Page 13 of Bluebird
“We had roast lamb,” I stated. It was Luke’s favourite.
He grimaced. “Really?”
“And apple pie,” I added smugly.
I tried to contain my smile, but it crept out anyway.
“So…I see you found your guitar?” Luke’s left eyebrow rose and my cheeks burned.
I cleared my throat. “Yeah, thanks.”
“You rushed out of here pretty darn quickly this morning, I thought maybe you didn’t like it.”
I held my guitar protectively to my chest. “What?” I gasped. “No…I love it.”
Luke let out a laugh. “Well, that’s a relief. I’m not sure the shop would be too happy if I returned it with that bluebird etching.”
A small smile crept over my face at his attempt to amuse me.
Luke shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his feet. “Look…about our little mishap…”
“We don’t need to talk about it,” I blurted too quickly.
He watched me intensely as I rose to my feet. “Okay, well, I just didn’t want it to be awkward between us.”
I focused on brushing the excess strands of hay from my legs to avoid eye contact. “Why would it be awkward?” I could think of a million reasons.
Luke ran his hand through his hair. “Well, it was…unexpected.”
“That it was.” I laughed, tensely. Bending down, I picked up my notebook to leave. “I should really get going, I have school tomorrow.”
“Sure, okay,” he replied quietly. “I keep forgetting you’re still at school.”
I took a few steps towards the door, before Luke gently slid his hand around my wrist to stop me.
“Are you okay?” he asked, holding on until I answered.
I forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine…really.”
His concerned frown suggested he knew I was lying, but he let me go.
As he stepped aside to let me pass, I swivelled back to face him. “Thank you so much for my present, Luke. It’s the most beautiful and thoughtful gift I have ever been given, and it means more to me than you could ever know.”
Luke’s eyes penetrated mine and his jaw twitched. “My pleasure,” he said, hoarsely.
Our eyes lingered on each other for a moment longer, before I turned and ran back to the house.
* * *
Luke kept his distance over the next few days. He must have sensed I needed some space. I couldn’t be around him without my nervous system overloading. My heart would race, blush would sear my cheeks, and I would suddenly become all self-conscious and tongue-tied. It was tiring.
I felt like I was six again. Crushing on my brother’s best friend. But this time it wasn’t just because he shielded me from my big brother’s evil antics, or shared his ice cream with me. This was different, and I wondered if he could possibly feel the same way.
* * *
Just as Mum predicted, Jake called a week later.