Page 77 of The Summer Escape
“I want to be back a few days before school starts to give us time to unpack and make sure we have everything ready for school.”
He moved his head so his breath tickled her face when he spoke. “Do you think we’ll stay in touch?”
“I … um … I think so … will we?”
He pressed his lips together. “If you want to?”
His hesitation made her heart race. “I can’t imagine leaving and never speaking again …” She sat up, holding the bedding against her chest as she tried to read his features. Behind his tight smile she had no idea what was going on in his head. “What were you thinking would happen when we go back home?”
“I don’t know. I just wondered what you were thinking…”
“Everyone knows long-distance relationships don’t work. Right?”
He propped himself on an elbow. “I’ve heard that.”
“And you’ve just come out of a serious relationship … so I wouldn’t imagine you were looking for anything more than a holiday fling…”
His eyes brightened. “I can’t say I was even looking for that.”
“I’m like a rebound thing, no doubt!” She was fairly sure jokes were the only way she could make it through the conversation.
“Definitely.” He trailed a finger over her back. “And you made it very clear that you think kissing is a good antidote to grief …”
“Absolutely. It’s the only reason I’ve ever kissed you!” Her smile died on her lips. “Seriously. I’ve had an amazing summer with you. But we have such different lives. And it’s not just us to think of. I don’t want Ellie to be unsettled.”
“We still have more than a week here,” she said, running a hand through Trystan’s hair. “I don’t even want to think about going home. I just want to enjoy the rest of our holiday.”
“Me too.” He sat and kissed her neck, then reached for his clothes when she began to dress.
“Are you cold?” she asked, giving him a sidelong glance.
“No. Thought I’d walk you home.”
“You don’t need to.”
“I know. But all your talk of leaving has depressed me. I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”
The last week of Beth’s holiday was as relaxed and easy as all the previous weeks. Every day felt wonderfully carefree as they explored the islands on foot and by boat. On the days when Trystan had to work, Beth felt as though she was wishing the day away until he joined them in the evening. She did her best to avoid thinking about the future, but it got more and more difficult as the days slipped away. It wasn’t even just Trystan she was going to miss, but Mirren and Kit and the rest of the family too.
Trystan took the entire day off on the day before they were due to fly home. The weather was glorious and they spent a lazy morning in the garden, then moved down to the beach after lunch. After splashing around in the sea for a while, Trystan helped Ellie build a sandcastle, then left her to fetch water for the moat and joined Beth to lie on their towels in the sun.
“I really ought to go and start packing soon,” Beth said, propping herself on her elbow to look over at Trystan, who’d closed his eyes.
“Later,” he muttered.
“I’m not going to have much time later if everyone’s coming over for dinner.”
“Don’t bother then,” he said, his face looking perfectly peaceful. “Stay here instead.”
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Don’t tempt me.”
“We’d easily find jobs,” he said wistfully. “A guy I went to school with has been trying to get me to work at his travel firm for ages, so that would be me sorted. We’d figure out a way for you to make a living from your photography here. There’s a good school for Ellie. I already have a house. It’d be very easy.”
“You’ve definitely made it sound very easy.” She gazed at the contours of his face, happily losing herself in his little daydream for a moment.