, then shift at once to my wolf. Thinking back to the size of Bella’s wolf, I honestly think she’s bigger than I am. Not shocking though, Shadow and Spirit Wolves are descended from Dire Wolves. They are the largest wolves of all. I creep up to the edge of the bed and sniff our mate. Ari has a tender look on her face as she watches me learn about my mate’s scent. With an audible huff, I curl up on the rug far enough away that Bella won’t step on me when she wakes up.
* * *
~The next morning~
My absolute worst nightmare has come true. My best friend and her mother believe that Kaedyn is my mate. Restlessly, I toss and turn in a bed whose scent is not mine. Slowly, I open my eyes when I feel the warmth of a second body next to me. Thankfully, it’s Ari, and she’s curled up in a tight little ball like usual. Her candy cane scent was prevalent in the room.
The second scent catches me off guard. It is a very earthy evergreen that warms my inside and makes me feel like I’m at home and safe. It’s not a scent that I’ve been able to place with a person I know, so I’m kind of concerned about opening my eyes the rest of the way.
Rolling away from my best friend, I look around the interior of the room that I’m currently in. I recognize it from pictures that have been sent to me. I’m in Ari’s bedroom. At least something good came with me passing out. They took me to somewhere that Ari felt we would be safe. I stretch and I yawn before sitting myself up and slinging my feet over the edge. Just before I slip out of the bed, I look down and see a large white wolf asleep on the throw rug.
The comforting scent of evergreen emanates from this large white wolf before me. I slip out of the bed and walk around the wolf on the floor. Ari wakes up and watches me intently as I study the animal before me. I can feel my wolf surge to the surface, quite interested in the snow-white wolf before us. In human form, I drop on to all fours and press my nose to the neck of the wolf. Breathing in deeply, my senses are flooded with emotions ranging from peace to excitement all the way to finally feeling safe. This white wolf smells like home, like where I’m meant to be.
Reason be damned and I honestly can’t help myself. I thread my fingers through the soft, thick coat. The wolf raises its head and ice-blue eyes stare deeply into mine. Recognition floods my senses. It’s Kaedyn, and he stayed here to watch over me. Sitting up almost instantly, I cross my legs. “I can only guess at what this means,” I say to him as I watch his wolf tilt his gigantic head from side to side. “I won’t reject you, but I need time.”
Sniffles echo in the room from behind me. Kaedyn and I both turn to face Ari, crying in the middle of her bed. “This is so beautiful, like a romance novel,” she says between sniffles as she watches us. “Don’t stop on my account. Please pretend like I’m not here.”
Raising an eyebrow, I tilt my head to the side. “You know you can leave at any time, right?”
Ari laughs again and shakes her head emphatically no. “No can-do sister. You and I both have to be chaperoned until the betrothal ball.”
Kaedyn and I both sigh audibly, then look at each other, and I laugh hysterically. I’m laughing so hard I fall sideways and land with my head on his wolf’s rib cage. I freeze, suddenly quite aware of where I am. Terror seizes my heart once again as I realize that I’m lying on him. He turns his large wolven head and rests it on top of mine. His wolf rumbles to me, trying to soothe me and provide comfort the best that he can. I close my eyes, just listening to the sound that his beast is making. My wolf is prancing around, dancing in my head, excited that she finally has found her mate. I wish my human side was as happy and excited as she is. I’m scared that I might accidentally kill him because of what I am.
A knock sounds at the door and I bolt up straight and lunge for the bed as quickly as I can. I barely make it under the covers before King Coro opens the door to check on the three of us. “Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes. I suggest everybody makes an appearance this morning.” The king walks around the bed over to where he knows his son is lying and looks down at him. “You can see she’s awake and she’s okay now, so you can leave the room and follow me.”
Reluctantly, Kaedyn’s wolf rises to its four feet and follows his father out of the room. He stops in the doorway and looks back over his shoulder. A soft whine escapes his lips as he lowers his tail and his head, leaving the room and me behind.
“I guess we need to get ready for breakfast, huh?” I say to Ari, quite disappointed in the fact that the king made Kaedyn leave before I was ready for him to go.
“Come on, Cinderella let’s get you ready for the ball huh?” Ari says as she jumps out of the bed.
“The ball’s not for two or three days. I’ve got plenty of time,” I say, a little more snippy than usual as I move over to where my bags are and start getting dressed.
“That’s where you’re wrong… Dad moved the ball up to tomorrow afternoon. Mom is taking us shopping after breakfast to find a suitable gown for us to wear.” Ari drops the mother of all bombs in my lap.
I feel as though my eyes have bugged out of my head and my jaw has hit the floor with the news Ari has given me. “Why on earth would they do such a thing?” I question.
“For starters, my brother’s found his mate.” Dramatically, she motions to me. “Second, your father expects us to go to three other kingdoms after you’ve settled in with us,” Ari says, rolling her eyes. “Your parents are due to arrive this afternoon for tomorrow’s ball.”
At that last tidbit of news, I fling myself back in the bed and throw my arm over my eyes. Things just went from bad to worse.
Reluctantly,I follow my father down the long hallway, heading back to the main part of the castle, away from my sister’s bedroom. I’m literally dragging my paws behind him, not wanting to go much further from my mate than I absolutely have to. I’m at war with my wolven nature. I wish to remain at my mate’s side without question, and yet because of duty, I must leave her side until this stupid ball is over with. To top it off, her parents are en route, and she must leave the property to go look for a dress.