Page 87 of A Change of Heart
“I’ll stop with the jokes.” He kept a hand on her back as she continued. When they got into the flat, she clutched the edge of the kitchen work surface and heaved in a few gasping breaths before moving to the bathroom. Opening the cabinet, she took out a packet of tablets and popped one from the packaging.
“I’ll be better in a sec,” she murmured after washing it down with water from the tap. With a hand on the edge of the bath, she lowered herself down to sit on the floor.
He joined her on the bath mat and she leaned against him. “How did you get hold of the brownies anyway?”
“How do you mean?” she asked, nestling her face against his chest.
Raising his arm, he slipped it behind her back. “I made Rebecca put the brownies away so you wouldn’t accidentally eat one.”
“Did you?” Her hand rested on his leg as she curled into him, her eyelids drooping.
“I guess someone took them out again.”
Her features tensed and she shifted away from him. “I guess so.”
“Are you all right?” He put a hand on her arm to steady her as she struggled to her feet, looking like a drunk person.
“I want to go to bed.”
He reached to open the bathroom cupboard again. “Where’s your EpiPen?”
“Don’t need it.” She shook her head as she perched on the edge of the bath.
“I just want to know where it is … because you don’t actually seem to be getting better.”
She pointed to the top shelf in the cabinet. “There … I’m okay though. It takes a few … minutes. My throat’s getting … better.”
“If you say so.” He took the EpiPen out and set it on the back of the sink to give him easy access to it. Then he turned back to Seren, lifted her into his arms and set off for her bedroom. Her breath brushed over his neck, giving him goosebumps, and he hesitated for a moment by her bed, not keen to let go of her.
“How are you doing?” he asked when he lowered her down, pulling the covers back at the same time.
“I’m okay. Just need to sleep.”
After pulling her shoes off, he looked down at her heavy eyelids. “Do you want me to undress you?” He caught the twitch of Seren’s lips and couldn’t help but smile himself. “That sounded creepy.”
“Help me with my jeans,” she said, unfastening the button and struggling to get them over her hips.
Kit peeled them the rest of the way, then draped them over the chair in the corner.
“Thanks,” Seren said quietly, snuggling under the covers.
“Do you need anything else?”
Her eyes were almost closed when she shook her head, but he caught the sadness in them nonetheless.
“I can stay if you want.” Crouching beside her, he brushed her hair from her face.
“No,” she said tearfully. He thought she was going to push his hand away, but instead she curled her fingers around his and held tightly.
He sighed and felt his brow wrinkle. “I’m happy to stay.”
“I’m exhausted.” She uncurled her fingers from his and tucked them under the pillow. “I’m just going to sleep. You don’t need to stay. Thank you for looking after me.”
“Sleep well,” he said as he stood. Her eyes completely closed and her breathing was more even when he left her and went into the living room. His eyes roamed the bookshelves before he checked his phone to find various messages and missed calls. He tapped out replies to Cadan and Holly, letting them know that Seren was okay. He told Holly he’d speak to her tomorrow and wrote that he hoped she was having a good time.
After getting himself a glass of water, he wandered back to the bedroom. The bedside lamp was on, and he was surprised to find Seren looking straight at him.
“I thought you were going back to the party,” she said hoarsely.