Page 16 of Bluebird
My adrenaline had me home from school in record time. I quickly showered, dressed, and spent a little more time on my hair than usual. Something I never did, except when Jake was around.
Luke was waiting for me in the barn when I arrived. We grinned at each other as I approached, but my smile faded when I noticed something unusual about him.
“Where’s your guitar?” I asked disappointedly.
He scrunched his face. “Sorry, I didn’t think we were playing today. I thought you wanted to see what I’ve been working on?”
“Yeah. I thought…” I paused mid-sentence as Luke held out a CD.
I reached out and took the disc. “What’s this?” I asked, flipping it over and over in my hands.
“It’s a demo.”
I was too puzzled to speak.
Luke smiled at my obliviousness. “Your demo, Blue.”
When I didn’t respond, he started rambling nervously. “I know, I shouldn’t have done it without you, but all your recordings were perfect. I was planning to surprise you after graduation, but I guess Nan couldn’t help herself. So now you have something to send to record companies…and I may have already sent a few.”
“What?” I was still processing everything he said, but the last part caught my attention. Anger swelled up inside.
“Argh,” he groaned, kicking some hay across the barn floor. “I knew you would get mad.” He placed his hands on his hips and sighed, keeping his eyes lowered. “You’re too talented to stay in this town.”
When he finally lifted his eyes to meet mine, I didn’t bother hiding my hurt expression. “So, you want me to leave?”
“Blue…” His voice softened. “I just want you to try, that’s all.”
“Well…maybe I don’t want to leave Fairleigh.”
Luke chuckled. “You’ve been talking about this since you were ten. What’s changed?”
I clenched my jaw and looked away in irritation.
Luke crossed his arms and frowned. “Is it Jake?”
“No,” I bit.
“Because he’s no good for you, Natalie, he will only hold you back.” He never used my full name. Ever.
“This has nothing to do with Jake,” I snapped again, as tears burst from my eyes. But it had everything to do with Luke.
Luke wrapped his arms around me in an instant. I tried to resist, but soon gave in and melted into his broad embrace. His hand ran down the waves of my hair to soothe me and I breathed him in. For a moment, it was easy to let myself pretend his affection was something more than brotherly comfort.
“I’m sorry.” His voice caressed my ear. “I know it’s scary, but you need to do this. They’re going to fall over themselves to get to you…who wouldn’t?”
Luke took my face between his giant hands and wiped away my tears. It reminded me of all the times he picked me up after a fall when I was little. Nate always laughed and ran off, but Luke made sure I was okay and piggy backed me home. I smiled fondly at the memory.
Luke swallowed and warily took a step back. “What did you think I was going to show you tonight?” he asked curiously.
“I saw all the sheet music at your place. Dawn said you were writing a song.”
Luke sighed and dropped his gaze to the ground, looking defeated. “Oh…that…”
“I thought you were going to play it for me.”
“It’s not finished.”
My face brightened. “I can help you.”
“You have no idea,” he muttered.
“So, what is it about?” I pried, feeling hopeful we could work on it together.
Luke chuckled at my enthusiasm before turning serious. “Sorry Blue, but I think I need to finish it on my own.”
I offered a quick nod and a forced smile of acceptance, but it hurt.
“Don’t worry. If I ever finish it, you’ll be the first to hear it, I promise.”
This should have warmed my heart, but his torn expression made me feel like that day would never come.