Page 18 of Senseless (The Game 9)
Kit tucked himself close to his Daddy and slipped a hand down Colt’s boxer briefs, and my buddy exhaled and tried to relax.
“Ready when you are, gentlemen,” Nathan murmured. “Remember, you each have a free hand.”
I took a deep breath and rolled my shoulders again, as much as the rope allowed. Reese and Kingsley suddenly appeared around the corner of the tent, followed by Shay and River.
As Archie started sucking my cock harder, I shut out the rest of the world and tilted my head at Colt, and he smirked faintly before he closed the distance and kissed me.
It was like kissing a brother I wasn’t related to. We shared the comfort of eight years of friendship and countless wonderful memories. I didn’t know how many subs we’d co-topped nonsexually together for various events and demos, but we had an ocean of trust and solid chemistry.
We parted our lips at the same time, and he angled his head a little to the side as our tongues met.
It was the first moment I started paying attention to how the rope felt. How the restrictions caused a sluggish stream of lust to speed up and gain force. From my slightly numb fingers—nowhere near the higher end of the scale—to the encompassing feel around my chest where the rope was cinched tighter.
I heard the cameras working faster as I cupped the back of Colt’s neck and we deepened the kiss. Then his hand slid onto my stomach and dropped lower until he was pushing down my underwear more.
“Can you touch him, Daddy?” Kit whispered. “Just a little? I’m very comfortable with that.”
Amusement flared up, and Colt and I did our best to kill our grins by cranking up the passion. I swept my tongue into his mouth. I felt his stubble against my scruff, our tragically shaved chests pressed together, our thighs restrained by rope, and his fingers teasing the base of my cock.
Archie withdrew from me to kiss my hip and remove my boxer briefs altogether—or he tried. He noticed he could only tug them down so much before the rope around my right thigh protested.
“Can we cut these off, Master?” he asked, breathing heavily.
I didn’t even have time to respond before Tate was there with the rope shears.
RIP, my fucking underwear.
“You might as well cut off Colt’s too,” Lucas decided.
“Thanks, darlin’,” Colt drawled into the kiss.
“Shut the fuck up,” I chuckled and nipped at his bottom lip.
“Okay, let’s wrap this up—we’re losing daylight,” Nathan said.
I was about to comment on his unhelpful dirty talk, but then Colt groaned under his breath, clueing me in to the fact that Kit had dropped to his knees and sucked his Daddy’s cock into his mouth. The quick glimpse I got was enough to fuel my lust, so I threw myself into the moment and let my instincts take control.
Someone was shaking from the cold, and it took me a second to realize it was Kit. He was sending vibrations through all of us, though that didn’t stop him from what he was doing.
Kissing my way down Colt’s neck, I listened to his breathing turn rapid. Archie swallowed around my cock, and Colt wove his fingers through Archie’s hair to keep him in place, to make sure he kept sucking me.
“Fuck,” I breathed out.
The pleasure was suddenly building up too fast, and I captured Colt’s mouth in another kiss, one much hungrier than the last.
The rope made me feel like a caged animal. When I wanted to shift closer to Colt, or fuck my property’s mouth properly, I couldn’t. The intricate patterns that traveled across my shoulder dug into my flesh and hugged my bicep.
“Almost,” I groaned.
“Me too.” Colt grazed his teeth down my jaw and neck, and I leaned back, my head hitting the tree.
Fuck, that felt good. Archie’s mouth was something else—the way he sucked me, the way he used his tongue.
Right before I succumbed to my orgasm, Colt and I sought each other out again, and we made out brutally as we started coming. Heavy breaths, curses, and moans mingled in the frigid air. Archie swallowed every drop, held in place, his face buried, by Colt.
“Jesus fuck,” Colt rasped.
Tremors racked our bodies.
I heaved a big breath, my heart fucking racing, and Archie slowed his movements. He sucked me gently, licked me clean, and rubbed my thighs sensually.
Someone cleared their throat. Tate. “Yeah, I think we got the shot. Fuck me sideways—Master! Can we, uh…take a walk?”
I chuckled breathlessly.
Tate and Kingsley disappeared first. Nathan and Lucas came over to remove the rope; they offered to cut it up, but we shook our heads. We’d made it this far. A few extra minutes wouldn’t kill us. Then the Tenleys disappeared with Shay around the same time Archie and Kit were dressed again, and Sloan told me to bring my boy to the cabin as soon as possible. Corey was needy; that much was clear.