Page 51 of Bluebird
My heart sank and I tried to hide my welling eyes. “This isn’t my home anymore, Luke,” I sighed. I didn’t know where my home was.
Luke cupped my cheek and turned my head back towards him. His eyes burned into mine as he wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. “This will always be your home.” He kissed away another tear as it slid down my cheek. His lips instinctively found mine and we dissolved into each other.
It felt like another world, hidden amongst Luke’s cosy bed sheets and his protective arms. A world I never wanted to leave. A sense of calm rolled through my body and soul, and I soon passed out from exhaustion.
* * *
I stirred awake before Luke and quietly checked the bedside clock. It was close to seven, but I had to peek out the bedroom window to confirm whether it was night or day. Luckily it was dark outside, as I would’ve had a hard time explaining to my parents—or worse Nate—why my car was still parked at Luke’s place the next morning.
Finding my underwear, I tiptoed down the stairs to the laundry. I grabbed my dress from the clothes dryer and slipped the warm material over my body. Ambling around the quiet house, I couldn’t help but absorb Luke’s beautiful craftsmanship. If only Dawn could see her house now.
I hesitated at the music room door, before finding just enough courage to go in and sit at the piano.
I lifted the fall board and tapped a few keys. Of course, the tuning was spot on. I expected no less from Luke. Taking a deep breath, I rolled my shoulders and positioned my fingers on the keys. I began to play Dawn’s favourite piece of music, and it seemed to fit my mood perfectly. The music magically filled the house, and I could sense her presence.
As I played the last few notes, Luke’s hands slid over my shoulders and brushed my hair to one side. A euphoric sensation spread through my body as he lay gentle kisses onto my exposed neck.
“I haven’t been able to listen to that piece of music in years,” Luke murmured, as he nibbled my ear.
My fingers paused over the keys, and a pang of guilt ran through me. I had unknowingly inflicted a painful reminder of his nan onto him. “I’m so sorry, Luke, I should have asked.”
“Don’t be, it’s beautiful. You play exactly like her. I honestly thought I was dreaming when I woke up.”
The front door opened and Nate hollered out for Luke. We unconsciously jumped apart, and Luke quickly left to greet him.
A minute later, my brother appeared in the doorway of the music room, with Luke standing closely behind.
“I should have guessed I would find you in here,” he said, scanning the room.
I smiled tightly. “Hey, Nate,” I said, diverting my gaze over his shoulder. Luke winked and I swiftly looked down at the keys to hide my smile.
“I just came over to invite you guys to the pub for tea and a few brews—that’s if you have any energy left,” he added and my heart sank. “From all the sightseeing?”
Luke and I laughed in relief, and Nate smiled obliviously.
“Um, sure…Luke?” I eyed him cautiously.
Luke nodded, but his jaw flinched. I guess he had alternative plans for us.
“Oh, and seeing as we are celebrating…do you think you could drive us?” Nate grinned.
He always had a hidden agenda.
I laughed. “Sure, but you can find your own way home.”
Nate shrugged. “Don’t I always?”
* * *
Luke and I drove separately to the pub. He took Nate, and I offered to pick up Amanda from her house in Maisy Creek. I didn’t mind the drive, as I wanted a chance to get to know her better. In the brief time we had alone in the car, Amanda nervously asked me to be a bridesmaid for their wedding. I was delighted and she was thrilled I accepted.
We met the boys a short time later in our old booth, chatting merrily, with half-drunk beers in their hands. Luke stood up as we approached and offered to get us a drink. We placed our orders and Amanda slid in next to Nate, greeting him with an extra-long—awkward for me—kiss. Not knowing where to look, I glanced over at Luke. He was leaning against the bar, waiting for Dan to pour his drinks. When he caught my eye, he beamed at me.
“He’s in a really good mood tonight,” Nate said, narrowing his eyes after catching our exchange.
Blood rushed to my face and I immediately changed the subject. “So, Amanda. Stripper or no stripper?”
She giggled and Nate spat out his beer in surprise. “What?”