Page 78 of A Change of Heart
“She’ll be there,” Felix said, his lips curling in amusement. “Rebecca wants you there, so there’s no point in arguing. The little princess always gets her way.” He shot his sister a look that was full of affection. Considering Kit had only ever seen Felix sneering at people, it came as something of a shock.
“We’ll see you on Friday then,” Kit said, taking steps towards the door. He hung back while Holly had a brief exchange with Rebecca about what she could bring. Catching Seren’s eye, he held her gaze for a moment and flashed her a small smile.
“Come on!” Holly broke his trance, taking his arm and leading him away. When he glanced back, Seren was still watching him and didn’t take her eyes off him until he was out of the door.
Knowing that Seren was going to Rebecca’s party should have been further reason for Kit to make an excuse, but it had the opposite effect and he found himself looking forward to it.
He hurried home after the gig race on Friday evening and had just got out of the shower when Holly arrived at his place. She hung around in the kitchen while he finished getting ready. They’d planned on walking over to Rebecca’s place, but he had a last-minute urge to drive over there.
“I thought you’d want to have a few drinks,” Holly remarked when he mentioned it to her. “It’s Friday night.”
“I won’t drink much anyway.” Kit held the door open for her and she went ahead. Outside, he took a couple of steps in the direction of the garage before she pulled on his arm.
“Let’s walk. We can drink some shots and get silly.”
“Trying to get me drunk?” he asked, giving up on the idea of driving.
“Maybe,” she said with a grin.
“I hope you’re not intending to seduce me?”
She laughed loudly. “No! I just thought it’d do you good to loosen up a bit. Any chance your crush is going to be there?”
“I’m not sure.”
“You said it’s someone I know, so I’m guessing it’s someone we went to school with.”
“I don’t recall saying you knew her.”
She pursed her lips. “It was implied. You wouldn’t be secretive about it unless it was someone I know. And you obviously think she’s going to be at the party, judging by the amount of effort you’ve gone to.”
“This old thing,” he said, looking coyly down at his favourite shirt.
“You smell good too.”
“If your mystery woman is at the party maybe you’ll have the courage to do something about your crush after a few drinks …”
“Like tell her I’m in love with her?”
“No, idiot. Like kiss her! Or ask her on a date.”
He wrinkled his nose. “Do you think that’d be more appropriate than telling her I’m in love with her?”
“Yes!” She shook her head in amusement. “You can’t just tell someone you love them.”
“Oops.” He grimaced. “At least now I know where I went wrong.”
“You told her you love her?” she asked, hooking her arm through his.
“Oh my goodness. You’re the sweetest. How did she not fall into your arms?”
“Maybe kissing her would have been a better tactic.” He touched the edge of his lip, remembering the way she’d kissed him on the boat.