Page 31 of Princess Fallen
Right.He said those words, right before that kiss that turned into a feeding fest for me that I’m still reeling from.“What does that mean, Rogan?”
“Surely you know about wolves and mates.”
“A little.Fated shit and all that.I don’t really believe any of it.Vamps—or humans, for that matter—don’t react that way.”
“Not all wolves do, either.Not anymore, at least.We’ve pretty much evolved out of it, but about ten percent of us can still scent our mates and know when we find them.”
“And you think that’s happened here?”
He paces away from me, toward the closed door, and then back to me.“I don’t know what to think.No wolf has ever scented a non-wolf mate.It just doesn’t happen.”
He’ll jump through all kinds of hoops to get to you.
Is this what my father meant?That I’m Rogan’s mate, and somehow he knew?
“I can’t think,” he continues.“When you’re here, princess, this close to me, it’s like nothing else matters.It defies all logic.All I want is to fuck you.Bury myself in you.Make a baby with you.Hell, I never even wanted kids.”
“We can’t make a kid together, Rogan.That’s well-documented.”
“A vampire and a wolf can’t make a baby, but we can make babies with humans.You’re half-human, princess.”
“So you’re saying it’s my human half you’re attracted to?Is that it?”
“I’m not saying anything.None of it makes sense.”
“Let me put your mind at ease, Rogan.I’m on the pill.No baby-making will happen with me.”My knees weaken, and I grasp the edge of Rogan’s desk.
“I’m fine.I’m just…” Sweat emerges at my hairline.Telltale sign.I’ve over-indulged.It is possible for a vampire to take too much blood.
Rogan walks to me swiftly and takes me in his arms.
Just as things go black.
By the way, I sent your clothes to cleaning.
Rogan’s voice.
Where am I?
Those words.He said them…earlier.What clothes?He freaking ripped them off me.I think.Didn’t he?
I float.
I’m drifting.Images are blurred, but I see hazy blocks of color.Two orbs of green.
Rogan’s eyes.
I’m with him.But where?
Things went black for a moment, but now… I’m moving.Somehow I’m moving but my legs aren’t working.
Something changes.
I’m still floating, but it’s different.The colors morph from bright to subdued.