Page 95 of Princess Fallen
Or am I?
If I'm truly Rogan's mate, has my allegiance changed?Maybe I didn't have to tell my father about Rogan killing the vamps.Maybe I did it out of habit.
I don't voice these questions, though.I simply wait for my father to reply.
And when he does, my jaw drops.
We're going to war.
It's time to choose a side, Hannah.
A side?
My jaw.Dropped.
Did I just hear my father right?
"Say it again," I prompt."I won't believe it until you say it again."
"We're going to war."
Jelly brain.Curse this damned jelly brain!
War?How exactly do we go to war?We live among humans, follow their laws...
Mom?Larissa?How does this affect them?
"Hannah, are you listening to me?"
"Yes, Dad, yes.I just don't understand..."
"Not war in the traditional sense.It will be fought underground."
"Not literally.We have spaces within spaces.In the supernatural realm."
God, just kill me now. A soft and subtle death. Easy and painless. Please.
But my jaw drops again...and I remember.I remember escaping the demons with Rogan, how we were suddenly somewhere else.He called it a different plane.The ether.Or did I call it that?Doesn't matter.We escaped into a different place altogether.Is this what my father's talking about?
It was a peaceful place.A beautiful place...But the demons eventually found us there.Or we were transferred to a different place.
"What is your choice, Hannah?"
Choice.That word again."Do I truly have a choice?"
"Your blood binds you to me.To your king.But you've reached the age of consent in the vampire world."
"Wait.There's an age of consent?"
"Yes.Twenty-five years."
"'re telling me that for the last couple years I could have told you to fuck off?"
"Not exactly."