Page 90 of A Change of Heart
“He said he brought you home from the party and stayed here to make sure you were okay.”
Seren felt a rush of anxiety as she thought of what could have happened if Kit hadn’t come looking for her. She liked to think she could have made it home alone, but she might have underestimated the situation.
“It’s not too early for ice cream, is it?” She looked longingly at the tub of chocolate goodness.
“I don’t think it’s ever too early for ice cream.”
“Do you want some? We could watch baking shows and pig out.”
“I reckon I’ve got time for one episode before I get back to the cleaning.”
“Have you got guests arriving?”
Mirren nodded. “A woman and her daughter are arriving later to stay in Trystan’s place for a week. I hope the weather picks up for them. It’s very grey out today.”
“Is Trystan coming back next weekend?”
“Yes.” Mirren took a bowl of ice cream and headed for the couch.
Seren struggled to concentrate on the TV. Her mind kept drifting to the previous evening and how she’d left things with Kit. Tonight they’d have a proper talk, but she wasn’t quite sure what she was going to say. Before she’d drifted off the previous evening, she’d been certain she should stop putting up barriers and give the two of them a chance. In the cold light of day, things didn’t feel quite so simple. Especially not when she was hanging out with Mirren. It was another reminder of what she might lose if things didn’t work out between them.
“Hey!” Mirren broke her thoughts by giving her leg a playful shake. “Are you awake?”
“Sorry. What did you say?”
“I said I should go before I get involved in the next episode.”
“I was miles away.” Seren reached for the remote to stop it from rolling straight into the next episode.
“You’ll be worn out after your reaction last night. Why don’t you go back to bed?”
Seren pushed her bottom lip out, feeling suddenly emotional. “Did Kit tell you that he carried me home?”
“No.” Mirren chuckled. “He didn’t mention that.”
“I thought I’d be fine going home alone. I told Cadan and Felix I was okay and set off walking, but my breathing got bad and my phone signal kept cutting out. When Kit heard what happened he came looking for me. By the time he found me I could barely walk.” She paused as a lump formed in her throat. “He picked me up and carried me home and refused to leave me alone.”
“That sounds like Kit,” Mirren said, with more than a hint of pride.
Tears threatened and Seren blinked them away. “Do you remember when I told you that there was a guy who I liked but I thought it was a bad idea?”
“Yes. It looks like you were right. I can’t believe Felix didn’t even walk you home yesterday.”
Seren cocked her head to one side. “I wasn’t talking about Felix.”
“Oh. Sorry, I just assumed.”
“It was Kit.”
“What was Kit?”
“The guy I like. I was talking about Kit.”
Mirren’s eyes widened and she stayed quiet for a moment. “I was sure you were talking about Felix. I’d have given you different advice if I’d known you were talking about Kit.”
“Would you?” Seren asked, her stomach churning with nerves.
“Yes. But I don’t understand. You said it felt wrong …”