Page 25 of A Change of Heart
Seren put an arm around him and gave him a squeeze.
“Can we watch the film now?” he asked.
Seren looked to Kit for confirmation before pressing play. Wedged between the two of them, she adjusted the pillows behind her to get comfortable. Her leg was pressed against Kit’s, and when her arm brushed against his it was an effort not to lace her fingers together with his.
“Sorry,” he said, moving over a little. “Have you got enough room?”
“Yeah.”Too much now.
As the film went on, Seren found herself concentrating less on the TV and more on the closeness between her and Kit. After they’d eaten takeaway pizzas and settled down to the second film, she discreetly moved in his direction, savouring the warmth radiating from his skin and the familiar scent of him, which suddenly seemed like some potent love potion. The thought of going home and back to real life the following day left her with a dull ache in her chest.
She drifted off while the film was still playing and woke sometime in the night to find the room in darkness. Quickly she fell back into a deep sleep that lasted until daylight seeped into the room. As the veil of sleep lifted, it took her a moment to register the arms wrapped around her. The warmth of Kit’s legs nestled against hers felt wonderful. In the blurry moments between sleep and wake her instincts took over and she pulled his arms tighter around her while she wedged her back against his firm chest.
Turning in his arms, she could feel his breath on her lips and inched closer. She murmured his name and licked her dry lips. The grunt she received in reply made her pull back and blink rapidly.
“Oh my God!” she shrieked.
“Get off me!” Roughly she shoved at the arms, which suddenly felt like an octopus. “Trystan! Get off!”
He shook his head and looked blearily up at her. “What did I do?”
“Nothing.” She pulled the duvet up to her chest as she shuddered. “You didn’t do anything. I just wasn’t expecting you to be here. Where’s Kit?”
“No idea.” He sat up and dragged his fingers through his hair. “I must’ve fallen asleep before the film ended.”
“Me too.” Her heart was in overdrive, and she felt slightly nauseous at the thought that she’d very nearly kissed Trystan.
“Shit,” Trystan said, pulling the covers back. “I didn’t mean to sleep here.” He checked his watch. “I need to go. I want to hit the gym before work. What time is your flight?”
“You need to get moving soon, too.” He stood and stretched. “I guess Kit’s in my room,” he said, walking in that direction.
Seren flopped back onto the bed and waited for her heart to settle back into a regular rhythm. If it had been Kit’s arms she’d woken up in she’d definitely have kissed him.
She had no idea what to do with that information.
Kit had switched the film off once Trystan and Seren had fallen asleep slumped against each other. He’d dropped onto Trystan’s bed without bothering to get undressed, correctly guessing that he wasn’t going to get a lot of sleep. The shadows in the room had become very familiar by the time the door inched open and Trystan wandered in.
“Morning,” he said, giving Kit’s leg a shove.
“Hey.” His voice was croaky and he cleared his throat.
“I fell asleep in front of the TV.”
“I noticed,” Kit told him frostily.
“Why didn’t you wake me up and kick me out?”
“What would have been the point of that?”
Lines deepened across Trystan’s brow as he stared down at him. “Are you annoyed with me?”
“No,” he said automatically.