Page 64 of Her Elemental Mates
“I am not the one that everyone needs to worry about!” Knowing what I was going to do next, Sebastian offers water from who knows where and I lift it from the bowl from sheer will alone. The only element I had not wielded in this whole tirade was fire. It is then that I step forward and shed my robe, shift to my midnight black wolf and set its fur on fire. I look like a creature born of hell. I growl, staring at the crowd as my eyes burn crimson for once. The earth still rumbles, and the wind still blows strongly. My people drop to their knees, subjugating themselves of their own free will, finally giving me their full fealty to rule without question. It is a queen’s greatest gift.
I will not be violent like my father, and I will not threaten them like he did. They will follow me because they want to, not because they have to. The flames extinguish slowly over my black pelt as ash falls to the ground beneath me. Turning around, I head back into the castle. I’ve made my point and now I’m hungry and I need a shower.
I take some much-needed time to myself and shower in what used to be my bathroom. The castle does not feel as oppressive as it used to be. The energy within it has shifted, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the obvious: that neither of my parents are alive. Maybe it’s because I’m not living under the shadow of my near perfect brother that no matter what happened, he could do no wrong. Maybe for once, I’m finally loving myself and not listening to the negative words being said anymore.
All of my father’s narcissistic bullshit weighed heavily on me all these years. His controlling nature and always acting as the victim when he was the one attacking was intolerable. I don’t know how he got away with playing the blame game for so many years. Everything that he claimed I was doing he himself was the one guilty of the offense.
From the time that he discovered I was stronger than my brother and better at all things that I attempted; he did everything within his power to beat me down. Everything he did, he said was in my best interest; but I know better now. In their own way, my mates have shown me what it is to be loved for actually being me.
Kaedyn taught me it’s okay to want to learn new things and excel at them. Hollis taught me that even someone that can move the actual earth does not have to overpower someone to gain control of a room. Sebastian showed me that even with a shattered vase, things of beauty can come of it. So even when you think something is broken beyond repair, there’s still beauty in its destruction and it can be reborn and repurposed into something new.
Egon, he was the wild card that I never saw coming. He showed me that even in the darkest part of me, the most destructive part of me is beautiful. Watching him and his size, as large and as powerful as he is; he can be gentle and loving. He looks like a Viking but acts like a little girl’s teddy bear. He gives the warmest, most loving hugs I have ever had in my entire life. He is the epitome of the adage of everything is not what it seems.
At first glance, he’s scary, almost terrifying with his bulk and his resting bitch face. His appearance is deceiving. His overall size is intimidating, along with the partially shaven head and his mohawk braided down his back doesn’t help. Then there’s all the scars that litter his body and the defensive wounds, showing how many times they have attacked him. He’s never been the attacker or the aggressor, but always on the defense. I guess it’s like the humans say if you want to make a name for yourself, you attack the biggest dog in the yard. All that have tried have failed miserably and Egon is left standing, looking over the wreckage from his defense.
My heart hurts for my mate, thinking about how many times he’s fought just because somebody wants to make a name for himself. Being my perfect mate only paints a much larger target on his back. Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around myself and walk into my bedroom. All four of my mates sit with their hands folded in their laps, waiting for me to emerge.
“Are you okay?” Kaedyn’s the first to break and say something. I subtly nod, drawing a deep, fortifying breath.
“The others are coming.” It’s more of a knowing statement, as it is a gut feeling. Something changed when the five of us howled together. I can only hope from this day forward things will get better. Because from where I stand, the only thing I can allow myself to see is a bright future. I can only hope that it comes to pass.
We waitfor Bella to be her support system. She’s made great strides today uniting the packs. We’ve heard from not only my father but Egon’s and Hollis’s as well. The packs are on the move and they’re heading here posthaste. Bella’s words that she says to herself in her head while she showers echo in my ears as if she’s speaking them right in front of me.
Arching a brow, I look at Egon, and he smiles. “You can hear her too, I guess.” Glancing back to the door, he stares at it for several moments and then turns back.
“I’ve read about this. They say when a Spirit Wolf takes their mates, they all become bonded on multiple levels. It’s far beyond the physical, it goes far into the spectral levels. It’s not something that commonly occurs because it’s been several hundred years since the last Spirit Wolf walked the earth.”
Sadness moves over his rugged features; I can see as his cheeks dip under the thick beard on his face. It’s very hard to get a good read on the man, but he’s attempting to make his emotions more visible.
“It’s a tremendous change for all of us. I will do what I can to help guide this family.” He turns his gaze on me and his stare gives me a chill down my spine. “You’ve been with Bella the longest. In one sense, you know her far better than I ever will.” The statement almost makes me happy, that is until that sadness rears its ugly head again. For being the largest in the strongest of us all, emotionally he’s very vulnerable right now. It’s not something I would have expected to have seen from him.
“That may be true, but you are her perfect other half. That is something none of us can ever compete with.” I motion to the others and, in their own way, they show their agreement with my statement.
Shaking his head, Egon stands up from the bed quickly and moves to stand before us. “I may be the one that is deemed perfect for her,” his tone holds a bit of a growl to it, showing his agitation, “but each of us compliments her in our own way. Never forget that.” We hear the water stop in the shower and Egon takes his seat back on the bed.
Waiting patiently, it seems like forever just before Bella opens the door and steps out. “I’m not sure what tomorrow will bring. What I know is that my father and the old patriarchy have caused enough damage.” She speaks her peace and it makes sense to me why her emotions have been all over the place. Much like the rest of us, we’re not sure how to get the packs to move forward from here. Generations of damage had been wrought not only by her parents but by each of ours.
“Whatever you need us to do Bella, we will do.” Sebastian’s soft tone catches me off guard because I was prepared to say the same thing.
“I will be whatever you need me to be. Name it and it’s yours.” Hollis’s words ring true and elicit a smile from Bella with a grateful nod.
“My sword and shield will always be yours.” Laughing softly, Egon places his large hand in the center of his chest. “My heart is yours to do with as you please. Rip it out and hold it close to you. It’s no longer mine to possess. It beats only for you.” Son of a bitch. The man is much smoother than I expected.
Bella’s cheeks flush with the insinuation of her possessing his heart physically. Closing the distance between them, she reaches forward and places her hand over his. “You carry my heart with you. Keep it safe always.” Sebastian’s eyes tear up at the romantic gesture and honestly, I feel myself getting a little misty as well.
“You all carry a piece of my heart.” Bella faces each of us and walks over one by one, caressing our cheeks and then pressing her free hand on our chest.
“I am complete because of the four of you.” She motions to the bed behind us.
“It’s getting late. I wish to sleep with all of you near me.” She drops the towel and her gigantic black wolf rips free of its human bonds. She pads around the side of the bed and eases that massive wolf up onto the mattress. Taking the hint and following Bella’s lead; we each shift and climb up, crawling around her, each of us touching her. Tonight, we sleep as a pack. For who knows what tomorrow will bring.
* * *
The entire foundation of the castle shakes violently, waking us up with a start. Sirens blaring outside of the window, the alarms going off in a chorus of loud screams, beeps and bells. “We’re under attack!” Bella screams as she shifts to her human form scurrying across the bed over the top of Egon, then racing to her balcony window.