Page 26 of Princess Fallen
He scowls as he closes the door behind him.
Just Rogan and me now.
And all I can think about is his carotid artery beckoning me.
“You can lie to me if you want to, Rogan,” I say, “but you’ll never convince me that asshole was not one of the men who attacked me last night.”
He pauses a moment, rubs his forehead.“I’m not going to lie to you.He was.”
“Good.Now you want to explain why you’re doing business with the guy?”
“He’s on my payroll.”
“Ah… So you pay men to beat up women.Nice.”
He shakes his head.“Of course I don’t.What kind of a man do you think I am?”
I slap my hands down onto his desk.“That’s just it, Rogan.You’renota man, are you?You’re a fucking were.An alpha.I’ve got to tell you.I mean, sure, we’ve only fucked twice, and I don’t labor under any delusion that I know everything about you, but I never thought you’d condone violence against women.”
“I don’t.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“You weren’t attacked because you’re a woman.”
“Oh, thank God!That makes it all better.”I roll my eyes.
“You were attacked because you’re the heir to the vampire king.”
“So you condone violence against the vampire king’s progeny.”I shake my head with a sarcastic chuckle.“Good to know where you draw the line.”
“This isn’t a joke, princess.”
“Trust me.I’m the one who got beat up.Iknowit’s not a joke.”
“To hear Blaze talk, you held your own pretty damned well against three trained assailants.”
I’m oddly flattered.“Bummer I wasn’t an easier target.”
“Still, you did require saving.”
“I was standing.I was ready to fight.”
“I don’t doubt it.But they would have bested you in the end.Your skills are excellent.You could have taken one of them.Maybe even two.But not all three.”
“As I said, you came riding in on your white horse, so I guess we’ll never know, will we?”
“We know,” he grits out, his eyes narrowed in anger.Or is it passion?
Yeah, we know.I wouldn’t have lasted.I put up a damned good fight, though.
“I want the truth, Rogan.Who the hell is Blaze?And why did he take part in that attack last night?”
“As I said, he works for me.Nothing else is your concern.”
“Since he tried to take me out, I think it’s very much my concern.”
“I’m sorry for that,” he says gruffly.“It won’t happen again.You want to tell me how you got back here in the first place?”