Page 8 of Always Her Cowboy
“You look good.”
I smile bashfully. “So do you.”
“Have you seen our newest addition?” She gestures toward the expresso machines behind the counter.
“When did this happen?”
“A few months ago. Come and show us how it’s done.”
The thought of touching the black and chrome machine makes me jumpy. I lick my lips. “Oh. You don’t want me to do that. I’m rusty.”
Her brown eyes bore into mine, and her smile slips. “I couldn’t keep this one away from coffee growing. I was worried that it would stunt her growth.” Mama smirks. “Maybe it did a little.”
“Hey, five foot seven is a perfectly respectable height,” I defend myself.
She laughs. “Come. Show us how it’s done.”
I lick my dry lips. I haven’t touched a coffee machine in almost two years. Mama grabs my hand softly and leads me behind the counter. It sits mere inches away, an inanimate object that reads like a nemesis. “It’s always important to remember where you began. I’ll never forget how excited you were when you got your part-time job at the coffee shop and learned how to do art.”
I smile as the memories flood my mind. “You came home to regroup and heal. Let this be your first step.” I give the nod and step forward. This was about taking my life back. Rejecting everything I once loved would let him win. I run my hand over the black and chrome machine, reacclimated myself briefly, before I fill the handle portafilter with fresh grounds and use the press to compact it. Attaching it, I inhale the rich aroma as I grab the mug and enjoy the process of creating a strong cup of flavorful coffee.
Muscle memory takes over as I fill the mug, and move on to the milk. Gathering the foam, I carefully arrange the fluff and grab chocolate sauce to highlight carefully. Using a spoon to feather in details. I step back pleased as I hand the Corgi topped latte over to her.
“Oh my God, he’s so cute!” Fey gushes.
Mama nods her approval. “There’s my bean. This is incredible. Do you think you could teach us how to do something like this?”
“I’d really like that actually,” I admit, surprised by how cathartic the entire experience was. The past few years had been hell, but my history with coffee ran deeper than that. The hazy brain fog that plagued me is slowly lifting. I’m reclaiming the energy spent on functioning in survival mode for something more.
All the energy I’d been channeling into survival mode could go elsewhere.
“We’ll set something up,” Mama assures me.
“Daph, you have visitors out back requesting your presence,” Dale says.
I can’t stop the grin that spreads across my lips at the sound of the small voices calling for me.
“Aunt Daphne!”
“Well, I can’t keep my godsons waiting, can I?” I wink at him as I spin on my heels and wave Ellis toward me. Slipping into the back, I walk around the large metal rolling racks, past the row of industrial silver mixers, and past the bakers setting timers on ovens, pulling fresh bread, and making pasties on the table across the room. They’ve expanded since they bought the space beside the store and renovated it. I spot the two curly-haired brunettes ready to burst at the seams in the doorway in front of their father, Henry. Noah and Ethan launch themselves at me, and I laugh as I wrap my arms around their backs and hug them close.
“Hello, boys.”
“We missed you,” the two say in unison.
“I missed you too. You have me now, so we can spend a lot of time together.”
They both begin to talk at the same time, and I laugh.
“One at a time, kiddos.” Their energy and joy are contagious.
“Do you want to come with us to the park? We’re going with our best friend. Dad said we could stop by on the way and say Hi.”
I look up and see the inquisitive brown-haired boy stepping out from Henry’s shadow.Braxton Raglin.I’d know New’s miniature anywhere.I offer the boy a smile, and the corner of his lip twitches upward politely. Hands shoved in his pockets and shoulders drawn up, he radiates pain. My heart aches for the young boy caught up in an impossible situation.
“Who’s your best friend, guys?” I ask.
“Aunt Daphne, this is Braxton. Braxton, this is our Aunt Daphne. She’s so much fun.”