Page 85 of A Change of Heart
“Seren was here,” Felix told him. “She had an allergic reaction and went home. She said she’d message when she got there, but I haven’t heard from her.”
Cadan stretched his neck. “She also said she just needed to go home and sleep it off. I guess she forgot about messaging and went straight to bed.”
“You let her drive home alone while she was having an allergic reaction?” Kit asked in disbelief.
Cadan chewed the corner of his thumbnail. “She was walking. We offered to go with her, but she insisted she was fine.”
“Of course she said she was fine,” Kit said shaking his head in exasperation. “Why didn’t anyone go with her?”
“She was adamant she was okay,” Felix said. “She just needed to get to her meds.”
Kit had already dialled her number and pressed his phone to his ear. “It’s going to voicemail.”
“Please can someone go and check on her?” Rebecca said.
Felix stepped outside. “I’m going.”
“Call me when you find her,” Cadan shouted after him.
“Hey!” Kit called, rushing after Felix. “I’m going to look for her. You may as well stay here.”
“We can both go.”
Kit grabbed Felix’s arm to stop him in his tracks. “You couldn’t be bothered to go with her in the first place. Don’t try and make out you care now. The best thing you can do for Seren is stay the heck away from her.”
He’d expected an argument, or possibly a punch in the face, but Felix’s features softened and he stepped away. “Just let us know she’s okay.”
Kit was on the road when Holly shouted after him. He waited while she caught up.
“Should I come with you?” she asked.
“It’s fine. Stay here. If I don’t come back, are you okay getting home?”
“Yes. Of course.” She smiled sadly. “It’s Seren, isn’t it?”
“What?” he said, feigning innocence.
“You’re in love with Seren. Isn’t she like ten years older than you?”
“Six and a half. It’s not that much.” He shook his head. “I need to check she’s all right.”
“Yes.” She nodded. “Go. Give me a shout if you need any help with anything.”
“Thanks.” He took off at a jog, then slowed after a couple of minutes to try calling Seren again. Pretty soon it would be pitch black, and if she hadn’t made it home he’d struggle to find her in the dark.
“Hi,” she panted when she answered the phone.
“Where are you?” he asked, relief flooding through him. “Are you okay? I heard you had an allergic reaction. Why weren’t you answering your phone? Sorry, that’s loads of questions. Are you all right?”
“Yes.” The wheezing suggested otherwise.
“You don’t sound it. Are you at home?”
“No,” she said faintly. “Almost.”
“Okay. I’m on my way to find you. I left Felix’s house a few minutes away. Do you have your EpiPen with you?”
“No.” She breathed heavily. “Don’t need a lecture.”