Page 63 of The Summer Escape
“Hi!” Kit called, making his way through the throng.
“It seems as though she enjoyed it,” Beth said. “Was she good?”
“Yes.” He high-fived Ellie. “She was great. No problem at all.”
“Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome. I’ve got to run to the train, but I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Can we go on the train?” Ellie asked.
“No!” Beth said quickly. “Let’s leave Kit alone for a bit.”
He grinned and told them to have a good afternoon before dashing away.
“Am I going to the kids’ club tomorrow too?” Ellie asked as they set off along the road.
“Yes. You can go all week if you want to?”
“I do want to. My friend Steph will be there and she said sometimes they have a party.”
“That sounds fun.”
They ambled back towards home, with Ellie keeping up a steady stream of chatter along the way.
“Can we see Trystan today?” she asked when they were approaching the row of cottages.
“I think he’s busy with work.”
“I’ll ask him.” Before Beth could intervene, Ellie had set off at a run, turning onto the path at Peswera Cottage and standing on her toes to reach the bell.
“Sorry,” Beth said when Trystan answered. “I told her you were working but she took off before I could stop her.”
He barely seemed to register her words and bent to Ellie instead. “How was the kids’ club? Can you swim yet?”
“Not yet, but Kit showed me how to do froggie arms and legs.”
“That’s a good start. How about we get our swim things on and go down to the beach so you can show me what you learned?”
She beamed at him, then turned back to Beth. “Trystan and me are going swimming. You can come too if you want?”
“Thanks for the invite,” she said mockingly, then smiled at Trystan. “Are you sure you have time?”
“For this little lady, I’ll make time.” He tickled Ellie’s tummy until she ran away from him, giggling loudly.
Beth, meanwhile, was torn between being touched by how sweet he was with Ellie and feeling jealous that he’d make time for her but hadn’t made time for Beth that morning.
Half an hour later she was sitting on the sand at the shore, enjoying the feel of gentle waves sweeping up her legs with hypnotic regularity. Trystan was further out with Ellie, holding her tummy while she frowned in concentration as she swept her arms and legs through the water.
Instead of being soothed by the surroundings and the company, Beth’s stomach was tied in knots. She liked Trystan too much, she realised with a bolt of clarity about the constant buzz of anxiety that refused to leave her. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to, and while it should have been thrilling to meet someone who set her heart racing and induced butterflies in her stomach every time he looked at her, it actually made her question everything. Did he feel the same? Why hadn’t he made time for her that morning? Would she get some time alone with him that evening? And what exactly was it between them anyway – just a holiday romance or something more?
“Mummy!” Ellie shouted, breaking her thoughts. She was standing on Trystan’s shoulders. “Watch me!”
“I’m watching,” she called back, then laughed when Ellie jumped into the water. Trystan immediately reached out to her, holding her afloat while Ellie’s arms and legs kicked furiously under the water.
“Be careful,” Beth called, then was immediately annoyed with herself. She drove herself crazy with how much she worried about everything.
“You look very serious this afternoon,” Trystan said when he came and sat beside Beth, so close that their legs touched. Ellie ran up the beach and parked herself by the bag of beach toys.