Page 63 of Princess Fallen
In a flash I’m on top of him, my fangs buried in the soft flesh of his neck.
His blood trickles onto my tongue—the dark and delicious elixir I now crave more than anything—and down my throat, nourishing me, strengthening me.
Intoxicating me.
But in a totally good way.With Rogan’s blood, the last bit of the drugs Richard gave me float out of my system as the wolf blood cultivates something new and powerful within me.
I suck at his neck, taking more of his potent ambrosia.
And I swear I’m shifting into something.Something more.
My body doesn’t change, of course.Not physically—at least not in a way that can be visually detected.
But Idochange.I’m stronger now.
Stronger and—dare I think it?—invincible.
Somehow Rogan and I made it through the demon’s lair without harm.I thought it was all him, but perhaps it was me as well.
Perhaps his blood is more than sustenance.
Perhaps it’s actually—
“Enough!”Rogan roars, dislodging me from his carotid.
I bare my fangs at him, knowing they’re dripping with his blood, and growl.
His eyes heat, and he returns my growl.
He grabs my hips and sets me down on his hard cock.
I ride him, then.I ride him hard, ride him fast.I’m full of strength, of power, of fucking brawn and force.I fuck him and fuck him and fuck him—his blood flowing through me—and I jump into another climax.
“Do it, princess,” he growls.“Keep fucking me.Keep coming.”
His commanding tone is more a groan than words, but I hear him, feel him, as if he’s inside me, making demands that I’m powerless to disobey.
Only I feel anything but powerless.
Indeed, I’m powerful.
Which means…
Which means I want to obey him.I want to fuck him.I want to be one with him.I want, need, crave his blood.
And together…
Together we’re a force to be reckoned with.
Kaleidoscopic colors burst in front of my mind’s eye as I explode into another unending orgasm.
I arch my back, moaning his name.
And I hear mine, in his husky voice, as if it’s part of the breeze blowing over us.
Hannah. Hannah. Hannah.