Page 34 of Bluebird
“Mands, I want you to meet my sister, Natalie. Natalie, this is my girlfriend, Amanda.”
“Hi, Amanda, I’ve heard a lot about you.” I smiled, greeting her in a warm hug. In truth, I hadn’t heard much about her at all. Nate had so many girlfriends over the years, it was hard to keep up. But there was something in Nate’s expression that made me believe this one was different.
“H—hi! I’ve heard so much about you too. From Nate that is, not from magazines or anything…” She flustered over her words and her cheeks turned pink.
“Well, don’t believe what you read…or what Nate tells you.” I winked, trying to ease her nerves.
She laughed, appreciatively. “I can’t believe you actually came.”
“I couldn’t miss my big brother’s 30th birthday,” I exclaimed, affectionately wrapping my arm around Nate’s waist.
“It’s such a great surprise. Thank you, Natalie,” she said.
Amanda and I chatted for a while, whilst Nate greeted his other guests. I learnt that she lived over in Maisy Creek, the next town away, and worked for her family’s business. My dad had been ordering all his cattle food from them for years, but it was only once Amanda took over the deliveries that Nate caught a glimpse of her. He relentlessly pursued her until she gave in and agreed to go out with him. Three years later and they still appeared to be very much in love.
I could see why Nate was so bewitched. Not only was she beautiful, she appeared to be really sweet and genuine, yet had a fiery spark in her that I admired.
A few familiar faces greeted me throughout the night, and many unfamiliar faces told me they were big fans of my music.It was lovely to discover I had such a big following in my home country. I left Australia very early on in my pursuit of a successful music career, so my fan base was predominantly American.
I finally found a vacant stool at the bar and made every effort to blend in. I was tiring of making small talk with strangers about my career and personal life, but it didn’t leave much room for anything else. My future was stuck in an undetermined holding pattern and I didn’t fancy thinking about it, let alone discussing it with strangers.
My parents and Nate were busy playing host, and Luke was tied up behind the bar, serving eager patrons who were making the most of the bar tab. I sat there inconspicuously sipping my gin and tonic, quietly watching everyone enjoying themselves around me.
* * *
Once the bar quietened down somewhat, Luke served himself a beer and pulled up a stool next to me.
He leant in to speak, so I could hear him over the music. “Hey there, stranger.”
“Hey,” I smiled, placing my drink back onto the bar.
“Sorry, it’s been a little hectic tonight,” Luke said, nodding towards the bar.
“You know, I could have helped with that. You may recall that I’m pretty good behind a bar,” I smirked, remembering how much Luke hated seeing me serve beers.
His jaw flinched and he shook his head. “Ha, ha, not a chance.”
“So, how’s business going? Still the number one pub in Fairleigh?” I asked, cheekily. There had only ever been one pub in Fairleigh.
“Yeah, it’s going okay. How’s everything going with you?” His curious eyes explored mine.
“Please tell me Nate is paying for all this?” I asked, evading his question.
Luke raised his eyebrows at my avoidance, but let it slide. He shrugged indifferently. “Ah, I don’t mind…”
“Luke! No, let me pay.”
“Blue, he’s like a brother to me. I’m happy to,” he argued, warmly observing Nate entertain his guests.
“You’re all impossible,” I huffed, folding my arms.
Luke smirked in amusement and turned back to me. “Why’s that?”
“Every time I offer to pay for things, I’m knocked back. It drives me insane.” I had plenty of money and would happily share my wealth with them if they would let me.
Luke pondered me for a moment before he spoke. “Perhaps you could give them something else,” he suggested, before taking a sip of his beer.
I pouted. “Like what?”